Saturday, 2 September 2023

Back Down Never

Back down never.

Never back down.

Never give up

on the good you see

you can do.

For if you don't

do the good you see

you can, who will?

Who will guide young ones into truth?

Who will be the light in the darkness?

The darkness may not comprehend the light,

but it doesn't stop it shining.

Shine on,

and do good while it is still day,

for night is coming quickly,

when no one can work.

Work for treasure that lasts forever,

and do not spend resources on stuff and nonsense.

Stuff and nonsense fills the airways,

but God's Word will ring out true and clear.

True and clear is the Father's love for all.

All who would receive the Son

and dwell in His light.

Light has dawned.

Dawned for us all.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

Let us not grow weary in doing good.