Saturday, 22 October 2022

Prepare yourself for My coming. Word Received 21.10.2022

 Prepare yourself for My coming for I will come at an hour you do not expect. Be prepared continually and stay ready with oil in your lamps waiting for the Bridegroom to arrive. Many have become complacent saying we have seen all these things before and the end is not yet. It is much nearer than you think for I will do a quick work on the Earth unlike anything that has been seen until now. Watch, prepare and be ready for I am indeed coming soon says the Lord.


Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

I want to make the most of every day and to be ready for the Bridegroom.

Peter theobald said...

Just as the Israelites were told to be ready to move at Passover time, we must be ready for suddenly meeting Him in the clouds as He returns for His chosen ones. Lord help us to be ready for that time.