Monday, 10 March 2025

With the time that you have left be resolute in My purposes. Word Received 7.3.2025

With the time that you have left be resolute in My purposes. You can still make a difference in so many people's lives. Don't think there is nothing else to accomplish. This is just the beginning of My mighty works in these coming days. You will see signs and wonders that will make you fall to your knees in worship and awe of My goodness and My love as I reach others through you. 

Rejoice that you are alive to see these days. Rejoice and do not fear, for fear is of the enemy's kingdom and it will abort that which I intend for you. Watch and listen closely to the leading of My Spirit. Follow the precepts of My Word, and you will find yourself flourishing in the midst of famine and dancing in the face of destruction. My joy will be your strength, and it will seem incomprehensible to those around you that you can retain your joy in the midst of the things that will unfold. Your joy will be your testimony to share, for the currency of prosperity will disappear, and those who know Me will walk in the true wealth of My Kingdom.

Peace, joy, and righteousness will be your portion, and no one can take these things away from you. You will be hated by all, but you will be loved by Me in a way that will make everything else pale in comparison. Rejoice to see these days. Rejoice and do not fear for all things will come to pass as I have said in My Word. Rejoice in Me and do not fear.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

I do rejoice that I am alive to see God's mighty works in people's lives.