Saturday, 18 August 2018

I Shall Not Disagree

I shall not disagree,
the majority knows what's right,
and even if that changes,
I'll be made to see the light.

I shall not bend my knee,
or hold to absolutes,
for we know where faith can lead,
to nothing but disputes.

I shall not aim to learn,
or study on my own,
others will tell me what to think,
and how to run my home.

I shall not raise my voice,
to speak for what is right,
someone may be offended,
and it would give them such a fright.

I shall not be creative,
in my own special way,
unless it conforms in order,
with those in power today.

I shall not try to think,
for I'm afraid that if I do,
I'll have to face this modern insanity,
and cry out for something new.

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