Sunday, 31 December 2023

Do not be driven by ambition to make a name for yourself. Word Received 29.12.2023

 Do not be driven by ambition to make a name for yourself in the coming year. I desire to pour out My Spirit on those who walk in humility and seek the best for others rather than themselves. I desire My people to live in selfless service and to reflect My great goodness on the Earth. Many will be astonished in the coming days at what I will do in and through you. Never take credit for what I am doing for I will not share My glory with another and My presence is to be cherished. Do not determine in your heart what you are or are not willing to do for Me. Let your answer be always yes when I speak to you and your joy will be full. The divide between My Kingdom and the kingdom of this world will grow to be a huge chasm. Help people to cross over into My Kingdom before they are so consumed by the darkness that they cannot find their way out. Shine like lights in this darkness and lead others to safety. People will not believe what is going to come on the Earth but I have told you in My Word. Stand fast and be true to Me. Walk in humility before Me and see how I will take hold of your life in this coming year.

Never Know

 You will never know

how much 


mean to Me.

You will never know

how much 

I care for you,

until you care for others.

I cannot dwell 

in a selfish heart,

wrapped up in

its tiny world.

It is too restrictive

for My glory presence

to dwell in.

I need hearts

that are full of

love for others,

that I can move freely in,

changing direction at a moments notice,

and bringing others

into that heart space.

You cannot love


if you will not

let Me love you,

with all your hang ups

and non compliant thoughts.

You are a bundle of tussling energy

that needs to be held

in stillness for a while,

until you can hear My heart beat for you.

I love you

doesn't even begin to cover it.

Words fall woefully short of reality,

and human comprehension

doesn't really get it.

That's why I came

to live among you,

to help

sort out the tangle,

and light up the darkness,

and spring clean your heart completely.

Now look with My eyes,

and feel with My heart,

and love with My life

rushing through you,

and admit

that this is indeed

a better way.

Go on,


never know

how things may turn out.

Sunday, 24 December 2023

The fire of My Holy Spirit is going to fall upon My people. Word Received 21.12.2023

 The fire of My Holy Spirit is going to fall upon My people in unprecedented ways and at unusual times that they are not expecting. When you feel My fire come step out in faith because My Word to you and those you are with will be confirmed. There will be immediate release and supernatural healing so no one can doubt the authority of My Name. There will be signs and wonders done on the Earth in these days by the power of My Holy Spirit and I will draw many to myself in this season when My light and My goodness is in focus. Do not fear anything of the darkness for it cannot overwhelm My light. Walk in boldness and in joy and celebrate Me as Messiah. I am coming again to judge all peoples. Prepare your hearts and let your lives tell out the good news of My salvation to all people. Be prepared for the coming of My Holy Spirit upon your lives in these coming days.

Let go and let God

 Let go

and let God

deal with that

which afflicts you.

Darkness cannot conquer

His light

which shines with

intense love for you,

as the treasure

and apple of His eye.

The enemy has touched

your life,

but God's hand is stronger,

and His deliverance

is coming

like a freight train

to destroy the enemy's plans.

There is no hope

for the one who contends

with the Almighty.

Every voice will come to silence,

every accusing word will fall 

to the ground


Be strengthened by the power of

His love,

lifted up,

out of the place of despair,



or whatever other word would

describe your inner self right now.

Be redeemed

by the greatest Redeemer of all,

who paid your debt,

cancelled your sin,

and was lifted high to receive your penalty.

Better than good news.

Glorious news.

Wonderful, Counselor,

Mighty God,

Everlasting Father,

Prince of Peace.

Thank you, as we remember your birth.

Friday, 8 December 2023

Time has almost run out. Word Received 8.12.2023

 Time has almost run out so don't put off what I have asked you to do. Do not think someone can do it better than you. I have asked you to do it and you love Me if you obey My commands. Do not think someone else will do it if you don't. It is your calling and consequence if it is left undone. Be diligent to respond to the leading of My Holy Spirit and do not shut your ears to the cry of My heart. I have compassion on the people who are lost and hurting and I desire to minister to them through you. Don't hold back but step forward into the space I have created for you. It is My power manifest in your life so I receive the glory. Step out into what I have for you and your heart will be glad and your spirit will rejoice. Step out My precious ones and do not hold back.



Ladies and Gentlemen

It's time to go home,

and love your loved ones,

and step into your destiny.

We have but

a brief moment

of time

on this earth.

It passes

as a flower fades,

and if we are not

quick to pursue

our God given dreams,

we will look back,


how days


into months


into years,

and we didn't notice

until it was too late.

Time is not

on our side.

It never was,

as a temporary measure

to help us make

sense of our days,

and giving form

to the yesterdays, todays and tomorrows.

We do not sit easily with time,

rushing or procrastinating,

or dawdling along life's path,

until suddenly we come 

to a milestone,

we were not expecting,

and would rather not know,

as we learn we have run out of


Saturday, 11 November 2023

Take heart My people for I am with you. Word Received 11.11.2023

 Take heart My people for I am with you to deliver you from the fiery trials that are coming on the Earth. You will see My deliverance as you put your trust in Me and listen to My voice at all times. Do not be stubborn to resist My Holy Spirit for you do not have strength in yourself to stand in these days. Only in Me will you find your refuge and strength and you will be able to help others out of the strength I impart to you. Do not be discouraged and do not be deceived by what the media is showing but hold fast to the promises in My Word and be as bold as you like. The enemy cannot touch you if you are hidden in Me so stay close at all times and do not wander from the path I set out before you. In My presence you will find extraordinary peace that others will not comprehend but I will get their attention through you and because of your responses to what is happening. Beacon My light and speak My truth for the grip of darkness has not yet reached its fulfilment. Trust Me that I am with you and you can do all things in My Name.

Friday, 10 November 2023

Take My Hand

 Take My hand.

Take My heart.

Take My life

to be wholly yours.

Take My strength.

Take My sight

to help you see.

Take My arm.

Take My heart,

and tell others

what it's like.

Take My passion

for the lost.

Take and do not

hold it back.

Take My goodness 

deep within you.

It will heal


and bring quiet 

to your memory of pain.

Blind your eyes

to evil,

and refuse to look at

hurt and harm inflicted

for showtime profit.

Close your ears

to blasphemy

spoken about Me.

The enemy is


when faced with pure truth

agreed on between us.

There is a day coming

where everything will fall.

Take My hand.

Sunday, 5 November 2023

Forget all that is past. Word Received 5.11.2023

 Forget all that is past for I am doing a new thing. Do not dwell on what has been but listen to the leading of My Holy Spirit and seek what I am doing. You cannot rely on tried formulas in this new season for everything is different and everything needs to change to allow My Spirit to move freely in and through you. The world has changed and you cannot stay the same. My Word does not alter but you need to enter this new season with understanding of how to share My truth with those around you. You cannot remain the same and expect people to listen to My message of hope delivered in old wineskins. They must become new so those desperate to receive My Kingdom can be reached. Do not remain the same but look to My Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in these days. 

Lead the way Lord

 Lead the way Lord

and I shall follow.

I trust you with 

my life.

What that will look like

I do not know,

but you will be with me in it.

To walk this journey of life without you

would be unbearable loss.

A dark and brooding place

without your presence.

In you is light,

the light of life,

and you offer this to me freely 

to walk in and to show others.

Lead me Lord 

into your purposes,

and I will find my purpose

completely satisfied,

without any craving for comfort

that is not from you.

You are my all,

my everything, 

my love.

Lead me Lord

and I will follow.

Saturday, 28 October 2023

Do not fear man but fear Me says the Lord. Word Received 28.10.2023

 Do not fear man but fear Me says the Lord who is to be feared. Fear Me and honor Me above all else so My deliverance can come into your situation and My grace and healing can be manifest in your lives. Do not fear the enemy for his time is short and he knows it. He will wreck destruction where he may but he cannot overthrow My plans and purposes and his destruction is coming. He will suffer as My righteous judgement commands and all those who suffer at his hands for My sake will be recompensed. He will not have the ultimate victory for it is already secured through the cross. Do not underestimate the power of the cross and the power of My blood as you withstand the onslaught of the demonic in these days. Stand firm and stand fast holding onto My Word at all times. Nothing can separate you from My love so keep looking to Me and listening to My voice. Lies will increase. Turbulence will increase. Disasters will increase. These are the birth pangs. Do not give up hope but know that your redemption is near. There will be a mighty outpouring of My Spirit and many will be swept into My Kingdom. Do not mourn but rejoice in Me knowing My great and abiding love for all people everywhere.

I can't see You

 I can't see You,

but I know

You are with me.

I can't touch You,

 but I feel 

Your presence with me.

It is a mystery

of faith and grace,

that we can be so sure

of Someone

you cannot prove,

but nobody can

make you deny.

By the blood of the Lamb

and the word of our testimony.

We know God,

and no one can make us

unknow Him.

They can take away

everything else we have in life,

but they cannot take away

God's Spirit from us.

Many will die for their faith

in Jesus, 

many will suffer loss.

But this world is so fleeting,

what's the point

of worrying.

Eternal consequences

are far more weighty,

than human allegiance

to systems that will

all eventually be destroyed.

I know Jesus,

and no one 

can remove His Holy Spirit from my life.

Thank you Lord,

Nothing can separate us from Your love. 

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Calm your heart and steel your nerves. Word Received 19.10.2023

 Calm your heart and steel your nerves. You are going into a time of extreme turbulence and trauma around the world. See I have told you things so you can have peace for no one will find peace outside of My presence. Search for Me and seek Me not for what I can do but for who I am then you will see the manifestation of My power in your lives. There is no more time for lukewarmness, no more time for double mindedness concerning Me or My Kingdom. Decide and hold fast to your decision and you will indeed soar on wings like eagles. My people will see My glory displayed and they will rejoice in Me.

Be Bold

 Be bold.

Be strong.

Don't crumple,

or fold,

or faint for fear.


I give you,

not as the world gives,

because it is completely bankrupt,

and cannot find two tiny coins

of manmade peace

to rub together.

To war,

or not to war,

has replaced the "to be" question.

Jesus is King,

and His Kingdom

will smash this present darkness.

Right now,

make the choice,

to stand for righteousness.

The King is coming.

Be bold.

Be strong.


Saturday, 14 October 2023

Tell My people to wake up. Word Received 15.10.2023

 Tell My people to wake up for I am coming soon. There is a spirit of confusion upon the peoples of the Earth for they are choosing not to align with My purposes and plans. As there are seasons in the natural so in the spirit. Diligently keep the seasons of My Spirit and be ready to respond to My leadings. New growth can spring out of seemingly dead wood and new life can spring out of the darkest environments. Do not discount any person or situation for My Holy Spirit can breathe life into dry bones and new hearts where they are hardened by pain. Do not cease to cry out for the salvation of those you know and love. My earnest desire is that all would turn to Me and be saved. I am coming soon says the Lord.

Buy More Time

 We can't buy more time

with all the latest gadgets,

and handy household tools.

We can't buy more time,

however hard we try to




the things that surround us.

Time just keeps going,


but now somehow faster.

Sometimes there isn't enough time in the day

to pray,

to read the Bible,

to sit with God and be still.

Our parcels of twenty four hours

keep slipping away,

one after the other,

and we are left,

wondering what eternal value

was accomplished

in ours 

or others' lives.

We can't buy more time,

to preserve in jars on shelves,

stored for future use.

The pendulum clock in the kitchen ticks on,

and on,

and on,

and on,






Saturday, 7 October 2023

The world is entering a time of great darkness. Word Received 8.10.2023

 The world is entering a time of great darkness where you will need the light of the gospel to be able to see. There will be such confusion and panic, such distress and disorder that only those who are standing on the rock of My Word will be able to continue to stand. The world has never seen anything like this and it would have never welcomed the darkness in if it had understood its end. Be the light to those around you and speak My truth into situations that are full of lies. My truth will dispel the lie as light dispels the darkness. Do not think your situation is insufficient to warrant My concern. I care deeply for My people in every corner of the Earth and for those who are yet to hear the good news of My salvation. Tell them and let your light shine for time is running out.

Go into all the world

 Go into all the world

and let them know

that I am coming soon.

My Word cannot lie,

so don't believe the lie,

that it could not be so.

All things will change.

Every knee will bow,

and those who thought they knew best,

for everyone else,

will be sadly mistaken.

Don't lose hope,

when the night becomes

so dark

you can hardly see.

Know that the dawn is coming,

and the Son of righteousness

will rise

to a very new and different day.

Keep standing.

Keep believing.

Keep going,

My beloved.

I am coming soon.

Saturday, 30 September 2023

I am coming as a mighty wind. Word Received 27.9.2023

 I am coming as a mighty wind to sweep over New Zealand by My Spirit. My Spirit will blow away the evil cobwebs that have dulled people's minds and will breathe life into people's hearts so they can beat again with real life. My Spirit is not contingent to any workings of man and I decide the timing of when I move in nations. I will move in your nation because I have heard the cry that has been rising for many years and now is the time for My answers to be manifest. See I will do a new thing in this land and you will greatly rejoice to see My day as it dawns across the nation. Be bold to proclaim My goodness and cry aloud for salvation to come to the people of this land. I hear you and I will deliver this land from the grip of evil. I declare it and I will do it says the Lord.

Between the waiting

 Between the waiting for the One who is to come again, 

there is an unsteady lull of faith and fruitfulness.

Ones wondering how long the wait will be,

and should they interrupt their journeyings towards their other things.

There is sorrow in silence,

and treasure tightly held,

and women weep over your body broken for us,

and blood shed for us.

Grace in silence,

and nothing held sacred beyond the whisper of angel wings,

in the vaulted sphere of choral cathedral.

I sensed a song,

not of this earth origin.

Heaven's praise somehow reaching our ears,

and lifting our hearts.

Could we sing with angels and keep time with them,

as they extend eternity into our close set sphere.

We cannot know the weight of glory they experience,

walking in the courts of heaven,

but our hushed hearts quiet before us as we are still,

and wait for what will be.

We will hear the trumpet sound,

and the dead will rise,

causing quite the commotion,

and we will see who we truly are,

reflected in His eyes of love.

Saturday, 23 September 2023

Be still and know that I am God. Word Received 24.9.2023

 Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations and My Name will go forth over the face of the Earth. Go forth with singing My praise and declaring My Word for there is a harvest of souls waiting to be redeemed out of the enemy's hands. Go out with joy and be led forth with peace so you are not hindered with the fear that is gripping the peoples. Rejoice in My goodness and let others know so they can rejoice too. There are not many days left for My purpose to prevail in the lives of those I send you to minister to. The door of opportunity will soon be shut so do not squander your time but see it as precious in My sight. See I am coming soon, says the Lord. 

Running out of Time


is not the end of life,


the beginning of something new.

So let it be that wonderful invitation,

the wedding feast of Bride and Bridegroom,

and rejoicing in eternal life.

Don't let it be


to our last moment,

to turn to Jesus.

His saving grace

is there for us now.

His love reaches out.

His pierced hands declare

our debt has been paid.

Release others and be released,

from every burden and weary weight,

that would compress the life out of us.

Be set free in Jesus' name,

and live forever with God.

Heaven calls us home,

with accompanying angelic celebration.

But if we haven't replied to the invite yet,

we are running out of time.

Saturday, 16 September 2023

A war is coming that will blindside many nations. Word received 14.9.2023

 A war is coming that will blindside many nations for they have not listened to My Word and prepared themselves. They will be caught without sufficient resources for their population and there will be a breakdown of law and order within those nations. There will be a separation between nations who have rejected Me and those who have heeded My Word. The contrast will be great and no one will miss its meaning. Some will repent and turn to Me and others will harden their hearts and even blame me for their misfortunes. You cannot serve God and mammon and where mammon is exalted it will be brought low. There will be an expectation of a savior to redeem these things but they will not look to Me. They will look to false gods and idols and continue to reject Me. But those who turn to Me will rejoice in My goodness as My favor is placed upon those nations and supernatural blessing will broadcast My Name to the world. Let your light shine in the nation I have planted you in and call upon Me in these days.

It's not too late

 It's not too late to prepare

...Until it is.

It's not too late to tell that loved one

about the Lord

...Until it is.

It is not too late to love others,

and do good,

and be the light 

we've always dreamed we could be

...Until it is.

Life and death 

pass without warning.

So many crumpled people,

hugging the ground,

unaware devastation was coming,

to their part of the world

...Until it did.

Don't let this stop us though,

from doing the most important thing

in our own eyes.

God forgive me,

and have mercy upon me,

and knowing that there will

always be tomorrow

...Until there's not.

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

A massive earthquake is coming that will shake New Zealand to its core. Word Received 10th September 2021

 Word Received 10th September 2021        Sarah Angus

A massive earthquake is coming that will shake New Zealand to its core. It will

displace people and entire communities will have to move. It will cause

businesses to fail and supply lines to be broken.

It will throw the country into turmoil and the government into chaos.

I will shake the Church out of its apathy and cause it to step forward in this day.

To be salt and light and to proclaim My message to all people.

I will have their attention as they look for answers and My people will have

opportunity to reach out to those around them.

Holy fear will fall on the churches and My people will repent of long standing sins

that have hindered their walk with Me.

I am not bringing this earthquake but I will use it for My glory to be displayed in

this land and as an opportunity for many to turn to Me.

Prepare yourselves so your preparation can bless others in these days.

Seek My face and know My peace in these coming days says the Lord.

My Spirit is coming to burn up the dross and to cause things to fall off lives that

have been a hindrance for so long.

Redeem this time for the days of opportunity are few and each one is precious.

Do not labor for that which does not satisfy but labor for My Kingdom and press

into My presence in a greater way than you have ever done.

There is a separation coming between those who truly know Me and those who

rely on someone else’s faith.

Draw close to Me in these days and I will show you marvelous things in My Word

that will strengthen your heart and prepare you for the days ahead.

You will redeem your time by prayer and the longer you pray the more time you

will have to accomplish all that I have for you.

My favor is around you and upon you as you draw close to Me and you will truly

help many others in these coming days.

Saturday, 9 September 2023

At the outset of the troubles. Word Received 10.9.2023

 At the outset of the troubles I will give you strength to stand according to My Word. I will give you favor with those around you and your needs will be met by supernatural provision and divine intervention. Angels will minister to you and humans will help you to get to where you need to go. You will not lack resources and you will be able to share with others as I lead and guide you. You will stand firm in these days of great trial coming upon the Earth for you are My people and I am your God. Stand firm on the precepts of My Word and do not waver from following My will and purposes. You can still be fruitful in the time of famine and know My great deliverance in your life and the lives of those I entrust into your care. Do not fear but trust in My great love for you.

Hurry Up and Come Inside

 Hurry up and come inside,

or you'll be caught in the storm,

wondering why no one warned you.

There's a storm coming,

just saying,

and we haven't seen such a big one

in our generation.

Flight or fight,

or maybe both responses,

will happen,

without you saying a word.

I put my hand on your shoulder.

Hush now.

There is no more time for preparation.

The storm will have its way,

and destruction will be seen

in its wake.

But then the dawn will come,

and we will see clearly.

Now come inside before it's too late. 

Saturday, 2 September 2023

I would speak a word in season to you. Word Received 3.9.2023

 I would speak a word in season to you. Do not grow weary in doing good for at the right time you will receive your just reward. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy who would tell you to give up because there is no hope of change to the circumstances or situation. There is always hope and your hope will come into fruition in My perfect timing. Do not grow weary in doing good but press forward into My purposes with more strength than before. Do not settle for anything less than My perfect will for your life and you will know overflowing joy despite what you see around you. My joy will be your strength and My salvation shall be your song as you step forward into all I have for you. It is truly time to seize the day and every opportunity I give you in My Kingdom purposes. Do not grow weary in doing good for you will reap your reward.

Back Down Never

Back down never.

Never back down.

Never give up

on the good you see

you can do.

For if you don't

do the good you see

you can, who will?

Who will guide young ones into truth?

Who will be the light in the darkness?

The darkness may not comprehend the light,

but it doesn't stop it shining.

Shine on,

and do good while it is still day,

for night is coming quickly,

when no one can work.

Work for treasure that lasts forever,

and do not spend resources on stuff and nonsense.

Stuff and nonsense fills the airways,

but God's Word will ring out true and clear.

True and clear is the Father's love for all.

All who would receive the Son

and dwell in His light.

Light has dawned.

Dawned for us all.

Saturday, 26 August 2023

I am calling My people to repent on behalf of their lands. Word Received 26.8.2023

 I am calling My people to repent on behalf of their lands where iniquity and injustice has thought to overthrow My purposes. Cry out to Me for your nations and I will roar over you and My voice will be like many waters speaking life and freedom to all who hear. Cry out for your nations and see My answers come to all that afflicts and weakens the people. Be aware of how the enemy is trying to destroy it and resist him in My name. You are not helpless. That is a lie from the enemy. You are a people of power because you know your God. Do mighty exploits and do not hold back for fear of what others might think. Step out and cause a chain reaction in the spirit of others being emboldened in their faith. There is very little time to sit and consider so respond in faith and see My hand move on your behalf.

May your peace settle upon me

 May your peace settle upon me,

in this time of trial,

and turbulence,

when no one can tell me

what is actually happening,

because nobody knows.

Except you.

You have seen it all already,

being outside time and space

has a clear advantage.

You are never taken by surprise,

having to change tack mid course.

You have created all,

and your timing is upon this world.

You will usher in the next

at the right time,

in your time,

and no one and nothing can change that.

This brings me great comfort,

knowing that the One ultimately in charge

sees my anxious heart,

and speaks peace to Me,

and to all who would listen.

Saturday, 19 August 2023

Do not be troubled by what you see and hear. Word Received 19.8.2023

 Do not be troubled by what you see and hear for I am with you to sustain you in the time to come. I will be your supernatural provision when other doors are shut to you and I will give you wisdom how to behave when things begin to be actively against you. You will be hated among the nations and condemned for following Me. Do not fear or be dismayed for I am your very great reward. Look to Me and your faces will be radiant and the enemies plans will not succeed against you. Do not be troubled but trust Me and believe My words that are life to you and to all those who you reach out to in love.

Living Letter

 He looks at me with eyes of love.

I cannot raise my gaze,

too much has happened to me

to start a conversation.

He keeps looking,

hoping I will be brave enough

to catch a glimpse of His face,

radiant with love,

longing for a lost child

wanting to come home.

I put my hand in His

and whisper heartfelt thanks.

I didn't think I would see

it through another day,

but here I am

with a smile for those around,

who have never really seen me

before now.

Something has changed.

My life has begun again,

as if my book of days

has been renewed, stamped, and released

into the library of life

to be read by others.

A living epistle,

or letter in simpler language,

waiting to be shared

outward and onward,

and have I told you about Jesus

and how He saved my life.

Saturday, 12 August 2023

I will raise up an army by My Spirit. Word Received 11.8.2023

 I will raise up an army by My Spirit who will look to Me and who will call out to Me to move in their nation. I am looking for ones whose hearts are dedicated to Me and to My purposes, to see salvation and healing come in their lands. I seek those hidden ones whom the world does not notice but whose angels see My face. I see them and I love these ones who stand for righteousness and refuse to compromise My Word and the speaking of My truth. My banner over them will be love and they will keep in step with My heart beat. I long for those who would turn aside from busyness and truly seek Me for who I am and not what I can give. Then I can open the floodgates of blessing and pour out My answers to all that they need. Do not fear these coming days for many voices will command fear but I will speak peace to all who look to Me.

Do not be troubled

 Do not be troubled

by what you see

and hear

for these things shall come to pass

before the end of all that we hold dear.

We cling to our treasures

yet find it hard to see value in others.

We long for comfort and security

so are shaken

by the next shock wave of news

proclaiming war and ill will to all men.

Human. Kind.

And yet we are not

to each other

in the days of smash and grab

and not just by ram raiders.

We long for the quiet life

but others need our help,

and it is better to give than receive,

and I have seen this to be true.

We wait for your return Lord with longing,

desperate for this planet pain to end,

darkness circling coil around the globe

tightening its grip with every passing day.

So come Lord,

but we choose to keep oil in our lamps as we wait

and be about our Master's business

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Rise up My people. Word Received 3.8.2023

 Rise up My people and take the places I have appointed for you. Each of you has a special purpose and a special calling. Do not look to another's calling with envy but understand that each part of the body is vital for its wellbeing. Do not imagine that I think in the same way as you for as high as the heavens are above the Earth so are My thoughts above yours. I call you to be obedient to Me even if you do not understand everything I am calling you to do. Trust Me and I will prove Myself faithful and I will equip you in every manner for the calling I have given you. Do not let fear hinder you or slow your progress in My purposes. Do not grow weary for you will receive your reward. My favor is around each one of you to see My glory manifest on the Earth and for all to acknowledge that I am the Lord. 

Saturday, 5 August 2023

This Little Life

 This little life

so tightly wound

dreaming of something

beyond our reach.

Hoping but helpless

to move forward

in our sphere of senses without You.

Muddled thought

wishing to express itself

more clearly

than tangent ideas

forming as distant clouds

over a speckled sunset.

Your truth cuts through

and stands coherent

amid the sea of drifting lies.

I can cling to it

as it anchors me

and gives me purpose

in this fragmented world.

I will not forget

Your Word as I press forward

to complete My calling

in some small token way.

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Jesus the King is coming soon. Word Received 29.7.2023

 Jesus the King is coming soon and His reward is with Him. He is looking for the humble in heart to fulfil His purposes on the Earth for He will not share His glory with another. He looks for those who will serve others as they serve Him in righteousness and holiness hating iniquity in all its forms. He is looking for a people brave and bold that will not be ashamed of Him before their generation but will gladly share His good news with any who will listen. He is looking for His Bride to make herself ready for His return and to eagerly await it. Do not be distracted by the things of this world for they will shortly fade away. Keep your focus on the Bridegroom and His great love for you.

Destinations and Departures

 As I wait to go

from this room to the next,

from this country to the next,

from this life to the next,

I want to connect 

with my correct destination.

Jesus said

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,

and He meant it to give hope

to lost generations

and lost individuals

looking for a compass

that has been mislaid.

Jesus said

I am the door,

for us to enter through

into the presence of His glory and everlasting life.

In this so broken world

we can hardly imagine such a place exists,

but Scripture points to it

and with confidence we can reply to this invitation so graciously given.

We are not a collection of atoms

aimlessly floating through the universe.

We are precious,

created by God for purpose and blessing.

We make sure of our destination before departure

during this life.

We can also do the same for the next.

Saturday, 22 July 2023

There is a time of turbulence coming on the Earth. Word Received 22.7.2023

 There is a time of turbulence coming on the Earth when people's hearts will fail from fear. There will be contention and war unlike anything that has ever been seen and everyone will be shocked by what they see. There will be a mighty uprising of evil but My people have nothing to fear. Understand that I will hedge you around behind and before and you will walk securely through the midst of chaos. Your heart will remain calm as it is anchored in Me and people will seek the answer that you have in your life. Now is the time for preparation, to draw close to Me and to understand My Word. Everything is foretold in it and I will not tell new things that are not in accordance to My Word. Deception will sweep away many from My purposes and fear will prevent many from taking the opportunities that I give them. Do not be afraid but trust in Me and you will indeed walk securely and safely in the days to come.

My Beloved

 My Beloved

Do not strive

for you are very close to Me.

Wake to My heart beat

and sing My song.

Walk with me 

in the garden of My delight

and soak in My love.

Your steps will not falter

as you move

in time with Me.

I share your journey

and call you onwards.

You are complete

in My completeness

and all else is 

transitory dust

that does not settle

as the wind blows.

Let Me kiss you

with My peace.

Remain close to Me

My Beloved.

Saturday, 15 July 2023

I say to My beloved Arise and come with Me. Word Received 15.7.2023

 I say to My beloved Arise and come with Me. I want you to know I delight in you and I see all you can be as you put your hand in Mine and trust Me with your future days. There is much to be done for My Kingdom purposes to prevail and for My truth to be recognized and received. Dullness and stupor is upon the Earth and I want My people to wake others up with My good news. Tell them that I love them and they can know Me as you do. Tell them that I have always been with them and will be faithful to remain. Tell them not to believe the enemy who would tell them such a different story to the one that is true. My people Arise and receive My love and My presence in your lives.


 I feel the pressure

of the 

fallen world,

sapping my strength,

rendering me powerless

against the avalanche of information

forcing itself into my head space.

Danger, fear, power, glory

muddled up in the daily news stew.

I can

of course

choose not to partake of the toxic brew,

spewed out through screens big and small.

I could tune out,

switch off,

but the fear of missing out

is a potent force

for fragile human beings

needing to be liked or forwarded.

It seems insane that we are


the spell

of the little black mirror,

that can be held in our hands

as it owns our lives.

It does not tell us the truth

about ourselves 

or others

or what really matters. 

Let's turn it off for a while,










Saturday, 8 July 2023

If My people will heed My voice. Word Received 5.7.2023

 If My people will heed My voice and turn from their own ways and turn to My ways and My Word then I will move in your lives and in this land. I will show My glory for My name's sake in this land of the long white cloud and it will be indeed known as the land of the Holy Spirit and a land where My name is exalted. Honor My name and lift it up for at My name all principalities and powers must bow. Recognize your authority because of My name and do not be timid to declare My praises. The enemy will try to silence you with fear and intimidation but do not fear because I have overcome the world and you are My disciples. Fear and honor Me and stand for righteousness and truth and you will walk as My beloved children in this good and pleasant land. My favor is upon you and My delight is towards you as you turn to Me.

Art of Exploration

 Afternoon light on restless water,

shadows cast by small children

investigating this expanse of shell, seaweed and sand.

A young boy diligently carries a spadeful of sand across the beach

depositing it for his own good reason some distance away.

He is of course dreaming of building and conquest,

and rightly so for this is his inheritance

in the wider scheme of things,

and his actions privately comprehended

will move towards more tangible outcomes in later life.

He shows determination to explore,

to cross river boundaries and climb mountains

in his imagination

as he navigates this new found beach.

As adults we often lose the art of exploration

as we settle for our narrow familiar worlds,

and wander not beyond the commonplace

of our own seemingly stable lives.

Saturday, 1 July 2023

Seek the peace of Jerusalem. Word Received 20.6.2023

 Seek the peace of Jerusalem for its enemies are surrounding it for its destruction. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and do not cease to lift this place for it is more significant than you think. The eyes of the world will be upon it in coming days and the enemy will think it has triumphed but I will redeem My people and I will rise up to defend them in the hour of their need. They will turn to Me and see My glory manifest in extraordinary ways. I cannot break My covenant or turn aside from the cries of My people. I will redeem all things and you will be amazed by what you see. Pray for Jerusalem for it will be a pivot point to My purposes on the Earth.

Kindness of the Father

 Kindness of the Father to lead and guide

to love and comfort

to ease the pain of mortal loss.

He has seen His Son in agony

He knows travail.

He has promised not to leave us or forsake us

but we forget so quickly

and get lost in the maze of our own emotions

seeking for solutions that are not in Him.

He has this and He has you

if only you would be still and know.

Thrashing about as one drowning

you would take others under with you.

His strong hand will pull you forth

from the waves of your despair

and sit with you on the Rock of His Word

until your soul finds peace.

This day did not start well but tomorrow can.

His mercies are new every morning

and not just in the lyrics of a song.

He is tangibly present and incredibly kind

having justified you through His Son

there is nothing more to fear.

We tug at the edges of His presence

and feel we are not worthy of crumbs

but He has indeed prepared a banquet

for us in the presence of our enemies

fear, loss, longing, despair,

grief, pain, hurt,

can all watch us from afar

as we dine with Him.

Saturday, 24 June 2023

Do not fear the plans of the enemy. Word Received 20.6.2023

 Do not fear the plans of the enemy for I will overturn tables and trample on his schemes. The kings of the world think they are victorious but I can silence them with a word. Do not fear evil but fear Me and obey My Word. Now is the time for My people to arise and show forth My glory on the Earth. Now is the time to be so bold in your faith and obedience to the leading of My Spirit that you surprise those who have known you for years. Now is the time to step forward into what I have for you and not hold back. There is no risk when you follow My leading but great reward for those who put their trust in Me. You will indeed do greater things because I am with the Father and My Yes and Amen is upon what I have called you to do. Do not fear failure but step forward into My promises and you will rejoice with Me greatly in the days to come.

By the Sea

 The skim stone smallness of the estuary

boats bobbing to the water music

gulls crying falsetto minor keys

and a child pitched voice cutting the quiet.

I could live by the sea in my dreams

and eat lemon sorbet

to the tune of the repetitive tide.

I watch you swim out beyond the point

and wish my braver self could join you

in the sea covered tangle of seaweed and grey stone.

There is a thought that passes between us

but does not land to form memory.

Bits and bobs

and to be fair

these are only phrases

used without context.

I like the afternoon sea

which is relaxing in its accomplishment

of the day.

It has nothing else to prove except

to sweep the beach clean ready

for the fresh tomorrow.

Is it because we are made of water

that we feel so at peace

here wrapped in our mother's womb

from our conception.

Saturday, 17 June 2023

Do not grow weary in doing good. Word Received 11.6.2023

 Do not grow weary in doing good for in the right time you will reap your reward. Be diligent to pursue the works of the Kingdom for in them is eternal recompense. Nothing is wasted when done for God's glory and man's economy is far away from the touchstone of God's standards. Understand God's Word and be active to obey it for you will find treasures that are more than those on this Earth. You will be resplendent in His righteousness and covered by His blood as you submit yourself to God's perfect will and purposes for your life. Do not compare your deeds with others for each has a different calling and they are not to be measured against each other. Walk in the discipline of My Holy Spirit and rejoice in My presence for there you will be equipped with everything you need to fulfil your assignment. Be childlike in faith and receive wisdom from above and you will stand no matter what is happening on the Earth. Be diligent to read My Word and faithful to follow My commandments and you will see My glory manifest on the Earth. 

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Rise up for your King is coming and stand to welcome Him. Word Received 11.6.2023

 Rise up for your King is coming and stand to welcome Him. He is coming in glory and power and He will not be turned away. His face is set to deliver those who cry out to Him and to cause injustice to cease. He will judge the nations and His righteous judgment will stand. Those who have mocked will be silenced and those who have rebelled will bend their knee. Iniquity will not stand before Him and darkness has no power over Him. His people will rejoice for they will be vindicated and the enemy's mouth will be shut. Rejoice for many will see this day and be glad for they will understand God's purposes will prevail. There will be rejoicing and celebration amongst God's people and tears and sighing will flee away. Mockers will cease because all the Earth will see the glory of the Lord. Lift up your heads and be ready to welcome in Your King.

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Do not cast off this generation. Word Received 12.3.2023

 Do not cast off this generation for I love them with an everlasting love. The enemy has tried to destroy them but I will redeem them and draw them to Myself. I will show them great and mighty things in My Word which will empower them to stand for Me and to move boldly when I call them.

Friday, 26 May 2023

I am coming to judge the world. Word Received 29.4.2023

 I am coming to judge the world because of righteousness, truth and justice. Mankind has turned aside from My ways and followed after evil. They are choosing right and wrong for themselves and laying aside My Word as their foundation. The things built on sand will topple so build on My Rock and honor My Word. You cannot know all things of the future but you can trust Me to lead you into it. My Word never fails for it is established forever. My Spirit never wearies for I am the eternal One and My righteousness is everlasting. Believe My words when I say to you I am coming to judge the Earth and worship Me as your Lord.

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Be bold and very courageous to share My Word. Word Received 23.4.2023

 Be bold and very courageous to share My Word. Do not hold back but speak My truth to any who will hear. Do not presume to know what is right but trust My Word and walk in its truth. Confusion is increasing and you need to remain steady. My Word will be your anchor in the storm that is to come. Many will fall away from the truth because it will cost so much to stand firm but you will not stand alone for I am with you and My Spirit will not depart from you. Be assured of My presence and protection as you hide under the shadow of My wings. Know My great grace and love for you and share the good news with others. 

Sunday, 14 May 2023

Time is short. Shorter than you think. Word Received 19.2.2023

 Time is short. Shorter than you think. Do not put off till tomorrow what I have asked of you today. Do not let time slip by because of sorrow of what is happening in the world. Treasure each moment and fulfil your calling. Time is so short. Do not let it slip away. 

Sunday, 7 May 2023

The storm clouds of war are rising. Word received 31.3.2023

 The storm clouds of war are rising and everyone will be touched by its outpouring on the Earth. The storm of war will envelope nations and take others by surprise. It will begin without warning although many have seen its formation. It will distress and amaze by its severity and its lack of logic. The enemy is tearing at itself and it does not understand that the house divided against itself will not stand. Unions will be irreplaceably broken and strange new alliances will form that have not existed before. Nation will truly rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and no one will be really certain as to what is happening. These are the days of great fear coming upon all the peoples of the Earth for when it begins no one will be able to see how it ends. My Word tells you everything you need so do not fear but trust in Me.

Sunday, 30 April 2023

As the rain that falls so My Spirit is falling on those who are thirsting for My presence. Word Received 29.4.2023

 As the rain that falls so My Spirit is falling on those who are thirsting for My presence and for righteousness to be restored in their communities and their nations. My rain will fall on areas of barren land and it will spring forth into life. The dryness and lack in peoples hearts will be filled up and they will begin to overflow with My goodness into others lives. The rain will wash away the debris that has collected on the Earth and cleanse hearts and minds of pollution that has built up over years. People will be glad and they will dance and sing in the rain of My Spirit being poured out on the Earth. Gladness will return to lives that have known great sorrow and many will walk into healing in My Name. These are the days of encounter with My Holy Spirit and with those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Lift up your heads and see as My rain begins to fall in greater measure than you have seen before.

Saturday, 22 April 2023

Walk in My covenant with you. Word Received 23.4.2023

 Walk in My covenant with you and remember to follow its precepts and what I have called you to. This covenant is everlasting and its promise is life eternal. You cannot break the covenant without doing harm to yourself or others. It is a covenant of grace that you can be forgiven and a covenant of righteousness that you can walk safely. Evil is consuming the world and I do not want My people to be consumed by it. You are called to share My light for a reason so others can see the truth. Do not allow your actions to diminish your light and cause it to be ineffective in helping others. Do not let the darkness enter your life. Remember My covenant and walk in it and you will know the blessing of being a people called by My Name. You will see miracles of grace in your own life and the lives of others. You will understand the beauty and purpose of My commandments. They are for your good and to do you good so do not forget them or lay them aside in this time. 

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Never lose sight of My love for you for My faithfulness is everlasting. Word Received 16.4.2023

 Never lose sight of My love for you for My faithfulness is everlasting. Time does not diminish My love and circumstance does not alter it. My love for you is pure and unblemished, it is clean and it is holy. The enemy would try to destroy your understanding of love so you cannot receive My love correctly. My love will sustain the longings and the cry of your heart and fulfil you to the very depths of your being. You cannot truly thrive without My love for everything else is mere shadows. Receive My love deeply in your life so that you can accomplish and walk in all that I have for you.

Saturday, 8 April 2023

You are going into unchartered waters and you need My Word to guide you. Word Received 9.4.2023

 You are going into unchartered waters and you need My Word to guide you. You are going into unfamiliar territory where there are unexpected hazards and you need My Word to guide you through them. You are going through unfamiliar terrain and My Word will be your compass and orientation mark so you can navigate safely. My Word will be your guide, your reference point and your safety net to stop you from falling. The way is becoming more treacherous and you need Me to guide your feet so you do not slip. My eyes will guide you and My voice will lead you. If you keep My Word as your focal point you will not lose your way and your feet will stay on firm ground. Nothing else can save you and no one else can save you for I am truly the only way to the Father and the only true One to be called Lord. Walk with Me and I will lead and guide you to safety in these coming days. 

Saturday, 1 April 2023

Do not hold back from speaking My truth for time is running out. Word Received 31.3.2023

 Do not hold back from speaking My truth for time is running out for you to have freedom to speak or to go to the places that I am calling you to. Do not let the mundane sap your strength but be continually filled by My Spirit so you have My power flowing through you at all times. These are the days of cataclysmic change so keep looking forward into My purposes and not back to what has been before. That is gone forever for I am doing a new thing among My people for those who have eyes to see and hearts to receive My blessing. Do not hinder the work of My Holy Spirit by disobedience or neglect of My Word for I long to speak to you daily if you will hear Me. Put on the clothes of righteousness for they will protect you and cause you to walk in the light. Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness for its end is death. Love Me and love others with the love I will place in your heart that will sustain you in the days to come. Never let go of My promises for I cannot lie and all things will be fulfilled as I have said to you. Believe Me and obey My Word says the Lord of hosts. 

Saturday, 25 March 2023

Pour love into people's lives and you will reap a harvest of blessing. Word Received 18.3.2023

 Pour love into people's lives and you will reap a harvest of blessing. Your eyes will see My goodness poured out on your life as you do not hold back but allow Me to flow through you by My Holy Spirit. Do not question what I ask you to do for all will become clear as you step out in obedience. It is better to trust first and then understanding will quickly follow after. I desire mercy more than sacrifice and mercy shown towards those around you can unlock doors that have been shut for many years. I desire My people to express an outpouring of love to the world which will confound the critics and silence the accuser. My love will open hearts and lives to My goodness so many can receive My salvation at this hour. It is costly to love but it is more costly to others if you do not love and proclaim My goodness to those around you. Pour out love without measure and you will reap a harvest of righteousness in these days. Many will turn to Me and be saved and many will come to know My love for themselves. Do not hold back but pour out My love.

Saturday, 18 March 2023

Follow the leading of My Holy Spirit as if your life depended on it. Word Received 18.3.2023

 Follow the leading of My Holy Spirit as if your life depended on it. Do not think in your heart you can choose your own path and all will be well. Perilous days are coming and you need to walk more closely to Me than ever before. Heed My Word and obey My promptings for My Holy Spirit will not strive with you if you choose to go your own way. Be obedient to My Word and you will walk in a victory you have not yet known. You will see from My perspective and understand from My heart concerning situations. All will not be as it seems and you must walk in discernment counting the cost of being My disciple. My favor is upon you and around you and nothing will come between us as you walk according to the leading of My Holy Spirit. 

Saturday, 11 March 2023

Proclaim My power to an unbelieving world. Word Received 12.3.2023

 Proclaim My power to an unbelieving world. Proclaim My name that has been dishonored and cast aside in the public square. Proclaim My goodness to rebuke the lies that people have been sold, lies that I do not love and I do not care, and that I am not able to move in power. I will pour out My Spirit in these days and will show signs and wonders on the Earth that will astound many and cause them to rethink what they have believed about Me. Be My ambassadors and do not fear man for I am with you by the power of My Holy Spirit.

Sunday, 5 March 2023

The winds of change are coming. Word Received 5.3.2023

 The winds of change are coming and some things will change so rapidly you will be amazed you did not notice them before. The winds of change are coming and bringing dramatic change to areas of life that have been stable before. You will not comprehend all the changes for there are too many and they will come from all directions. Your senses will be blurred and your vision distorted unless you are looking to Me. I have created a plumbline and that plumbline is not moving. Everything will blur around it but it will remain constant. You will understand the importance of My Word to preserve your sanity in the coming days when many will lose their grip on reality and will swirl around with every new change. My Word is your weapon so fight with it and stand in its truth. A dark veil has been cast over the earth and darkness will have its appointed time.

Sunday, 26 February 2023

A mighty sword is coming to strike the Earth. Word Received 19.2.2023

 A mighty sword is coming to strike the Earth to scatter My people but it will drive them into My hands. They shall not be afraid because I will surround them as a shield from the enemy who would attack them. My people will be purified by the persecution that is coming against them and they will rejoice with great joy seeing they are worthy to share in My sufferings. They will be bold as lions and nothing will stop My Word coming from their mouth. People who do not know Me will be amazed at what they see, for My people will not bow and submit to the enemy's schemes. They will be valiant and forthright and nothing will stop their testimony. My glory will be seen in their midst and many will be saved because of this onslaught of the enemy. Do not be surprised when it comes but rejoice and do not fear. Nothing can separate My people from My love. I will be glorified in your midst in these coming days so do not fear but trust in Me.

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Wake up. Wake up My people for it is not time to be at ease. Word Received 19.2.2023

 Wake up. Wake up My people for it is not time to be at ease. It is not time to slumber and sleep for time is short and there is much to do. Do not be at ease in your own comfort but step out to help others in these days. Be My help to those around you and those distant from you. Be My love to those you encounter in your daily lives. Do not miss the tiniest opportunity to be a blessing to another for it will count for so much in the end. Do not be weary in doing good for your reward will come in due time. Now is the season to labor in the harvest fields. Go and do not hold back.

Saturday, 11 February 2023

Speak peace to My people, supernatural peace that is not affected by what is happening around you. Word Received 8.2.2023

 Speak peace to My people, supernatural peace that is not affected by what is happening around you. Peace that will keep you steady in the storm and centered in the midst of confusion. Peace that will allow My light to shine through you without flickering or going out. Peace is the currency of My Kingdom in these coming days when the world is in turmoil and people do not know which way to turn. Turn them towards Me and proclaim My peace to them so they can receive Me into their lives. Turn your face towards Me and receive My peace which shall not fail.

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Declare among the nations that the Lord reigns. Word Received 4.2.2023

 Declare among the nations that the Lord reigns. Declare His goodness and His mercy for His love endures forever. Declare the end to the enemy's plans for your life. Declare God's promises and stand on them for they cannot fail you. Everything created by man will fail but the Lord's Word stands strong forever. Trust in My Word and lean not on your understanding for the natural mind cannot understand the things that are about to come upon the Earth. Rest in My peace and do not fear. See I have told you these things before they come to pass in My Word so you do not need to be afraid. Trust Me and trust My words and you will stand secure in the coming days. 

Saturday, 28 January 2023

I would speak a word to people but they will not hear. Word Received 29.1.2023

 I would speak a word to people but they will not hear. Their minds have become numb and their hearts have become cold because of the evil on the Earth. Let Me breathe life into you again as in the beginning and let Me pour the fire of My Holy Spirit on your life to burn away the dross. Judgment is coming on that which is evil so flee from it and hide under the shelter of My wings. I am your strong tower and fortress in these days of calamity that are coming on the Earth. You will be kept in the safe place as you honor Me and allow My Word to dwell in you richly. Nothing can stop what is coming but you can stand in the midst of it in the power of My Name.

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Do not desire the gifts only but desire My presence in your life. Word Received 22.1.2022

 Do not desire the gifts only but desire My presence in your life. Seek Me not for what I can give you but seek Me to abide with you and in you. Do not strive for the glory of man but allow My glory to be seen by all. These are the days of spiritual manifestation and the uncovering of things that have been kept secret. Do not hide anything in the darkness for all will be brought into the light and revealed for all to see. My purposes will stand as things of the world are washed away. Now is the time to stand and having done all to stand.

Saturday, 14 January 2023

Do not presume to know Me because someone else has spoken about Me. Word Received 13.1.2023

 Do not presume to know Me because someone else has spoken about Me. Know Me for yourself and seek Me for your own life. Do not rest on another's faith but strengthen your own faith to stand in these days. Seek Me and know Me for I am not far from each of you. My will and My purposes stand through each generation and I look for those whose hearts and minds are turned towards Me. Know the blessing of walking in obedience to My Word and know the power of the indwelling of My Holy Spirit in your life. Know the joy of dwelling in My presence and My peace that you can share with others in My Name. The end of all things is at hand on the Earth but My Kingdom is eternal and I have much for you to do in this season.

Sunday, 8 January 2023

Be willing and be ready to accept the assignments of My Spirit. Word Received 31.12.2022

 Be willing and be ready to accept the assignments of My Spirit. For each one will be different and none are greater or lesser than others. All have their place and will bring glory to Me. Never go back on your word or commitment for those who are like Me walk in faithfulness with each other. My covenant with you stands for all time and the enemy cannot snatch you out of My hand. You are safe under the shadow of My wings and you are safe in the secret place of My counsel and My presence. My presence shall go with you and ahead of you to prepare places of favor for you to walk in and to accomplish much. My desire is for you to be blessed as you glorify My Name on the Earth. Do not be shy but be steadfast to the call I have placed on your life for nothing can stop it from coming to pass in My purposes and in My perfect timing.

Sunday, 1 January 2023

The world will change beyond recognition in this coming year. Word Received 31.12.2022

 The world will change beyond recognition in this coming year. Familiar things you have taken for granted will no longer be available and you will find yourself in unfamiliar  territory unsure of what to do next. Read My Word for My Word does not change and you will be made secure through it in the turbulence now on the horizon. I cannot speak to you by My Spirit if you do not read My Word. My Word does not alter and what I say to you will be rooted in it. Do not seek experience for many will be led astray by supernatural phenomena. My Holy Spirit will move according to My Word for we are One. Reject the temptation to seek Me for My power only. My power will manifest in the lives of those who walk in obedience to My Word. Be faithful to administer My provision to others and to see My Kingdom come in many lives in the approaching days.