Saturday, 1 March 2025

I will show you of My goodness and My favor at this time. Word received 27.2.2025

 I will show you of My goodness and My favor at this time. I will show you concerning My mercy for those who are lost. I will show you about My great love for the world that I have made. I am not a God who looks on from afar, unable to act on behalf of His people. I will show Myself intimately involved in the affairs of My people with the exact workings of their lives.

 Look at what I will do and learn about My heart, for My heart breaks to see the suffering of My people at the hands of the enemy. I will rebuke the enemy and cause the intense suffering to cease. I will rebuke the enemy away from My people wherever they are in the world. 

I will make a difference between those who know Me and those who do not so the latter will turn and seek Me with all their hearts. People will see My mighty acts and they will know that I AM in their midst. They will turn to Me and find Me in these days. Rejoice for the time of great favor towards My people has begun and you will see My salvation manifest in your midst.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

David writes in Psalm 23 "Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life."