Saturday 26 December 2015

Northland Christmas holiday

Green bush pushing
vivid blue
sky and sea
mirroring and expanding
a continuous color palette
thick and mysterious
in the depths
against rocks
where purple and white jellyfish
float aimlessly in communities
with stragglers
left stranded
on the high tide mark
soft and slippery underfoot.

A pair of orange beaked and eyed,
black plumed birds
defend their nest
with bold attack
towards intruders.
Sticks deter them
but their shrieking complaint
is not silenced
until we leave their territory.

The incoming tide
over hot pale sand
creates warm shallows.
Out further the ocean currents
are cold and unforgiving.

The tiny boat bounces over
the wind tipped waves
back to the sweep of beach.

Place of blessed earth
and rest
and re-creation.

Sunday 20 December 2015


Let's take a moment
to reflect on what has passed
and is yet to come.

The year with all
its troubles and triumphs
in somewhat unequal measures.

The grace bestowed
that we are still alive
not by luck, or chance, or good fortune
but by the sustaining hand
of our Creator.

Let's take a moment
to reflect
on what went wrong
what went right
and our ability to distinguish the two.

Let's take a moment
to be thankful
to be grateful for every unnoticed
unannounced blessing that overtook us
and we took for granted.

Let's take a moment
to remember what we're here for.
To celebrate a birth.
God flesh wrapped
coming to us
through a Virgin,
all powerful
totally dependent on His creation.

Let's take a moment
to pause
to remember
to say thank you
for our Savior's birth.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Forgive me

Forgive me.
I don't know why I said that.
It was

Not meditated

You hurt me
so I hurt you back.

It should make me
feel better
but it doesn't.
There's a hollow ringing of pain.

We agreed we would
be civil
at this time of goodwill.
Peace to all mankind
except those closest
with too much

Forgive me.
I don't know why I did that.
It was

I thought I was over it.
I thought I had forgiven you
but the memory
has festered
and wept.

Forgive me.
I choose
to forgive you.

Saturday 5 December 2015


Come aside with Me
for a while
You are too busy.

You cannot see the beauty around you
only the things that need to be done
You cannot hear the birds
as they take time to sing.
Your mind only registers the sirens
amidst the traffic noise.

You are too busy.
I created you
to find rest in Me
and you have forgotten
how to rest.
It is a faintly remembered memory
of something wonderful
yet absent.
A treasure loved and longed for
without a place to stay.

You need to rest.
It is how you were created
Spirit, soul, body.

Sometimes you feel like a crumpled shirt
needing to be ironed smooth again.

Come aside with Me
for a while.

Saturday 28 November 2015


Grace like rain.
It falls on the land
in ever increasing showers.
Dry dust becomes fruitful soil
as the Spirit softens hearts
made stone by years of pain.

Grace like rain.
It is falling all around you,
mingling with the tears
of those who weep for this nation
and others like it.

Grace like rain.
It torrents down
washing away evil
and all the filth attached to it,
causing faces to shine
with hope restored.

Grace like rain.
It comes to me softly
calling me onward
into His purposes,
falling in love
with Him again.

Grace like rain.
It's coming.
Don't miss it.
Stand with arms outstretched
to receive it all.

Grace like rain.
Ever near
and everlasting

Grace without end

Friday 13 November 2015

Word Received 14.11.2015

Jesus says Welcome into My presence.
Know that you are co-heirs with Me
and all that I have accomplished through the cross
is available to you by faith.
Come up and be seated in the heavenly places
where you can rule and reign
and bring My Kingdom into the earth.
Be confident in who you are as sons and daughters of the most high God,
heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.
Do not limit Me by the level of your faith
but allow Me to raise your faith
and continue raising it
until all My purposes are accomplished in the earth.
Lift your eyes to Me and see
what I have for you today and every day.
My love and favor is upon you
My beloved ones, says the Lord.

Saturday 31 October 2015

Word Received 26.10.2015

 Seek Me for who I am and not what I can do for you.
 Seek My face and not My hand of blessing and favor.
 Seek My presence and not just the gifts that flow in Me.
 Seek me with your hearts and you will find Me in these days.
 For I am looking for those who love;who love Me,
 who love My people and who love the lost and hurting world.
 People are crying out to be loved,
 to be set free from the fear that consumes them.
 It is My love that will make a way in this nation
 into the hearts and lives of the people around you.
 But first you must know the intimacy of My love yourself
 for you cannot share what you do not know.
 Seek after Me and receive My love
 My people in these days, says the Lord.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Word received 2.8.2015

Get out your swords and use them
for I have given you My Word
as the sword of the Spirit to wield in these days.
Your swords are not meant to be
tucked away safely.
They are for using in battle.
Realize the power and authority you have
when you speak My Word
over situations
and when you battle in prayer.
You are not powerless
so do not act as if you are.
There is a great contention in the spirit.
A great pressing through that will
bring release of My purposes in the earth.
Intercede before Me for this nation
for My ears are open to your cry.
Do not remain silent
but let your cry reach My throne room
for I shall surely answer in this day.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Word Received 26.7.2015

Awaken to the new time
and the new season that I am bringing forth.
Put off the old habits
and clothe yourself in my righteousness.
Do not waste time on things of the flesh
but walk in My Spirit and be fruitful.
Enlarge the borders of your territory
for I am giving increased revelation
to My sons and daughters
so they can walk in their inheritance
and have dominion on the earth.
Do not allow the horror of the things
you see and hear numb you to those around you
for My people must be salt and light
in increasing measure in this day.
Do not let the attack of the enemy weary you
for I will redeem everything he has intended for harm
and build strength and resilience in My people.
Stand firm in your faith
and stand firm on My Word
which will not change
and will prevent you from faltering.
You are on the threshold of great blessing
and greater revelation.
Do not hold back but press into Me My people
and see My Glory manifest in these days.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Word received 6.6.2015

There is a sound rising up in this place that will be carried out to many nations. It is the sound of My Spirit joining with the sound of the land. It is a sound that people have not heard before but as soon as they hear it, it will be completely familiar to them. The sound that I am raising up in this place has a counterpart in heaven where mysteries are spoken and glory is revealed. It will be a sound so attractive that even people who do not yet know Me will be drawn into its hearing, and through hearing they will be set free. The sound will be different for different people just as I speak My heart to each individual, but the sound when heard by many will be the same. The sound cannot be replicated by human means for it is the sound of My Spirit, and you will know without doubt it is Me. The earth is beginning to resonate with the sound and you will hear it in this place in the days to come, says the Lord.

Word received for Kaeo Church 6.6.2015

Hear what the Spirit says to the church in Kaeo. Have I not brought you forth out of the womb of My purposes? Have I not nursed you and caused you to stand on your feet? Hear today what I will declare over you. That I will show forth My glory from Kaeo and My praise shall go throughout the earth. For I am digging a well in the Spirit and out of that well will come the sound of many waters. Water to satisfy the parched earth, water to satisfy the parched soul, water to bring life to places that have remained barren and desolate for many years. I am bringing the sound of water to satisfy the thirsty and many who are thirsty will travel to the well of My Spirit in this place. They will come and will not go away disappointed for I will satisfy them, says the Lord. No one shall be known in this place except for Me and no name shall be raised up except My own. I will be glorified in your midst and cause My name to be known in generations to come. I have caused the former things to come to pass and will cause these to come to pass by My Spirit, says the Lord.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

God the Father

Our Father says
He does not want His children begging for bread
when He has all the riches of heaven
and His Kingdom
to pour out to them.
He doesn't want His children
to live in poverty of spirit,
to be paupers.
He wants them to recognize their place in His family
as sons and daughters of the King.
He wants them to recognize the gifts and treasures
He has stored up for them,
and He wants us to just accept them
and thank Him for them.
We do not need to beg for them
from an owner of an orphanage,
wondering if he will
be in a good mood to give us a little.
God the Father delights
to pour out His blessings on us,
to lavish them upon us
because of His great goodness,
not because we have done
or need to do anything
to deserve it.
His love is extravagant
and extreme.
His love is strong, passionate,
fiercely protective,
delighting, rejoicing over us.
We have been fed a lie
that we need to earn His favour.
It is impossible to earn it
because we already have it.
We have His favour
Live in it,
live like you believe it.
Rejoice in it for His favour will never fail,
never diminish,
never change,
constant for eternity,
constantly with Him for eternity.

Friday 8 May 2015


Mothers are marvelous beings    they can see from in front and behind
They know what their child is doing    almost all of the time.
They are caring, compassionate,    cuddly and fun
Only grumpy and grouchy    when having to run.
Their smiles are so warm    meaning a million words
Of love and affection    and you are so heard.

They believe and have hope   in most difficult times
Hearing the night clock     through all its shortest chimes.
They rejoice and celebrate      in victories won
And they’re there for the bad times     and working through sums.
They are constantly busy     and never sit down
Except when they’re visiting friends     or at the Dentist’s in town.

They glory in triumph      and weep for defeat
And make sure your clothes     are tidy and neat.
They are marvelous cooks     and even when not
Food is flavored with love      as it comes from the pot.
They are happy and kind     in the midst of a storm
And can see in your soul     if you’re feeling forlorn.

Mothers are wonderful      as you can see

God made them that way       for you and for me.

Word Received 2.5.2015

A time of increased devastation is coming
on the earth and has already come.
Disaster upon disaster shall come 
but do not let your hearts grow cold
towards those who are in despair.
Pray for My will and My kingdom
to come on the earth
with a fervency you have not known yet.
Cry out to me with true intercession,
standing in the gap for those who do not
yet know how to call on me as Father.
I will be blamed for the catastrophes
but I am not the one causing them.
The earth is groaning and laboring, 
all creation waits for the sons and daughters
of God to be manifest
and to wield their rightful authority on the earth.
Your prayers can bring change on a level
that is as yet not imagined by you.
You do not yet believe the authority
I have given you to bring
My kingdom onto the earth.
Rise up in that authority and declare My purposes 
so that the people who do not yet
know of My love shall come to Me.
Creation is groaning to see My life in you brought forth.

Allow it to come and do not resist
the move of My Spirit in these days,” says the Lord.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Word Received 11.4.2015

Be quick to respond to My Spirit's
leading in these days.
For I am doing a quick work
and I need My people to walk in step with me.
There will be a time of walking
and there will be a time of running
in my purposes.
You cannot wait for other things
to be done
for you must seek My Kingdom first.
The other things may be necessary
but the advancing of My kingdom must be center stage in your lives.
Be consumed by My presence
Be consumed by My love
Be consumed by My heart for the lost,
and walk in that passion
and run in that purpose.


My grandmother Constance watches me.
Part of the great cloud of witnesses
she takes tea with Florence Nightingale and Madame Curie
on her terrace in heaven.
She nursed me through all my childhood illnesses,
my parents time tied with their own patients.
Glorious seasons of undivided attention
and chicken soup flavored love.
I lay in state in her downstairs bedroom
her ear attentive to my smallest wish.
Illness became blessing
and I reveled in it,
reluctant to return to health and school
where harsher voices undermined my spirit.
She smelt of Lily of the Valley
and her heavily powdered cheek
would brush mine
with complete acceptance.
Her death bruised much deeper than I expected
and waves
then ripples of grief
journeyed with me.
More than anyone else in my childhood life she showed me God
Richly perfumed
unconditional love
and grace poured on pain.