Wednesday, 25 December 2024

I will pour out My Holy Spirit as a fire in believer's lives. Word Received 22.12.2024

 I will pour out My Holy Spirit as a fire in believer's lives that cannot be quenched. They will not back down or be intimidated but will stand up to be counted worthy of persecution for My sake. They will not be timid anymore to declare the truth and they will not bow to the lies of the gods of this age. They will be bold and uncompromising when it comes to the truth and will declare the way of salvation to any who will hear them. They will be bold to declare light where there has been darkness and vision where there has been blindness. This is the day of My power being manifested on the Earth so that no one is in doubt of who I AM. Rejoice that you will see these days and walk in the fulness of them. This is for a season and that season is coming now. 

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

Come Holy Spirit and bring your fire in our lives.