Blow the trumpet in Zion and shout aloud praises to your King. The Lord is coming to bring judgment on those who afflict His people without cause.
I am coming to sift the nations and the peoples on the Earth. Those who condemn others will themselves be condemned. Those who bless others will themselves be blessed. Do not stand in judgment against My beloved people. They will do what is necessary to turn the tide of evil away from their land.
They will be strengthened by the power of My Holy Spirit to accomplish extraordinary things in these coming days which people could not imagine if they were told. You will see My deliverance of My people with your own eyes and you will rejoice that My purposes are being established on the Earth.
I will turn their weeping into dancing and I will wipe away every tear for I keep My covenant to all generations. Watch and see what I will do for My people in the days to come.
1 comment:
I sensed God's strong emotion for His beloved people Israel when I received this word.
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