Sunday 23 June 2024

The world has changed forever and now more change is coming. Word Received 19.6.2024

 The world has changed forever and now more change is coming that you have not even considered. Rights and privileges will be for a few. Many will not be able to access the basic things of life. Former years will seem like a dream and the hard reality will be difficult to bear. Many will lose all hope and feel like someone drowning. Many will give up trying to live in order because of the chaos. Mankind will truly show what is in their hearts and many will turn away from God. There will be a new religion which is a mix of former things but it will not be worship of God. There will be heavy penalties for being a believer in My Name and many will feel it is too hard to continue. Seek Me, seek My Word and My ways and you will walk through this time of oppression in liberty. The enemy cannot touch you without cause and nothing can separate you from My love. Be bold and declare My goodness to those who would listen for behold I am coming soon.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Be prepared for the days to come. Word Received 10.6.2024

 Be prepared for the days to come. Prepare yourself and your families. Prepare provisions and prepare spiritually by reading My Word that pertains to the last days. I have given you everything you need to know so that these things do not come upon you unexpectedly to cause you to fear. Do not be afraid but put your trust wholly in Me so that I can establish My purposes in your lives. You will be a remnant on the Earth of those who believe and honor My Name. Many will fall away when they see the high price there is to pay for being a believer. Count it joy when you are persecuted and strengthen one another in the fellowship of the Spirit. Nothing can separate you from My love so do not be afraid of any created thing. I am with you until the very end of time on Earth and then you will be with Me for eternity. Rejoice that your names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life and stay true to the course I have mapped out for each one of you. My favor is upon you and My strong hand of protection is around you for the days to come.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Be diligent to read My Word. Word Received 8.6.2024

 Be diligent to read My Word for events are beginning to unfold around the Earth that will cause many to be dismayed and to fear for their lives. They do not have an eternal perspective so they cling to this life. Look to My Word and you will see there is so much more to come after this life. Do not be troubled or dismayed but hold fast to the commandments in My Word and be willing to lay down everything for My Name's sake. If you are willing to lose your life for My sake then you will find it and truly understand the words I have spoken about it. My Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and choices made in this life have an everlasting impact on your future. Do not cling to that which is temporary. It will soon be swept away and be no more. Cling to Me and I will provide you supernatural refuge in this coming storm that will engulf the Earth in these days. Take heed you do not believe those who say peace, peace in this time of war. They do not understand My purposes and My precepts or the outcomes of all these things. My righteous judgment will be manifest and will put all things in order according to the Father's will for Heaven and for Earth in good time. Behold I am coming soon, says the Lord. 

Don't say peace

 Don't say peace,

when there should be war.

Don't say quiet,

when you should speak loud.

Don't think defeat,

when victory is close.

Don't play dead,

stand out from the crowd.

Don't abandon truth,

when lies are swirling.

Don't mind me,

as I read through my list.

Don't give up,

when you could die trying.

Don't seek peace,

when you need to resist.

Don't be silent,

in the face of evil.

Don't submit,

to the devil's lies.

Don't go out,

and get in danger.

Don't stay home,

if you're told otherwise.

Don't give up,

when you've almost finished.

Don't let others down,

if they rely on you.

Don't be wise,

in your own vision,

Don't pass up,

getting a crown.

Don't be afraid,

we know what's coming.

Don't you realize,

God is near.

Don't forget,

what He has told you.

Don't let go,

His hand is here.