Be prepared for turbulent times for the speed of change will be shocking for those who are not ready and have not taken heed to My Word. Disasters will ensue and nations will fail in their ability to respond. There will be so many birth pangs happening at the same time around the Earth people will not know which to focus their attention on. The flood of events is coming that will sweep away what has been before. Nothing can stop it and no one will have a solution. Governments will try to band together but they will not see a way through the chaos. Evil will rage and peoples' hearts will fail them. Be strong in My Word and stand in the authority of it. Clothe yourselves in it and wrap it around you. Never let yourselves be separated from it and do not discard the reading of it. It is truly alive and active and will give you support and nourishment in the days to come. It will be as a compass to steer you through the storms and to give you understanding of the times. Your heart will not fail for you see the future and you know what will happen in the end. Encourage others to read My Word even if they do not know Me yet for I will speak to them through it and they will find Me for themselves. Rejoice that I am with you by My Holy Spirit and do not fear in the days to come.
Sarah Elizabeth Angus Prophecy and Poetry
Prophecy and Poetry
Friday, 17 January 2025
Thursday, 9 January 2025
Be consistent in your walk with Me. Word Received 29.12.2024
Be consistent in your walk with Me and do not waver off onto other paths. The path is indeed narrow but it is clear and I will say this is the way walk in it. You will not know the confusion of others around you but you will know clarity and purpose. Many will become leaders in their spheres of influence because those around them won't know what to do. Repent of sins that beset you and slow you down. You are too precious to stumble over such things. Know how valuable you are in My sight and you will cast your sin away from you as something truly abhorrent. Walk in righteousness and you will know the peace and joy that manifests in My Kingdom. Walk in obedience and you will know greater fulfilment in your life than you have ever known. Make the daily choices to follow Me and I will lead you into a place of blessing that will touch others' lives too. This is My desire that you walk with Me in obedience to My Word and that you seek to know Me with all your heart and strength. I will pour out My love so you can love Me and love others with everything you have. My love for you is unending and you will see the fruit of it as you open your heart to Me. I have always loved you and My love for you will never end.
Saturday, 4 January 2025
I will establish My people and I will equip My people for acts of service. Word Received 29.12.2024
I will establish My people and I will equip My people for acts of service. They shall no longer look to others to do this but they will receive these things from My hands. They will not rest on the faith of others but they will find Me for themselves. I will walk with My people again in intimacy and they will be strong and do great exploits. There is a time coming when all the plans of men will fail but My plans and purposes will be established in the lives of believers all over the Earth. I am returning for a spotless Bride and this is the time of preparation, of sanctification and separation from the systems of this world. Draw aside from the crowd and find Me in the secret place. Seek Me and know My will. There will be a great divide in the thoughts and actions of those who know Me and those who do not. Proclaim My Word even in the midst of hostility for it will find good soil in hearts prepared and ready to receive My truth. You cannot change anyone in your own power but I can do all things by the power of My Holy Spirit. Do not give up hope concerning anyone for My arm is not too short to save. I will save and restore many lives through the obedience of My people to My Word. Read it and walk in it and you will rejoice to see many added to My Kingdom.
Wednesday, 1 January 2025
Judgment is coming on the nations who have persecuted My people without cause. Word Received 29.12.2024
Judgment is coming on the nations who have persecuted My people without cause. I will show My hand strong and rebuke the enemy away from My chosen people. There is not a single human cause who can resist My plan and purposes and everything in My Word and My will will come to pass. Watch My Word unfold on the Earth in these coming days and you will see the fulfilment of words spoken long ago. People will rail against Me for they do not understand the level of evil that has raised itself up against My people. I will cut off the attack of the enemy and raise a shield around My people. Darkness will not prevail against them and I will show Myself strong on their behalf. Do not listen to the proclamations of man but heed My Word for it shall come to pass.
Saturday, 28 December 2024
Do not underestimate the power of your prayers. Word Received 29.12.2024
Do not underestimate the power of your prayers. The enemy does not underestimate them and he will do everything he can to prevent prayer rising up from your life. Your prayers are powerful and effective and they do far more than you can see and know now but you will see their answers manifest in future days and you will rejoice with others who have also prayed. Do not remain silent in the spiritual realm but make proclamation of My goodness and take authority over situations through prayer. Do not be passive under the oppression of the enemy but cast it off with the help of others and see your prayers of agreement come to pass. You long for My glory to be manifest on the Earth. Your prayers can make a difference in ways you do not comprehend. Let My Spirit lead you as you pray and you will discover the power and effectiveness of agreement to My will. I desire for all My children to come to Me in prayer for I have so much to give them and I am waiting for them to ask. Know My blessing in these days as you seek Me you will find Me in the place of prayer.
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
I will pour out My Holy Spirit as a fire in believer's lives. Word Received 22.12.2024
I will pour out My Holy Spirit as a fire in believer's lives that cannot be quenched. They will not back down or be intimidated but will stand up to be counted worthy of persecution for My sake. They will not be timid anymore to declare the truth and they will not bow to the lies of the gods of this age. They will be bold and uncompromising when it comes to the truth and will declare the way of salvation to any who will hear them. They will be bold to declare light where there has been darkness and vision where there has been blindness. This is the day of My power being manifested on the Earth so that no one is in doubt of who I AM. Rejoice that you will see these days and walk in the fulness of them. This is for a season and that season is coming now.
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Seek My face and not My hand and you will find both. Word Received 22.12.2024
Seek My face and not My hand and you will find both for I am a loving Father who cares for you. I sent My Son Jesus to save and redeem humanity. I sent My Holy Spirit to empower those who believe in Me to do great works. You will do mighty works in My Name as you look to Me and listen to My leading. You will not be cast off or rejected from My presence and I am not too busy to hear your prayer. Do not see Me as you see those around you, do not limit Me to human expectation. I am the Lion of Judah and I will roar over My people in these days and awaken those who slumber. I will awaken them to fresh passion and purpose and put My fire in their hearts in such measure that it will not burn low again. Do not waste time with things that have no value. Store up treasure in heaven and you will rejoice in coming days. Have My Name on your lips telling others about My love so that they can seek My face and receive all that I have for them.
Saturday, 14 December 2024
I will come by the power of My Holy Spirit Word Received 15.12.2024
I will come by the power of My Holy Spirit and destroy the works of the enemy in people's lives. I will come with a mighty deliverance so that the enemy will flee before Me. Lives will be transformed and communities will be transformed by the presence of My Holy Spirit transforming lives. This is much more than can be done in human terms and people will realize I am working in their midst. The lies of the enemy have crippled many so they do not walk in freedom. I am coming to set them free and to set their feet upon the rock. Those with their lives built upon the rock will stand in the coming days when the storm surges wash away the sand that many have built their lives on. Believe in Me and My Word and you will see Me move in power as you minister in others lives. Nothing will be commonplace about the authority I am giving you in My Name. It is a holy thing to be treated with great honor and respect. Set yourselves apart and see My glory manifest in your lives setting others free.
Sunday, 8 December 2024
These are the days of great trials and tribulations coming on the Earth. Word Received 9.12.2024
These are the days of great trials and tribulations coming on the Earth. Those who do not know Me will be in deep terror of the things they are seeing around them. It will be as if the full force of evil is unleashed to cause destruction in many different ways. People will not understand and they will blame Me. I desire for My people to stand up and proclaim My goodness so others can turn to Me in these days. The enemy has fury but I have sovereign power to turn away disaster from your door. Cry out to Me for the lost and call out to Me for your protection and covering in these days. All hell has broken loose against humanity but My Word remains the same and all those who call upon My Name shall be saved. Do not keep silent but speak the truth concerning these days and do not hold back any details. My Word will go forth in power and accomplish that for which it was sent. Do not fear but believe that all things are possible in and through Me. I love you with an everlasting love and My favor and deliverance are around you in these coming days.
Wednesday, 4 December 2024
Behold I am coming soon and My reward is with Me. Word Received 5.12.2024
Behold I am coming soon and My reward is with Me. Do not labor for that which does not satisfy and has no eternal value. Look to the harvest fields and work to bring the harvest in. Many are perishing because they do not know Me. The enemy has blinded their eyes and dulled their hearts so that they cannot see or feel clearly. The enemy has brought such a spirit of confusion on the Earth that only by the power of My Holy Spirit can people see the truth of what is happening around them and the times that they are living in. Now is the time of proclamation of My truth. Now is the time to speak loudly and not be silent. The enemy will try to intimidate you to be quiet and to fear consequences if you step out in faith. Do not fear him but honor My Word and believe Me as I lead and guide you by My Holy Spirit. You will see signs and wonders and those who do not yet believe will see them too. They will be a sign to this generation that I am and My glory will touch many lives bringing transformation beyond that which you have seen. Now is the time for My power to be manifest and for people to recognize truly who I am. Believe in Me and you will see greater things. You will know My power and My presence in ways that will banish the darkness. Arise and shine for it is My light that will show forth in your lives. I am with you in these days and I will never leave you.
Monday, 25 November 2024
Behold the King is coming soon and every eye will see Him. Word Received 25.11.2024
Behold the King is coming soon and every eye will see Him. He will not be hidden in the secret place but every eye will see and every ear will hear. His voice will go out across the Earth and He will reign in righteousness. The enemy thinks he can withstand Him but he cannot for his defeat has already happened. Rejoice for your redemption is near. Do not fear but be of good courage for heaven is on your side as you step out in faith and honor the words of the One who sends you. This is the time of great harvest, of miracles that have not yet been seen, of gathering of multitudes into the Kingdom. This is the time when the enemy will be shown to be a defeated foe for he will not be able to restrict or contain My people as they advance into all that I have for them. These are days of My glory being manifested on the Earth. Do not be silent but tell others that I am coming soon.
Saturday, 16 November 2024
Be prepared for lockdowns that are coming unexpectedly. Word Received 16.11.2024
Be prepared for lockdowns that are coming unexpectedly. Be prepared and warn others to prepare so they are not left without the things they need. There will be sudden changes and shifts around the Earth and governments will try to respond to the situations using laws and regulations to try to keep their people safe. This will be a time of turbulence beyond anything that has been seen for many nations will be directly affected and all nations will be affected in some way. News media will struggle to keep up with the pace of events and the number of things happening at the same time which in former days would have been the only news at one time. People will be constantly checking updates and information and a sense of panic will consume many. Be prepared by reading My Word and be prepared to respond to what I am calling My people to do in these days. You do not live according to the agenda of man's purposes but according to My eternal plans for your lives and the lives of others. Do not fear. Do not be despondent. This is not the end of all things but these events will consume the thoughts of all who live on the Earth. This is the time for My people to arise in prayer and action to see My purposes outworked on the Earth. Do not be afraid for I am with you through these days.
Wednesday, 6 November 2024
Arise My people and warfare in prayer. Word Received 6.11.2024
Arise My people and warfare in prayer over this nation. The enemy thinks he has won but he has not for I have kept the best wine for now. I will pour out My Spirit in great measure upon My people so that those they are with will encounter Me. You will see signs and wonders among the commonplace activities of life if you are open to the leading of My Holy Spirit. You will not have to get people to come to church. You will reach them by the power of My Spirit where they are. Many who have been laboring in prayer will rejoice to see this day dawning in many places across the Earth. Be bold and do not shrink back for I will come in My glory and the enemy will be driven out of the places he has held as strongholds. I am coming by My Spirit in these days. Arise and be bold to declare My victory and you will walk it out in this time.
Monday, 28 October 2024
The coming wars. Word Received 26.10.2024
The coming wars will wrack the world with sadness and wreck the world with devastation. The call to war has gone out among the nations and those hungry for power will answer that call. The enemy will not rest until he has destroyed humanity but I have placed boundaries around him so he cannot succeed. He will rail against My chosen people and try to destroy them from the face of the Earth. The nations will indeed surround them and it will look like impossible odds. I am sovereign and I will do a supernatural work in this day for My people Israel that will astound the nations that come against them. It will be as David and Goliath and the giant will not prevail against My nation. My Name will be exalted as I show myself strong on their behalf and as I turn back the tide of evil upon itself. I will have my way in the nations even in the midst of wars and many who are displaced will find a new home among My people. I will change hearts and lives in a moment even in the face of rapid destruction of lands. I am the God of the impossible so do not despair in these coming days but look to Me for what I am doing on the Earth.
Friday, 25 October 2024
Recover that which has been lost to the enemy's hand. Word Received 10.10.2024
Recover that which has been lost to the enemy's hand. Stand in the gap and repent on behalf of people who have no understanding concerning their actions. Do not be quick to judge others without looking at your own lives to see if you fail in the same way. Look to My Word and read it diligently. Look to My truth and live according to it. Do not despise others but love them back to life and lay down your lives for each other according to My Word.
Saturday, 19 October 2024
Come to Me all who are heavy laden. Word Received 10.10.2024
Come to Me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. I will sustain you and uphold you at this time when you feel you do not have any more strength for the journey. I will be your strength and your strong tower, your sure hope and your refuge. Allow Me to comfort you and bring you solace in your time of loss and hurting. Let Me soothe your pain by My Spirit touching your life. You were never meant to do this journey alone so allow Me to accompany you and sustain you with My right hand. I am with you always even to the end of days.
Saturday, 12 October 2024
You will do great exploits in My Name. Word Received 10.10.2024
You will do great exploits in My Name as you are led by the power of My Holy Spirit. People will be astonished at signs and wonders done in My Name and I will be glorified throughout the world at this time. Unbelievers will cry out to Me and those who have taken My Name in vain will repent and will honor Me. I am doing a new thing that has not been seen in the Earth before this time. I will pour out My Spirit in a fresh way and some will doubt that My hand is in it. I will confirm My Word because I cannot contradict who I am. People will gather to seek Me and rejoice to see what I am doing through My people in these coming days. Do not resist My Holy Spirit or think that you have already seen everything there is to see. I am doing a new thing in this day, says the Lord.
Saturday, 5 October 2024
Humble yourselves before Me and I will protect you. Word Received 6.10.2024
Humble yourselves before Me and I will protect you from the fiery darts of the enemy that are set to take you out of My purposes for your lives. These are the days of intense attack for the enemy knows how powerful My people will become as they allow My Holy Spirit to flow through them freely. He will do everything in his power to dissuade you, disrupt you, and discourage you from seeking My will for your lives. Do not give up. Do not give in to his schemes for they are not enough to destroy you. Choose this day whom you will serve and do not waver from that choice. The darkness will become so thick you will feel it can choke you, but it cannot for My Spirit within you will give you strength and breathe My life into your innermost being. It is impossible for you to do the next part of the journey without Me. Some will try in their own strength and they will fail, making others afraid of their own ability to stand in this day. Do not be afraid but put your trust solely in Me and I will lead and guide you by My Holy Spirit and protect you in all your ways. Understand the hour you are living in and seek My wisdom in how to respond to it. My Word is your guide for I have already seen all that shall come to pass. Do not let go and do not give up. I am with you, says the Lord.
Tuesday, 24 September 2024
Do not look for peace outside of My Kingdom. Word Received 23.9.2024
Do not look for peace outside of My Kingdom for you will not find it there. I give the true peace that will sustain you through trauma and lift you up from the place of despair. I long for My people to seek My peace rather than seeking pleasure from the enemy's hand. That is hollow and hateful and will end up costing you far more than you are willing to pay. Come to Me and I will satisfy the ache in your souls and the pain in your minds. Your heart's desire can be found in My purposes and I will strengthen each of you for the journey that I have for you. Do not seek peace outside of My Kingdom for you will never find it there and you will die with disappointed dreams still unfulfilled. Look to Me and be alive in My purposes and you will rejoice in what I accomplish in and through you as My beloved people.
Friday, 13 September 2024
Go into all the world and tell them that I love them. Word Received 14.9.2024
Go into all the world and tell them that I love them. Go into all the world and share My love and speak My Name. Tell those who are near about My love and those that are far away. The enemy has sown lies into peoples' minds and hearts concerning Me. He has caused My image to be distorted to young and old alike. Redeem this time by showing those around you how much I love them. My Holy Spirit will lead and guide you as you step out in faith in My Word. I long to show signs and wonders on the Earth that will silence the harshest critics. People will still choose to reject Me but they will all know that I am real. My heart's desire is for My Bride to arise and fulfil her calling in preparation to receive Me and that time is coming soon for My return.
Monday, 9 September 2024
A massive earthquake is coming that will shake New Zealand to its core. Word Received 10th September 2021
Word Received 10th September 2021 Sarah Angus
A massive earthquake is coming that will shake New Zealand to its core. It will
displace people and entire communities will have to move. It will cause
businesses to fail and supply lines to be broken.
It will throw the country into turmoil and the government into chaos.
I will shake the Church out of its apathy and cause it to step forward in this day.
To be salt and light and to proclaim My message to all people.
I will have their attention as they look for answers and My people will have
opportunity to reach out to those around them.
Holy fear will fall on the churches and My people will repent of long standing sins
that have hindered their walk with Me.
I am not bringing this earthquake but I will use it for My glory to be displayed in
this land and as an opportunity for many to turn to Me.
Prepare yourselves so your preparation can bless others in these days.
Seek My face and know My peace in these coming days says the Lord.
My Spirit is coming to burn up the dross and to cause things to fall off lives that
have been a hindrance for so long.
Redeem this time for the days of opportunity are few and each one is precious.
Do not labor for that which does not satisfy but labor for My Kingdom and press
into My presence in a greater way than you have ever done.
There is a separation coming between those who truly know Me and those who
rely on someone else’s faith.
Draw close to Me in these days and I will show you marvelous things in My Word
that will strengthen your heart and prepare you for the days ahead.
You will redeem your time by prayer and the longer you pray the more time you
will have to accomplish all that I have for you.
My favor is around you and upon you as you draw close to Me and you will truly
help many others in these coming days.
Thursday, 5 September 2024
Do not let people push you off course. Word Received 4.9.2024
Do not let people push you off course thinking that their agendas are more important than the calling I have given you. No one else may see what I have called you to do but it is precious in My sight and I do not want you to be robbed of it. Stay true to what you know of My heart and My will for your life and you will achieve much in My Name. I indeed use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise so no one can boast except in My Name and My great power that I long to pour out into people's lives. Do not hold back when I give you an assignment even if it is not clear how you are going to accomplish it in the natural. If I have called you then I will enable you. Don't shrink back because of fear but step forward boldly into My promises and purposes for your lives and for others. This is the day of reckoning when some will make their stand for Me and some will not. Each will respond to the events and each will respond out of faith or out of fear. Trust Me and trust My Word for it tells you everything you need to navigate these times and these days.
Sunday, 1 September 2024
Within a month war will break out. Word Received 9.6.2024
Within a month war will break out across the world and it will not cease until the end of days. Peace will not last and treaties will be broken as soon as they are ratified. Nations will indeed rise up against nations and kingdoms will be divided against each other. Lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold because of what they see and hear. My chosen people will be attacked again and again and only by My mighty power and right hand will they be delivered. The help of man will be of no effect in the days to come. You must walk according to the leading of My Holy Spirit and not depart from it in any way. There is a curse coming upon the nations that will manifest in physical sores and the remedy will be harsher than the initial outcome. Do not submit to the medical authorities for they will be like the blind leading the blind. I will show supernatural wonders of healing that will defy the science that resists Me. I will be your healer and people will come to those who believe in My Name to be healed. There will be many opportunities for My glory to be seen on the Earth so do not hold back but step into everything that I have for you in these days.
Friday, 23 August 2024
Be glad that I am coming to sift the people who live on the Earth. Word Received 15.8.2024
Be glad that I am coming to sift the people who live on the Earth and be glad I am going to separate the wheat from the chaff. There cannot be mixture in My Kingdom and My people have lived with mixture for so long they cannot discern that which is not from Me with that which is of My kingdom. The mixture has caused confusion and I am coming to straighten out that which has been twisted and untangle that which has been knotted up in people's lives. Be glad that My refiner's fire can burn away the dross or else you would not be able to stand before Me. I am calling My people to holiness, to separation from the systems of the world and to rededicate their lives to Me at this time. Many will choose not to but for those who do there is eternal reward that you cannot comprehend. Be glad when the sifting occurs and know that your redemption is near. My eyes are upon those who fear Me and seek My face to do them good and not harm all their days even to the time of great trial that is coming upon the Earth shortly.
Saturday, 17 August 2024
Because you do not run after other things. Word Received 15.8.2024
Because you do not run after other things but you wait on Me I will bless you. I will lead you and guide you and be a hedge around you. I will comfort and sustain you and cause you to be blessed on the Earth. I will redeem the time for you so you can accomplish much and I will limit the attacks of the enemy so you can withstand them. I will do all these things because you put Me first in your life and because you do not go after the gods of this age who will soon be passing away. Stand on My Word and speak My Word to those who would hear it. Do not be discouraged when many reject you because you carry My name. Many more will hear My Word gladly and respond to it eagerly and with great abandon of what they have clung to before. You will see lives changed in an instant as My life enters into hearts that are open to Me. Rejoice that your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and rejoice that many more names will be written there in coming days.
Wednesday, 14 August 2024
Do not despair for I am with you. Word Received 8.8.2024
Do not despair for I am with you. Do not be downcast but know that I am there. I will not let the darkness overwhelm you or extinguish the fire that I have put inside you. Gather together with others whose flames are shining brightly and you will be made stronger. Iron does indeed sharpen iron and My people need to be among those who truly love and know Me and who walk in My purposes for their lives. Do not be ungrateful for the blessings you receive even if they appear commonplace to you. My sustaining power is over My people in this time of great darkness so that they are not overwhelmed. Be diligent to read My Word and do not let the enemy steal, kill and destroy in that area of your life. My Word is life to you and nourishment to your soul. You cannot remain strong without it so do not let other things crowd out your time with Me. Give Me the first fruits and everything else will be added to you that is needed for this journey. My faithfulness shall prevail in this day even when many depart from following Me. Many will be saved and delivered from the powers of darkness and those who love Me will rejoice to see it.
Thursday, 8 August 2024
The winds of change are coming. Word received 28.7.2024
The winds of change are coming to blow a new world order in. The governments of nations will bow to the antichrist system and martial law will become the norm in many places. Riots, looting, and damage to people and things will become a regular occurrence as all former respect for governing authorities is abandoned. Children will no longer be seen playing in the streets. Families will hide in fear as those who cause destruction roam outside. There will be a complete breakdown of law and order even in countries where that has not been seen before. Chaos is coming on a scale unseen and it will appear unbelievable that humans can behave in these ways. It is indeed demonic and those who are oppressed will truly not understand what they are doing. Sense will not make sense to them even if it is explained clearly. Their minds are lost to the darkness and their actions are controlled by the demonic realm. You will see the collapse of infrastructure and a reining in of public freedom that has not yet been experienced. This is the hour of the enemy's purposes on the Earth to kill, steal and destroy but he will not succeed for I will redeem all things and multitudes will be saved because these things will happen. Be ready to speak and pray, be ready to give account of your sure hope. I am calling you to be My witnesses as all these things unfold and as the enemy's intentions are made clear. Now is not the time for slumber but for fervent prayer for those in your midst who do not yet know Me. These days of change are coming soon.
Friday, 2 August 2024
Do not believe men when they say to you. Word Received 25.7.2024
Do not believe men when they say to you they have found a cure to this plague. This will not be a cure and will ensnare people who take it. It will seem like the sensible thing to do but there will be an evil outcome for those who journey in that direction. The enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy and this is his hour of fury on the Earth. There will be extraordinary sights and sounds and people will be amazed and dismayed at the same time. There is a leaven rising that will affect the whole Earth at once and sin will become so rampant a stench will arise from the land. Do not fear this evil day and do not walk in shame or terror. I will equip My people with supernatural power to defeat the works of the enemy and there will be a clear invitation for people to step over the line into My Kingdom. There will be no more half measures only those truly for Me or completely against Me. See the signs in the sky and know I am coming soon for My Bride, says the Lord of hosts.
Saturday, 27 July 2024
There will be rolling mandates that will stop the life flow of communities. Word Received 23.7.2024
There will be rolling mandates that will stop the life flow of communities. They will be harsh and unfair and people will kick against them. Seek the way of peace and not rebellion for that is of the enemy's kingdom. Live at peace with all people and others will notice you and listen to what you are saying. Do not be rebellious but resist evil and cause it to turn back before your face. Seek My kingdom precepts and you will lead others towards My righteousness. Lawlessness will abound and become so commonplace that many will think it is the norm. It is time to be salt and light and to walk in a different spirit to the one that is manifesting around the world. Chaos and fury cannot stand in My presence and many will come seeking the peace they see in your lives. Do not be led into temptation against what you know to be right in My Word. My Word stands fast at this time and it will be an anchor to all who take it seriously. Mockers will try to dissuade you from following the path I have set out before you but do not turn from it for there you will find everlasting life. My favor will be upon and around My people to do great exploits in My Name. Do not fear for I am with you, says the Lord Almighty.
Monday, 22 July 2024
Never let go of My promise to you. Word received 20.6.2024
Never let go of My promise to you for My promise can never fail. I will hold you as you go through these trials for My Name sake. When you are hated it is not you they are hating but My Spirit within you. Do not return hate for hate but love and accept all that I bring to you. Love is the key to My life flowing through you. Do not let your hearts become hard. Worship Me in Spirit and in truth and I will protect your hearts. Do not be weary in doing good for there is so much that can be done in My Name if My people are willing in the day of My power being made manifest. Do not rejoice when others fail but weep with those that weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. You cannot know all things but I know all things and I will tell you what you need to know in these coming days.
Saturday, 20 July 2024
There is a plague coming unlike anything that has been seen before. Word Received 13.7.2024
There is a plague coming unlike anything that has been seen before. Genetic manipulation has created structures that the human body has not been exposed to. There will be terrible effects when it is released on the Earth and even those who have created it will be sorry they have done so. It will cause countless people to suffer and the fragile curtain of society will be torn and it will not withstand it. People will do anything to secure a cure but no amount of money and medicine will save them. I will be the only answer in these days of pain and anguish and many will indeed turn to Me and be saved. Do not doubt My desire to redeem this situation for those I love I will overshadow with My protection. Look to Me and be healed, trust in Me and you will be saved. Your life is in My hands and My hands are trustworthy to hold you in this time. Do not recoil in horror but step forward in faith. Do not fear this plague but fear and honor Me in these days, says the Lord of hosts, whose Name is holy and who is to be praised.
Saturday, 13 July 2024
Do not give up hope when you see others fall. Word Received 19.6.2024
Do not give up hope when you see others fall. Know that I am holding you with My righteous right hand. You will not slip or stumble for I will hold you and take care of you. Do not cast Me away but cling to Me and seek Me. Many things will vie for your attention and you will feel that you do not have time to sit in My presence. Guard this above all else for in My presence you will find light and life. Do not think that the things of man are more important than the things of God. My Kingdom is the everlasting Kingdom which will have no end. Order your life around seeking Me and you will have time for everything you need to attain.
Sunday, 7 July 2024
Many will call on My Name in these coming days as fear grips the nations. Word Received 19.6.2024
Many will call on My Name in these coming days as fear grips the nations. The help of man will be useless and people will realize they are living in the last times. Answer those who ask you what is happening and do not be shy to tell them the absolute truth about their condition and about the remedy. Those who are lost can find Me in these days but they need My people to help them understand what is happening. I will pour out My Spirit of revelation upon My people so they will know wisdom and gain discernment. Never leave My Word unread or unheeded. Do as My Word says and you will have life abundantly. Never give up hope, never remain silent. Answer those who ask and let them see My glory manifest in your lives.
Tuesday, 2 July 2024
At the beginning of war draw your family close to Me. Word Received 19.6.2024
At the beginning of war draw your family close to Me and let Your light shine in the darkness. The darkness will be afraid of the light within My loved ones for they will do great exploits to confound those who do not believe. Do not be slow to respond to My voice when I speak to you. Do not say to yourself that there is yet more time. Time has run its course and the end of things is now at hand. It will happen suddenly as when labor begins and the signs will be more obvious as they manifest around the Earth. Do not be drawn into temptation but fix your eyes on My Word so that you will not walk into sin. Do not be complacent but strive for righteousness. The battle is fierce but I have won the victory. Do not be slow to respond to Me but be diligent to walk on the path that I have shown you.
Sunday, 23 June 2024
The world has changed forever and now more change is coming. Word Received 19.6.2024
The world has changed forever and now more change is coming that you have not even considered. Rights and privileges will be for a few. Many will not be able to access the basic things of life. Former years will seem like a dream and the hard reality will be difficult to bear. Many will lose all hope and feel like someone drowning. Many will give up trying to live in order because of the chaos. Mankind will truly show what is in their hearts and many will turn away from God. There will be a new religion which is a mix of former things but it will not be worship of God. There will be heavy penalties for being a believer in My Name and many will feel it is too hard to continue. Seek Me, seek My Word and My ways and you will walk through this time of oppression in liberty. The enemy cannot touch you without cause and nothing can separate you from My love. Be bold and declare My goodness to those who would listen for behold I am coming soon.
Sunday, 16 June 2024
Be prepared for the days to come. Word Received 10.6.2024
Be prepared for the days to come. Prepare yourself and your families. Prepare provisions and prepare spiritually by reading My Word that pertains to the last days. I have given you everything you need to know so that these things do not come upon you unexpectedly to cause you to fear. Do not be afraid but put your trust wholly in Me so that I can establish My purposes in your lives. You will be a remnant on the Earth of those who believe and honor My Name. Many will fall away when they see the high price there is to pay for being a believer. Count it joy when you are persecuted and strengthen one another in the fellowship of the Spirit. Nothing can separate you from My love so do not be afraid of any created thing. I am with you until the very end of time on Earth and then you will be with Me for eternity. Rejoice that your names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life and stay true to the course I have mapped out for each one of you. My favor is upon you and My strong hand of protection is around you for the days to come.
Saturday, 8 June 2024
Be diligent to read My Word. Word Received 8.6.2024
Be diligent to read My Word for events are beginning to unfold around the Earth that will cause many to be dismayed and to fear for their lives. They do not have an eternal perspective so they cling to this life. Look to My Word and you will see there is so much more to come after this life. Do not be troubled or dismayed but hold fast to the commandments in My Word and be willing to lay down everything for My Name's sake. If you are willing to lose your life for My sake then you will find it and truly understand the words I have spoken about it. My Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and choices made in this life have an everlasting impact on your future. Do not cling to that which is temporary. It will soon be swept away and be no more. Cling to Me and I will provide you supernatural refuge in this coming storm that will engulf the Earth in these days. Take heed you do not believe those who say peace, peace in this time of war. They do not understand My purposes and My precepts or the outcomes of all these things. My righteous judgment will be manifest and will put all things in order according to the Father's will for Heaven and for Earth in good time. Behold I am coming soon, says the Lord.
Don't say peace
Don't say peace,
when there should be war.
Don't say quiet,
when you should speak loud.
Don't think defeat,
when victory is close.
Don't play dead,
stand out from the crowd.
Don't abandon truth,
when lies are swirling.
Don't mind me,
as I read through my list.
Don't give up,
when you could die trying.
Don't seek peace,
when you need to resist.
Don't be silent,
in the face of evil.
Don't submit,
to the devil's lies.
Don't go out,
and get in danger.
Don't stay home,
if you're told otherwise.
Don't give up,
when you've almost finished.
Don't let others down,
if they rely on you.
Don't be wise,
in your own vision,
Don't pass up,
getting a crown.
Don't be afraid,
we know what's coming.
Don't you realize,
God is near.
Don't forget,
what He has told you.
Don't let go,
His hand is here.
Tuesday, 28 May 2024
Count it pure joy. Word Received 28.5.2024
Count it pure joy when you receive persecution for My Name's sake. Know that when you honor Me in the public place I will honor you and lift you up on account of My Name. You are blessed when you are reviled for My sake and when people contend with you because you believe in Me. The dividing line is going to become even more obvious so there is no doubt to who are real believers and those who only believe in word but not in their hearts. Keep your gaze fixed on Me and you will delight yourself in My presence. You will become strong in spirit and I will give you wisdom to navigate these days with skill and blessing. Do not be afraid of those who rail against you but fear and honor Me and I will vindicate you and set you in a secure place. Be joyful that I am coming soon and rejoice as you worship Me.
Sunday, 19 May 2024
I will comfort those who mourn in Zion. Word Received 19.5.2024
I will comfort those who mourn in Zion. I will lift up their heads and wipe the tears from their eyes. I will heal the afflicted and raise up the downtrodden. I am your Redeemer and I will not turn you away when you come to Me. People may fail you but I will never let you down or forsake you. You are the redeemed, bought with a price and I long for you to know the fulness of My Spirit's outpouring in your lives. Everything can be different through the power and authority of My Name if you would honor and cherish who I am in your lives. I long for a people to be covenanted to Me with their whole hearts not just in measure. I have so much for you but you must put your trust in Me to enable My will to take hold of your life. Worship Me and put Me first and you will see all things come into order in My kingdom purposes for you and your loved ones. Trust Me and allow My healing to flow in your life. Then you can fully worship Me as your Savior and your Lord.
Take My Tears
Take my tears shed for others,
break my heart for what breaks yours.
Hold my pain when I am weeping,
have my heart as it outpours.
Let me live with deep compassion,
may you not find stony ground.
Let me love these precious ones,
that are with me all around.
May I not know fear and torment,
that is never kingdom law.
May I give grace and mercy,
as my portion was before.
May I go on with wisdom,
as my ancestors did of old.
May my children declare your goodness,
speak your story that's to be told.
Take my tears for you can see them,
save them up as each they fall.
Put them somewhere safe before you,
for you are my Lord of all.
Sunday, 12 May 2024
There is a season of intense change coming like nothing you will ever see again. Word Received 10.5.2024
There is a season of intense change coming like nothing you will ever see again. There is a shift that will realign everything and only those who read My Word will be able to navigate through the chaos and disruption to normal life. Normal will be replaced and there will be a new normal that will upend reality and turn everything on its head. There will be confusion and despair for those who are not focused on Me. In this time of turbulence set your gaze on Me and you will keep your equilibrium. There will be things so shocking that people will not be able to make sense of it at all. The birth pangs will become more rapid over the Earth. Watch and see what will happen in these days and check it against My Word for I have foretold you about it all. Be salt and light in this day and in this time. Do not not sleep but wake others up.
Friday, 10 May 2024
Wake up those who are asleep spiritually before it is too late. Word Received 10.5.2024
Wake up those who are asleep spiritually before it is too late. Many of My people are sleeping, many are oblivious to what is happening around them because this process has not happened in a day but over many years. The world is entering a different epoch and everything will change again. Wake up those who sleep and show them what you can see in the spirit. Show them strategies for prayer and understanding of the days you are living in. So many sleep and will miss the moment of My visitation because they are not watching and waiting. Watch and be diligent in prayer and My purposes will prevail for your life and for others.
Friday, 3 May 2024
Do not pray for others unless you have love. Word Received 23.4.2024
Do not pray for others unless you have love and mercy in your hearts towards them. Do not pray in judgment or condemnation for My heart is that none should perish but all should choose everlasting life. With the judgment that you use you shall be judged. Be careful not to judge and remain in judgment for that shall create bile in your soul and others will see your bitterness. Love and do not judge. I am coming soon to judge all things and My judgment is just. You cannot judge justly for you do not know all things. The commandment I have given you is to love. Do not be weighed down by burdens that are not from Me. Follow the leading of My Holy Spirit and your prayers will avail much in accordance to My will and purposes on the Earth.
Sunday, 28 April 2024
Walk and do not grow weary. Word Received 23.4.2024
Walk and do not grow weary, run and do not faint for time is short and obedience is vital for My purposes are about to manifest on the Earth in ways that no one has ever seen. Do not be childish in your approach to faith. Be childlike and walk in trust and obedience to the leadings of My Holy Spirit. Do not depart from the way I have put before you even if you see many others depart from it. Continue to walk steadfastly after My purposes and you will reap a great reward. Persecution is going to increase exponentially and many will be caught off guard because they have not been preparing their hearts and minds through My Word. My Word is your anchor in the storm that is coming on the Earth. Without it you will drown spiritually into the deep deceptions that are about to manifest. People will not believe what they are seeing but they will believe what they are hearing for they have not learnt to listen to My voice and to recognize when I speak to them. Brace yourselves for what is coming so you will not be overwhelmed and so you can lead others to the truth found in My Word by the power of My Holy Spirit working through your lives.
Sunday, 21 April 2024
Do not be afraid of what is coming. Word Received 6.4.2024
Do not be afraid of what is coming. Do not fear and do not lose hope. All these things must happen but the end is not yet. Do not think you have nothing left to do. There is much to do and I am waiting for My people to respond to Me in awe and reverence. Seek My will and purposes and I will lead you into supernatural encounters that will bless many in My Name. I am with you to guide you so you do not stumble. I have My everlasting arms around you so you will not fall. You are precious to Me as My beloved child. Do not fear for I am with you until the end of all things in this life and so much more beyond.
Sunday, 14 April 2024
Be watchful and mindful. Word Received 6.4.2024
Be watchful and mindful for the enemy prowls around like a lion seeking whom he may devour. Do not be food for him but awake to righteousness. Seek righteousness according to My Kingdom. Seek it and do not stray far from it. The enemy is coming to plunder My people but I have given them everything they need to defend themselves in My Name. You are not powerless or defenseless. You have been given great authority if you choose to stand in it and proclaim My purposes. Do not think you are defeated when I have won for you a costly victory. Do not think you are helpless when I have given you My Holy Spirit in full measure to those who earnestly seek Me. Do not desire the corruption of this world but follow Me in righteousness and you will see My strong hand in your life.
Friday, 5 April 2024
There is a great deliverance coming on the Earth. Word Received 6.4.2024
There is a great deliverance coming on the Earth for My people who have been persecuted without cause. The enemy has raged against them because they are My Beloved. The nations have raged against them because they are under a great delusion and have lost what is true. I am coming to deliver My people as their Beloved Kinsman Redeemer and they will fall in love with Me again. Where their hearts have been cold the fire of My love will rekindle them, where their minds have been dull to My Kingdom I will give them fresh vision and purpose. I will indeed pour out My Spirit on all flesh and you will see an extraordinary change happening to My people. You will rejoice and be amazed at My goodness towards My people for I have remained faithful to them and all the promises in My Word. Watch and see what I will do on their behalf and rejoice for My blessing will flow through them to others in My Name.
Deliverance is coming for My people. Word Received 6.4.2024
Deliverance is coming for My people who have endured harsh persecution because of their love for Me. I will honor them where they have been dishonored and comfort them where they have been abandoned. I am coming with My great deliverance to pull many from the enemy's camp where they have been in turmoil and torment. I will deliver them to a place of peace and rest and their souls will know what it is to be alive for the first time. My great deliverance is coming to unjust situations where people have been persecuted without cause. I will be their great Redeemer as they look to Me and My ways. I am coming to judge the world in righteousness and people from all nations will see My deliverance in these days.
Sunday, 31 March 2024
Because you will not listen to my voice. Word Received 4.3.2024
Because you will not listen to My voice, because you choose to go your own way, because you will not seek My face you will be in the wilderness. Just as the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years so My people wander for lack of contact with Me. They hear stories about Me but they do not know Me in their hearts. They know who I am but they do not honor Me or create space in their lives to be truly present with Me. They are not concerned for My purposes but for things that can bring benefit to themselves rather than to others. They are slow to seek Me and do not want to press into My purposes because their own agendas seem more appealing and interesting. They have lost their fear of Me and do not respect Me as they should. I have all of this against them and yet My great love is still towards them and My unfinished purposes still wait for those who are willing to respond to Me in this late hour. The reward for faithfulness is in and of itself. There is no greater reward than to walk closely with Me and be led by My Spirit. There is no greater joy than to have fellowship with My Holy Spirit and to be fully in My presence. Seek Me and you will find Me in this day. Lay aside everything else that hinders you from being truly alive in My purposes and walk forward with Me as My beloved as I cry out to you.
Sunday, 24 March 2024
The enemy is coming to steal from My people. Word Received 4.3.2024
The enemy is coming to steal from My people because they have left the door open and allowed him access to their inner rooms. They have not been diligent to keep their hearts pure from the corruption of this world and so the enemy has been granted legal access into the depths of people's souls to twist and to tear what I intended for them. There is a great loss and a great mourning for what has been given over to the enemy and My heart yearns for My people to understand what is happening to them before it is too late. Change your mind, change your heart and return to Me. I will wash you with the water of My Word and cleanse you by the power of My Holy Spirit. I will shut the doors of your heart so the enemy cannot walk in and out to steal and to destroy. I will put My hedge around you and you will walk in safety even through the chaos and destruction that is coming on the Earth in unprecedented ways. Take courage for I am with you. Open your heart to Me and I will show you My great power and love to redeem and to restore. Now is the time to listen to My voice and respond to Me.
Don't listen to his voice
Don't listen to his voice,
the one who hates you and would see
the destruction of your soul.
He is the father of lies,
and no truth can come from him.
His very nature twists and turns.
He is serpentine in every way.
Don't listen to his voice when he puts you down,
or tells you that you'll fail,
you will never amount to anything,
you will not succeed, you have no hope, no future.
Don't listen to him or believe him.
Listen to My voice
for I will show you your true worth,
your ability in Me to change the world around you.
Listen to My voice and I will speak words of life,
and hope,
and Oh there is so much more to My Kingdom.
Listen to Me
and I will show you how much I treasure you.
Be careful who you listen to,
your life depends on it.
Sunday, 17 March 2024
In the quiet place I will speak to you. Word Received 4.3.2024
In the quiet place I will speak to you and show you what you must do. You cannot hear me when there is noise and distraction so if you chose not to enter the quiet place you are choosing not to listen to My voice. I will not shout to you over the noise of your life and I will not raise My voice over the clamor of other voices vying for your attention. There must be purpose in your seeking of Me and not an apathy to being in My presence. Are the distractions of the world so interesting to you that you do not have time for Me? Are the things that are fleeting more precious than those that are eternal? Re-value what is important to you and then seek Me so I can instruct you. I have called you for particular purpose and blessing that no one else can do. Do not leave undone what I have said already and listen to My voice as I lead and guide you through the days to come.
Speak to me Lord
Speak to me Lord
and I will listen.
Maybe not today,
because I am particularly busy.
Tomorrow looks good.
I can get up early before work,
unless I'm too tired,
and I sleep through my alarm,
and then have to rush into the day.
You know how it is.
Speak to me Lord
and I will listen.
I will turn off my computer,
and mute my notifications.
I can't put my phone on silent completely,
because someone might need
to contact me urgently.
You know how it is.
Speak to me Lord
and I will listen.
I will have to find a time
when my other half
isn't trying to tell me something,
and the children are asleep.
Maybe late at night would work
really well when our home is quiet.
But I may fall asleep quickly.
You know how it is.
Speak to me Lord
and I will listen.
I think I will have to set aside a whole day,
but I don't believe that is going to happen
for the next couple of months.
My job is intense at the moment.
I can hardly take the weekends off.
You know how it is.
Speak to me Lord
and I will listen.
Definitely on a Sunday morning,
when we go to church,
but sometimes we don't make it.
You know how it is.
Sunday, 10 March 2024
There is a violent wind of opposition coming against My people. Word Received 4.3.2024
There is a violent wind of opposition coming against My people that will set the world on edge. There will be terror and confusion and persecution that flows down from the highest levels of society. There is a battering ram of evil that is seeking to breakthrough into the very center of My people to displace them forever from My purposes. But I will show Myself powerful on their behalf and flip the battering ram so it turns back against the enemy itself. What is intended for harm against My people will become harm for those who hate them. I will do extraordinary things in their midst to show them I am real and I am who I say I am. Watch and see My hand move on behalf of My people. The world will be astonished because they do not understand Me or My purposes on the Earth. Be ready and be willing to participate in all I have for you in this coming time.
Sunday, 3 March 2024
Devastation is coming to this nation. Word Received 4.3.2023
Devastation is coming to this nation because they have turned aside from My ways to follow a path that leads to the destruction of many lives that are precious to Me. This land is steeped in blood from the past and from the present. The land is groaning under the weight of it and will soon split open to show its pain. Choices have been made that have produced trauma and pain and a misunderstanding and confusion in people's lives that only My Spirit can bring healing to. You will see the earth shake and people be displaced from their homes. You will see My people respond and raise their voices to heaven on behalf of this land. I will turn over what the enemy has been allowed to do as My people cry out to Me. These will be the days of change, of destruction of the enemies' purposes and the construction of something new that I am birthing in this nation through these labor pains. Do not think I have abandoned this nation as you see these things happening. I have not abandoned it. I am holding it strongly and securely out of the enemies grasp.
I am with you
I am with you,
till the end of the age,
not just till tomorrow
or when I feel like it.
I am constant
as the stars,
as the quiet moon
that reflects glory.
I am a quiet witness
to this worlds raging,
and I will judge all things
in due course,
and at the right time.
There is nothing that escapes My gaze,
no hidden thing against Me.
No slipping away,
I am here to catch your hand,
to stop you falling.
I am here to give you strength,
when you have lost
all of your own.
I am with you,
as you struggle on in your own strength,
willing for you to
give Me your heavy burden
to carry for a while,
until you can truly let it go.
I am with you,
as we approach the dark night,
and My hand will be holding
yours tightly,
so even if you can't see Me
you know I am there.
Tell Me your anxious thoughts,
and I will tell you
the truth about yourself,
and the times that surround you now.
Tuesday, 27 February 2024
Go to the inner room and pray. Word Received 27.2.2024
Go to the inner room and pray and you will see My glory manifest in your life. I will not put My seal upon that which costs you nothing. You cannot see My Kingdom come until you press into it by faith and perseverance in the spirit. These things are not child's play so be mature in your response to the leading of My Holy Spirit. Do not presume you can walk into situations without being covered in prayer. This is a war and the requirements of war exist. Do not slumber for this is the time for My people to be fully awake and responsive to the call on your lives. Do not criticize others especially those who are sold out to My purposes even if you do not agree with their methods. I am their judge. Look to your response to what I have asked you to do and be faithful to do it. Get up and do what I have asked you to do and you will know the greatest joy. You are My beloved and as you respond to Me you will see My glory.
Don't go this Alone
Don't go this alone,
this steep and winding track
with sheer precipice on one side
and rising cliff face on the other.
Don't go this alone,
this stormy raging sea
with windswept white crests
defying gravity
as thick foam flies from ocean currents.
Don't go this alone,
this little quiet life
you call your own,
and protect so fiercely
with all your fragile might.
Don't go this alone,
this time as you look
out of the window
from your illness bed and wonder which
hidden path brought you to this place of pain.
Let Me in.
Let Me be with you.
I have walked this hard earth,
and have felt the cruel sting of life,
and even tasted bitter death for you.
I am here
for your heart response,
even if you don't have the strength to speak,
I know what is in your innermost thoughts.
Receive Me into your life.
Don't go this alone.
Saturday, 17 February 2024
Rest in Me so you will have strength for your journey. Word Received 18.2.2024
Rest in Me so you will have strength for your journey. The things of this world will press around you and exhaust you. You must be diligent to spend time in My presence to the exclusion of other things. You cannot do everything so be led by My Spirit about what you should do. Do not become weary in doing good for you shall reap a reward. Prioritize My Kingdom and its values and your life will flow easily. Do not allow pressure from others to overwhelm. I am your Lord and you need to listen to Me. There are many voices calling for your attention. You need to listen for My voice for I will lead you by still waters and I will restore your soul even in the midst of these days of turmoil. I long for My people to know My peace and to walk in it, to know My love to share with others and to be filled by My Spirit in these days.
Can I have a minute?
Can I have a minute,
just to breathe,
to sit and be still,
and not respond immediately
to everything
and everyone.
Can I have a minute,
to pause,
to reflect,
to not rush past
the 'Selah' of your Word.
Can I have a minute
to grieve,
to recognize
what I have lost,
and how my life
has changed irrevocably.
Can I have a minute
to choose to say no
to the ever flowing
tide of information,
that demands
something of my soul.
Can I have a minute
to just
Saturday, 10 February 2024
Do not fear what is coming on the Earth. Word Received 11.2.2024
Do not fear what is coming on the Earth. Do not be afraid and do not lose heart. My Word will strengthen you and will be as an anchor in the storm that is coming. The darkness will be so thick and the evil seemingly so strong that many people's hearts will fail. Be strong in My Word and wield it as a sword to cut through the darkness. My Word contains light and hope for the nations and it must be proclaimed loudly to those who would hear. Learn what My Word says so you are not astonished and petrified when these things happen. I have told you and I have warned you to be watchful and to prepare. The night is coming when no one will be able to work. Work now while you are able in the harvest fields and gather in the mighty harvest of souls that are waiting to be reaped. You must work now while there is still enough light to see by. Soon the darkness will extinguish everything except the most powerful lights, those who are radiating the truth of My Word. You have nothing of yourselves that can help in the days to come but in Me all things are possible. Do not fear for I am with you now and always.
Hold My Hand
Hold My Hand
as we step
into this ever present unknown.
The future that does not wait gently for you,
but rises storm like ahead,
with siren sounds
igniting fear.
Hold My Hand
for I have seen the outcome,
and you can be sure
in the end,
all is well
between you and I.
Your trust will reflect
your measure of faith,
as you step forward
into the looming chaos.
Those who know My peace
will be miracle workers
of their day,
for no one else will have the strength
to reach out to others.
Hold My Hand
as we step over the threshold
into the Holy place of My presence,
where fire can burn up dross,
and chains can be broken,
where My Name is hallowed,
and I am truly your Lord.
Hold My Hand
when the night
seems so much longer
than the day,
and the shadows contort
to frighten you.
Hold My Hand
for I will never let go of yours.
Saturday, 3 February 2024
Shout from the rooftops that I am coming soon. Word Received 4.2.2024
Shout from the rooftops that I am coming soon. Shout aloud praise to My Name. Do not let the enemy silence you out of fear or respect for this world's systems. They do not respect Me or honor My Name. There will be a great division between those who honor My Name and those who are willing to bow to the enemy's schemes. There will be great conflict among My people but My Word is clear so cling to it in the coming days. You will indeed be hated by all men for My Name's sake but your reward will be great as you hold fast to Me and proclaim My goodness to those who will hear. Believe Me when I say to you that time is short so make each day count and do not squander the gift of life I have given you. Prepare yourselves for My coming and be diligent to share My goodness. My lovingkindness and favor is around you and upon you as you pursue My purposes on the Earth at this time.
Footprint of Faith
The footprint of faith is deep and wide in this land.
Step onto the land that I have made.
Step into My purposes for you.
Step out in faith and change the world in My Name.
My presence will go with you.
My life will be in you,
and flow out of you,
bringing My everlasting life to those who are thirsty.
I pour out My Spirit,
not in measure,
but in fullness,
over and above
what you need so you can share My goodness
with others.
Pour out My love to this hurting world.
Pour out,
and do not hold back.
For I am with you
Sunday, 28 January 2024
Shall I not speak to My prophets before I do something? Word Received 28.1.2024
Shall I not speak to My prophets before I do something? Shall I not give warning to My people before judgment comes on the Earth? Will I not tell them to hide in My safety and under My shadow until this too has passed? I have told you in My Word what will happen in the last days but many are saying the time is not now the time is not yet. But I say to you the time is now and the time has come for you to respond to My warnings and to prepare yourselves and tell others to do likewise. Once these things begin to happen there will be no time or opportunity for preparation. Like a flood that overwhelms without warning so these things will begin to occur with greater frequency and intensity. Prepare now so you can be a blessing to others. Do not put off what I have told you to do. Each one has their task and responsibility from Me so you do not need to copy what others are doing. Believe Me when I say time is short and trust Me as I lead My people into the purposes I have for them at this time.
How long, Lord?
How long
will the people refuse to listen
to your prophets?
The ones who speak
what they hear
your Spirit saying.
The words get
in the information overload
that marks the modern world
in all its flaws.
We are too busy
to wait on You,
to read Your Word,
to sit in silence,
and rest in Your presence.
We are torn
a hundred ways,
and none of them
is towards You.
You wait patiently,
and speak to each generation,
and some hear
and follow,
and are criticized for doing too much.
How can we live
if we do not pray?
How can we pray
unless we believe You hear us?
How can we be
assured of Your answer,
when we are unsure
of the question?
Help us Lord, in this time of confusion.
When will Your glory be seen?
How long, Lord?
Sunday, 21 January 2024
The Night is Coming.
The night is coming
when no one can work.
So do it now,
not tomorrow,
or the next day.
Don't put it off
and make
a fresh excuse
for not getting
around to it.
My procrastination
is becoming
an art form,
that needs a
critic to bring
it into line.
I know what I
should be doing.
So why is it
so hard to put
pen to paper
and write
that list
of accountability
and focus.
Scattered thoughts
like rain showers,
too short to
break the growing pressure
of the storm
hovering on the
horizon of my mind.
How long will it
take me to begin.
Ask me again
at the end of the year.
Position your hearts to hear Me. Word Received 21.1.2024
Position your hearts to hear Me for I will not speak to those who have no interest in listening. I will speak to those who seek Me in My Word and who wait on Me. Prepare your hearts for there is so much more to come both good and bad. Your perspective will make all the difference and you need to learn to see as I see and to hear as I hear. Tune in to the frequency of My Holy Spirit and tune out of that which corrupts and defiles and wastes your precious time. Time is more precious now than it has ever been. Don't waste your days but live with Me and allow My purposes to satisfy you for nothing else will. Do not go after the next big thing or search for manifestations of My power. They will come as you walk in obedience to Me and supernatural will become natural for you. You do not have long before the night comes when no one can work. Listen to Me and I will show you what to do in these days.
Saturday, 6 January 2024
The terror of the nations has begun. Word received 29.12.2023
The terror of the nations has begun. Many do not realize it for they are consumed with their own agendas and are not spending time seeking My face and reading My Word. The world has not yet seen the full manifestation of evil but it is coming upon the Earth. Be diligent to hide yourselves in My protection and live each day with intent. Do not let your spirit soar or fail but remain on a steady course where you cannot be tricked by temptation or drowned by doubt. The end of man-made plans and ambitions has begun. There will be destruction and devastation on a scale previously unseen. There will be firsts associated with major disasters. Things that humans have not seen on this scale. The demonic is manifesting at a rate beyond what you have seen or known. Do not be terrified for My Victory is already in place and these are the death throes of the enemies schemes to destroy mankind. My purposes will prevail and human history will end at My command and not before. Recalibrate yourselves to the functioning of My Holy Spirit. Do not be jarred when I move in power but move with Me in unity and oneness of purpose in My Kingdom. Do not be afraid. Do not fear for I am with you. I will not leave you or forsake you and I will return for My Bride.
I know I cannot
wrestle with You
and win.
I cannot even prevail in an argument
about a slight difference of opinion.
Why does my heart
justify itself,
thinking it can out staunch an everlasting God?
Maybe I'm a little crazy,
but I find myself
thinking I can get away
with things that I pull others up for.
Log or speck in your eye,
totally depends on perspective,
and we generally give ourselves
the benefit of the doubt.
How can I feel justified to judge others
in an uncaring manner,
when I would so dislike
to receive that judgment turned on me?
How can I know I have truly forgiven
the one who caused me or another such distress?
Can my heart ever tell the absolute truth?
It will one day when I stand before the Lord.
So I wrestle,
and acknowledge my humanity,
and am so thankful
that I have made Jesus,
my Savior and my Lord.
Sunday, 31 December 2023
Do not be driven by ambition to make a name for yourself. Word Received 29.12.2023
Do not be driven by ambition to make a name for yourself in the coming year. I desire to pour out My Spirit on those who walk in humility and seek the best for others rather than themselves. I desire My people to live in selfless service and to reflect My great goodness on the Earth. Many will be astonished in the coming days at what I will do in and through you. Never take credit for what I am doing for I will not share My glory with another and My presence is to be cherished. Do not determine in your heart what you are or are not willing to do for Me. Let your answer be always yes when I speak to you and your joy will be full. The divide between My Kingdom and the kingdom of this world will grow to be a huge chasm. Help people to cross over into My Kingdom before they are so consumed by the darkness that they cannot find their way out. Shine like lights in this darkness and lead others to safety. People will not believe what is going to come on the Earth but I have told you in My Word. Stand fast and be true to Me. Walk in humility before Me and see how I will take hold of your life in this coming year.
Never Know
You will never know
how much
mean to Me.
You will never know
how much
I care for you,
until you care for others.
I cannot dwell
in a selfish heart,
wrapped up in
its tiny world.
It is too restrictive
for My glory presence
to dwell in.
I need hearts
that are full of
love for others,
that I can move freely in,
changing direction at a moments notice,
and bringing others
into that heart space.
You cannot love
if you will not
let Me love you,
with all your hang ups
and non compliant thoughts.
You are a bundle of tussling energy
that needs to be held
in stillness for a while,
until you can hear My heart beat for you.
I love you
doesn't even begin to cover it.
Words fall woefully short of reality,
and human comprehension
doesn't really get it.
That's why I came
to live among you,
to help
sort out the tangle,
and light up the darkness,
and spring clean your heart completely.
Now look with My eyes,
and feel with My heart,
and love with My life
rushing through you,
and admit
that this is indeed
a better way.
Go on,
never know
how things may turn out.
Sunday, 24 December 2023
The fire of My Holy Spirit is going to fall upon My people. Word Received 21.12.2023
The fire of My Holy Spirit is going to fall upon My people in unprecedented ways and at unusual times that they are not expecting. When you feel My fire come step out in faith because My Word to you and those you are with will be confirmed. There will be immediate release and supernatural healing so no one can doubt the authority of My Name. There will be signs and wonders done on the Earth in these days by the power of My Holy Spirit and I will draw many to myself in this season when My light and My goodness is in focus. Do not fear anything of the darkness for it cannot overwhelm My light. Walk in boldness and in joy and celebrate Me as Messiah. I am coming again to judge all peoples. Prepare your hearts and let your lives tell out the good news of My salvation to all people. Be prepared for the coming of My Holy Spirit upon your lives in these coming days.
Let go and let God
Let go
and let God
deal with that
which afflicts you.
Darkness cannot conquer
His light
which shines with
intense love for you,
as the treasure
and apple of His eye.
The enemy has touched
your life,
but God's hand is stronger,
and His deliverance
is coming
like a freight train
to destroy the enemy's plans.
There is no hope
for the one who contends
with the Almighty.
Every voice will come to silence,
every accusing word will fall
to the ground
Be strengthened by the power of
His love,
lifted up,
out of the place of despair,
or whatever other word would
describe your inner self right now.
Be redeemed
by the greatest Redeemer of all,
who paid your debt,
cancelled your sin,
and was lifted high to receive your penalty.
Better than good news.
Glorious news.
Wonderful, Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
Thank you, as we remember your birth.
Friday, 8 December 2023
Time has almost run out. Word Received 8.12.2023
Time has almost run out so don't put off what I have asked you to do. Do not think someone can do it better than you. I have asked you to do it and you love Me if you obey My commands. Do not think someone else will do it if you don't. It is your calling and consequence if it is left undone. Be diligent to respond to the leading of My Holy Spirit and do not shut your ears to the cry of My heart. I have compassion on the people who are lost and hurting and I desire to minister to them through you. Don't hold back but step forward into the space I have created for you. It is My power manifest in your life so I receive the glory. Step out into what I have for you and your heart will be glad and your spirit will rejoice. Step out My precious ones and do not hold back.
Ladies and Gentlemen
It's time to go home,
and love your loved ones,
and step into your destiny.
We have but
a brief moment
of time
on this earth.
It passes
as a flower fades,
and if we are not
quick to pursue
our God given dreams,
we will look back,
how days
into months
into years,
and we didn't notice
until it was too late.
Time is not
on our side.
It never was,
as a temporary measure
to help us make
sense of our days,
and giving form
to the yesterdays, todays and tomorrows.
We do not sit easily with time,
rushing or procrastinating,
or dawdling along life's path,
until suddenly we come
to a milestone,
we were not expecting,
and would rather not know,
as we learn we have run out of
Saturday, 11 November 2023
Take heart My people for I am with you. Word Received 11.11.2023
Take heart My people for I am with you to deliver you from the fiery trials that are coming on the Earth. You will see My deliverance as you put your trust in Me and listen to My voice at all times. Do not be stubborn to resist My Holy Spirit for you do not have strength in yourself to stand in these days. Only in Me will you find your refuge and strength and you will be able to help others out of the strength I impart to you. Do not be discouraged and do not be deceived by what the media is showing but hold fast to the promises in My Word and be as bold as you like. The enemy cannot touch you if you are hidden in Me so stay close at all times and do not wander from the path I set out before you. In My presence you will find extraordinary peace that others will not comprehend but I will get their attention through you and because of your responses to what is happening. Beacon My light and speak My truth for the grip of darkness has not yet reached its fulfilment. Trust Me that I am with you and you can do all things in My Name.