Sunday 1 September 2024

Within a month war will break out. Word Received 9.6.2024

 Within a month war will break out across the world and it will not cease until the end of days. Peace will not last and treaties will be broken as soon as they are ratified. Nations will indeed rise up against nations and kingdoms will be divided against each other. Lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold because of what they see and hear. My chosen people will be attacked again and again and only by My mighty power and right hand will they be delivered. The help of man will be of no effect in the days to come. You must walk according to the leading of My Holy Spirit and not depart from it in any way. There is a curse coming upon the nations that will manifest in physical sores and the remedy will be harsher than the initial outcome. Do not submit to the medical authorities for they will be like the blind leading the blind. I will show supernatural wonders of healing that will defy the science that resists Me. I will be your healer and people will come to those who believe in My Name to be healed. There will be many opportunities for My glory to be seen on the Earth so do not hold back but step into everything that I have for you in these days.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

I think the phrase "within a month" means within the space of a month. I don't know the timeline of all these events but I believe the Lord wants to prepare us for what is coming.