Friday, 7 March 2025

Come and see what My Spirit is doing on the Earth. Word Received 22.2.2025

Come and see what My Spirit is doing on the Earth for I love all people and I desire them to come to know Me and be saved. My people will go out through the lands calling many to repentance and explaining the way of salvation. Their methods may not be orthodox but their hearts have pure devotion towards Me. Do not judge them but provide for their needs as you are able and you will share in their reward. This is the time of the great commission to be completed and the gospel to go out to the ends of the Earth in all nations.

 See as My power brings healing to many and hear the good news proclaimed in places around the world. These are the days of the gospel being preached to every creature and in every place. Be bold to witness to Me and you will see My power displayed. Do not be ashamed and you will see My goodness manifest in every place. These are the days of great joy and great harvest and many will be added to the Kingdom. Look to the left and to the right and see My salvation in these days.


Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

This is such an encouraging word from the Lord. We will see many added to the Kingdom in these days.

Teeny said...

There is a new victory for a new day! I'm inspired, feeding the faith level and looking to see the new the the Lord is bringing forth. Declaring 'God is making a way...where the seemed no way possible. Whoopee 💜 we are in His marvelous plan. Thank you Sarah xx