Saturday, 30 September 2023

I am coming as a mighty wind. Word Received 27.9.2023

 I am coming as a mighty wind to sweep over New Zealand by My Spirit. My Spirit will blow away the evil cobwebs that have dulled people's minds and will breathe life into people's hearts so they can beat again with real life. My Spirit is not contingent to any workings of man and I decide the timing of when I move in nations. I will move in your nation because I have heard the cry that has been rising for many years and now is the time for My answers to be manifest. See I will do a new thing in this land and you will greatly rejoice to see My day as it dawns across the nation. Be bold to proclaim My goodness and cry aloud for salvation to come to the people of this land. I hear you and I will deliver this land from the grip of evil. I declare it and I will do it says the Lord.

Between the waiting

 Between the waiting for the One who is to come again, 

there is an unsteady lull of faith and fruitfulness.

Ones wondering how long the wait will be,

and should they interrupt their journeyings towards their other things.

There is sorrow in silence,

and treasure tightly held,

and women weep over your body broken for us,

and blood shed for us.

Grace in silence,

and nothing held sacred beyond the whisper of angel wings,

in the vaulted sphere of choral cathedral.

I sensed a song,

not of this earth origin.

Heaven's praise somehow reaching our ears,

and lifting our hearts.

Could we sing with angels and keep time with them,

as they extend eternity into our close set sphere.

We cannot know the weight of glory they experience,

walking in the courts of heaven,

but our hushed hearts quiet before us as we are still,

and wait for what will be.

We will hear the trumpet sound,

and the dead will rise,

causing quite the commotion,

and we will see who we truly are,

reflected in His eyes of love.

Saturday, 23 September 2023

Be still and know that I am God. Word Received 24.9.2023

 Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations and My Name will go forth over the face of the Earth. Go forth with singing My praise and declaring My Word for there is a harvest of souls waiting to be redeemed out of the enemy's hands. Go out with joy and be led forth with peace so you are not hindered with the fear that is gripping the peoples. Rejoice in My goodness and let others know so they can rejoice too. There are not many days left for My purpose to prevail in the lives of those I send you to minister to. The door of opportunity will soon be shut so do not squander your time but see it as precious in My sight. See I am coming soon, says the Lord. 

Running out of Time


is not the end of life,


the beginning of something new.

So let it be that wonderful invitation,

the wedding feast of Bride and Bridegroom,

and rejoicing in eternal life.

Don't let it be


to our last moment,

to turn to Jesus.

His saving grace

is there for us now.

His love reaches out.

His pierced hands declare

our debt has been paid.

Release others and be released,

from every burden and weary weight,

that would compress the life out of us.

Be set free in Jesus' name,

and live forever with God.

Heaven calls us home,

with accompanying angelic celebration.

But if we haven't replied to the invite yet,

we are running out of time.

Saturday, 16 September 2023

A war is coming that will blindside many nations. Word received 14.9.2023

 A war is coming that will blindside many nations for they have not listened to My Word and prepared themselves. They will be caught without sufficient resources for their population and there will be a breakdown of law and order within those nations. There will be a separation between nations who have rejected Me and those who have heeded My Word. The contrast will be great and no one will miss its meaning. Some will repent and turn to Me and others will harden their hearts and even blame me for their misfortunes. You cannot serve God and mammon and where mammon is exalted it will be brought low. There will be an expectation of a savior to redeem these things but they will not look to Me. They will look to false gods and idols and continue to reject Me. But those who turn to Me will rejoice in My goodness as My favor is placed upon those nations and supernatural blessing will broadcast My Name to the world. Let your light shine in the nation I have planted you in and call upon Me in these days.

It's not too late

 It's not too late to prepare

...Until it is.

It's not too late to tell that loved one

about the Lord

...Until it is.

It is not too late to love others,

and do good,

and be the light 

we've always dreamed we could be

...Until it is.

Life and death 

pass without warning.

So many crumpled people,

hugging the ground,

unaware devastation was coming,

to their part of the world

...Until it did.

Don't let this stop us though,

from doing the most important thing

in our own eyes.

God forgive me,

and have mercy upon me,

and knowing that there will

always be tomorrow

...Until there's not.

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

A massive earthquake is coming that will shake New Zealand to its core. Word Received 10th September 2021

 Word Received 10th September 2021        Sarah Angus

A massive earthquake is coming that will shake New Zealand to its core. It will

displace people and entire communities will have to move. It will cause

businesses to fail and supply lines to be broken.

It will throw the country into turmoil and the government into chaos.

I will shake the Church out of its apathy and cause it to step forward in this day.

To be salt and light and to proclaim My message to all people.

I will have their attention as they look for answers and My people will have

opportunity to reach out to those around them.

Holy fear will fall on the churches and My people will repent of long standing sins

that have hindered their walk with Me.

I am not bringing this earthquake but I will use it for My glory to be displayed in

this land and as an opportunity for many to turn to Me.

Prepare yourselves so your preparation can bless others in these days.

Seek My face and know My peace in these coming days says the Lord.

My Spirit is coming to burn up the dross and to cause things to fall off lives that

have been a hindrance for so long.

Redeem this time for the days of opportunity are few and each one is precious.

Do not labor for that which does not satisfy but labor for My Kingdom and press

into My presence in a greater way than you have ever done.

There is a separation coming between those who truly know Me and those who

rely on someone else’s faith.

Draw close to Me in these days and I will show you marvelous things in My Word

that will strengthen your heart and prepare you for the days ahead.

You will redeem your time by prayer and the longer you pray the more time you

will have to accomplish all that I have for you.

My favor is around you and upon you as you draw close to Me and you will truly

help many others in these coming days.

Saturday, 9 September 2023

At the outset of the troubles. Word Received 10.9.2023

 At the outset of the troubles I will give you strength to stand according to My Word. I will give you favor with those around you and your needs will be met by supernatural provision and divine intervention. Angels will minister to you and humans will help you to get to where you need to go. You will not lack resources and you will be able to share with others as I lead and guide you. You will stand firm in these days of great trial coming upon the Earth for you are My people and I am your God. Stand firm on the precepts of My Word and do not waver from following My will and purposes. You can still be fruitful in the time of famine and know My great deliverance in your life and the lives of those I entrust into your care. Do not fear but trust in My great love for you.

Hurry Up and Come Inside

 Hurry up and come inside,

or you'll be caught in the storm,

wondering why no one warned you.

There's a storm coming,

just saying,

and we haven't seen such a big one

in our generation.

Flight or fight,

or maybe both responses,

will happen,

without you saying a word.

I put my hand on your shoulder.

Hush now.

There is no more time for preparation.

The storm will have its way,

and destruction will be seen

in its wake.

But then the dawn will come,

and we will see clearly.

Now come inside before it's too late. 

Saturday, 2 September 2023

I would speak a word in season to you. Word Received 3.9.2023

 I would speak a word in season to you. Do not grow weary in doing good for at the right time you will receive your just reward. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy who would tell you to give up because there is no hope of change to the circumstances or situation. There is always hope and your hope will come into fruition in My perfect timing. Do not grow weary in doing good but press forward into My purposes with more strength than before. Do not settle for anything less than My perfect will for your life and you will know overflowing joy despite what you see around you. My joy will be your strength and My salvation shall be your song as you step forward into all I have for you. It is truly time to seize the day and every opportunity I give you in My Kingdom purposes. Do not grow weary in doing good for you will reap your reward.

Back Down Never

Back down never.

Never back down.

Never give up

on the good you see

you can do.

For if you don't

do the good you see

you can, who will?

Who will guide young ones into truth?

Who will be the light in the darkness?

The darkness may not comprehend the light,

but it doesn't stop it shining.

Shine on,

and do good while it is still day,

for night is coming quickly,

when no one can work.

Work for treasure that lasts forever,

and do not spend resources on stuff and nonsense.

Stuff and nonsense fills the airways,

but God's Word will ring out true and clear.

True and clear is the Father's love for all.

All who would receive the Son

and dwell in His light.

Light has dawned.

Dawned for us all.