Tuesday 28 May 2024

Count it pure joy. Word Received 28.5.2024

 Count it pure joy when you receive persecution for My Name's sake. Know that when you honor Me in the public place I will honor you and lift you up on account of My Name. You are blessed when you are reviled for My sake and when people contend with you because you believe in Me. The dividing line is going to become even more obvious so there is no doubt to who are real believers and those who only believe in word but not in their hearts. Keep your gaze fixed on Me and you will delight yourself in My presence. You will become strong in spirit and I will give you wisdom to navigate these days with skill and blessing. Do not be afraid of those who rail against you but fear and honor Me and I will vindicate you and set you in a secure place. Be joyful that I am coming soon and rejoice as you worship Me.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

I want to love the Lord and honor Him and His Name.