Saturday, 22 February 2025

Look to what My Spirit is doing in these days and follow the pattern. Word Received 22.2.2025

 Look to what My Spirit is doing in these days and follow the pattern of it, for I will show you what to do and I will lead by example. Do not be stuck to your own plans for they can only produce a fraction of the fruit compared to following My Spirit and My purposes. I have strategies to share with My people if only they would listen to My voice instead of being distracted by what the world is saying.

 You cannot serve two masters, you will hate the one and love the other. You cannot seek for material gain and seek after the leading of My Spirit at the same time. The love of money will draw you away from the things that are on My heart. Watch and see as I pour out provision where it is needed and provide supernatural finance for those stepping out in faith. 

My economy will not fail in troubled times and My reward is sure for those who place their trust in Me. Open your hand to others and you will see My provision poured into your life for all that you need. Test Me in this and don't let fear rob you of the blessing I desire to pour out. I am faithful to My Word and My Word does not change.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

God's Word can be trusted and we are blessed as we follow the precepts within it.