Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Rejoice My people. Rejoice in Me. Word Received 19.1.2025

 Rejoice My people. Rejoice in Me. Rejoice in My presence for praise is right and good for your souls. You were made for worship and I desire you to be safe in your worship of Me. Whatever else you worship will cause you pain and distress in some measure. You will find abundant life in My presence and all who call on Me will be saved. My salvation will be manifest on the Earth and all flesh will see My glory.

 There will be a time of abundant harvest and ingathering. Be part of this work for I am in it and I'm looking for those who will labor with Me in the harvest fields. Labor in prayer for the lost and labor in reaching out in love to those around you. You do not have to travel far to find those who do not know Me. They are on your doorstep and in your streets. They are waiting for the revelation of My love. Partner with Me in prayer and see the blindness fall from people's eyes. They cannot see without the breakthrough of My Holy Spirit and I am coming by My Holy Spirit to every place and people that call upon My Name. 

This is a season of intense joy and laughter will be heard from lives that have been consumed by sorrow. There will be an establishment of My Kingdom and My rule and reign in every place where My Spirit is welcomed. Be aware of all I am doing in these days and keep your eyes fixed upon Me and My purposes on the Earth.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Seek Me and find Me in these days before the darkness becomes more intense. Word Received 19.1.2025

 Seek Me and find Me in these days before the darkness becomes more intense and fear manifests more widely on the Earth. I want My people to be strong in Me and clear concerning My Word so that they are not confused in the coming days. Many lies and much deception has already weakened My people and they must return to Me with sincerity of heart before it is too late to change. 

There will be total confusion and extreme chaos in many places and people will give up hope for change. There is always hope even in the midst of the darkest days and you need to share your hope with others. The enemy thinks he has won but he has not. The darkness causes the light to shine more brightly and many will notice it for the first time in their lives. Many will be born again by My Spirit and they will be amazed they have not understood about Me before. Clarity will come by the power of My Spirit and people will wake up spiritually and be able to declare My truth immediately. 

Waves of My Holy Spirit's power will wash over many lands and sweep many into My Kingdom as revelation brings understanding of My goodness and My love. Do not give up hope for what has been promised in My Word will come to pass and I will pour out My Holy Spirit in great measure in the days to come.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Look among the nations. Word Received 19.1.2025

 Look among the nations and see which ones honor Me and follow the precepts of My Word. Watch and see for I will bless them and My hand of protection will turn away disaster at their door. I will show Myself strong on their behalf and I will make a difference on the Earth so everyone can see clearly. The nations that abhor Me and mock Me will be left open to the attack of the enemy who is coming with great raging to steal, kill, and destroy. People will be shocked and will blame Me but these things are not from My hand.

 I long for the nations to repent and to seek My face so My hedge of protection can be put securely around them. Leaders will give account of their actions whether they are seeking good or ill for their people. Pride will be humbled in the coming days and My mercy will extend to even the hardest hearts if they will hear Me and turn to Me. 

Judgment is coming upon the manifestation of evil so people can see the fruit of it is death. These are the days of divine order being seen in the midst of chaos, and blessing in the midst of great trials. My people will rise up and declare the way of salvation to those around them and many will be turned away from the path of death and receive everlasting life. Do not be silent, do not give up hope. Do not become weary in doing good for there will indeed be a reward for those who are faithful in this time.

Friday, 17 January 2025

Be prepared for turbulent times. Word Received 29.12.2024

Be prepared for turbulent times for the speed of change will be shocking for those who are not ready and have not taken heed to My Word. Disasters will ensue and nations will fail in their ability to respond. There will be so many birth pangs happening at the same time around the Earth people will not know which to focus their attention on. The flood of events is coming that will sweep away what has been before. Nothing can stop it and no one will have a solution. Governments will try to band together but they will not see a way through the chaos. Evil will rage and peoples' hearts will fail them. Be strong in My Word and stand in the authority of it. Clothe yourselves in it and wrap it around you. Never let yourselves be separated from it and do not discard the reading of it. It is truly alive and active and will give you support and nourishment in the days to come. It will be as a compass to steer you through the storms and to give you understanding of the times. Your heart will not fail for you see the future and you know what will happen in the end. Encourage others to read My Word even if they do not know Me yet for I will speak to them through it and they will find Me for themselves. Rejoice that I am with you by My Holy Spirit and do not fear in the days to come.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Be consistent in your walk with Me. Word Received 29.12.2024

 Be consistent in your walk with Me and do not waver off onto other paths. The path is indeed narrow but it is clear and I will say this is the way walk in it. You will not know the confusion of others around you but you will know clarity and purpose. Many will become leaders in their spheres of influence because those around them won't know what to do. Repent of sins that beset you and slow you down. You are too precious to stumble over such things. Know how valuable you are in My sight and you will cast your sin away from you as something truly abhorrent. Walk in righteousness and you will know the peace and joy that manifests in My Kingdom. Walk in obedience and you will know greater fulfilment in your life than you have ever known. Make the daily choices to follow Me and I will lead you into a place of blessing that will touch others' lives too. This is My desire that you walk with Me in obedience to My Word and that you seek to know Me with all your heart and strength. I will pour out My love so you can love Me and love others with everything you have. My love for you is unending and you will see the fruit of it as you open your heart to Me. I have always loved you and My love for you will never end.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

I will establish My people and I will equip My people for acts of service. Word Received 29.12.2024

 I will establish My people and I will equip My people for acts of service. They shall no longer look to others to do this but they will receive these things from My hands. They will not rest on the faith of others but they will find Me for themselves. I will walk with My people again in intimacy and they will be strong and do great exploits. There is a time coming when all the plans of men will fail but My plans and purposes will be established in the lives of believers all over the Earth. I am returning for a spotless Bride and this is the time of preparation, of sanctification and separation from the systems of this world. Draw aside from the crowd and find Me in the secret place. Seek Me and know My will. There will be a great divide in the thoughts and actions of those who know Me and those who do not. Proclaim My Word even in the midst of hostility for it will find good soil in hearts prepared and ready to receive My truth. You cannot change anyone in your own power but I can do all things by the power of My Holy Spirit. Do not give up hope concerning anyone for My arm is not too short to save. I will save and restore many lives through the obedience of My people to My Word. Read it and walk in it and you will rejoice to see many added to My Kingdom. 

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Judgment is coming on the nations who have persecuted My people without cause. Word Received 29.12.2024

 Judgment is coming on the nations who have persecuted My people without cause. I will show My hand strong and rebuke the enemy away from My chosen people. There is not a single human cause who can resist My plan and purposes and everything in My Word and My will will come to pass. Watch My Word unfold on the Earth in these coming days and you will see the fulfilment of words spoken long ago. People will rail against Me for they do not understand the level of evil that has raised itself up against My people. I will cut off the attack of the enemy and raise a shield around My people. Darkness will not prevail against them and I will show Myself strong on their behalf. Do not listen to the proclamations of man but heed My Word for it shall come to pass.