Sunday 16 June 2024

Be prepared for the days to come. Word Received 10.6.2024

 Be prepared for the days to come. Prepare yourself and your families. Prepare provisions and prepare spiritually by reading My Word that pertains to the last days. I have given you everything you need to know so that these things do not come upon you unexpectedly to cause you to fear. Do not be afraid but put your trust wholly in Me so that I can establish My purposes in your lives. You will be a remnant on the Earth of those who believe and honor My Name. Many will fall away when they see the high price there is to pay for being a believer. Count it joy when you are persecuted and strengthen one another in the fellowship of the Spirit. Nothing can separate you from My love so do not be afraid of any created thing. I am with you until the very end of time on Earth and then you will be with Me for eternity. Rejoice that your names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life and stay true to the course I have mapped out for each one of you. My favor is upon you and My strong hand of protection is around you for the days to come.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

The Holy Spirit will show each of us how to prepare.