Friday 23 August 2024

Be glad that I am coming to sift the people who live on the Earth. Word Received 15.8.2024

 Be glad that I am coming to sift the people who live on the Earth and be glad I am going to separate the wheat from the chaff. There cannot be mixture in My Kingdom and My people have lived with mixture for so long they cannot discern that which is not from Me with that which is of My kingdom. The mixture has caused confusion and I am coming to straighten out that which has been twisted and untangle that which has been knotted up in people's lives. Be glad that My refiner's fire can burn away the dross or else you would not be able to stand before Me. I am calling My people to holiness, to separation from the systems of the world and to rededicate their lives to Me at this time. Many will choose not to but for those who do there is eternal reward that you cannot comprehend. Be glad when the sifting occurs and know that your redemption is near. My eyes are upon those who fear Me and seek My face to do them good and not harm all their days even to the time of great trial that is coming upon the Earth shortly.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

I choose to let the Lord sift my life.