Tuesday 24 September 2024

Do not look for peace outside of My Kingdom. Word Received 23.9.2024

 Do not look for peace outside of My Kingdom for you will not find it there. I give the true peace that will sustain you through trauma and lift you up from the place of despair. I long for My people to seek My peace rather than seeking pleasure from the enemy's hand. That is hollow and hateful and will end up costing you far more than you are willing to pay. Come to Me and I will satisfy the ache in your souls and the pain in your minds. Your heart's desire can be found in My purposes and I will strengthen each of you for the journey that I have for you. Do not seek peace outside of My Kingdom for you will never find it there and you will die with disappointed dreams still unfulfilled. Look to Me and be alive in My purposes and you will rejoice in what I accomplish in and through you as My beloved people. 

Friday 13 September 2024

Go into all the world and tell them that I love them. Word Received 14.9.2024

 Go into all the world and tell them that I love them. Go into all the world and share My love and speak My Name. Tell those who are near about My love and those that are far away. The enemy has sown lies into peoples' minds and hearts concerning Me. He has caused My image to be distorted to young and old alike. Redeem this time by showing those around you how much I love them. My Holy Spirit will lead and guide you as you step out in faith in My Word. I long to show signs and wonders on the Earth that will silence the harshest critics. People will still choose to reject Me but they will all know that I am real. My heart's desire is for My Bride to arise and fulfil her calling in preparation to receive Me and that time is coming soon for My return.

Monday 9 September 2024

A massive earthquake is coming that will shake New Zealand to its core. Word Received 10th September 2021

 Word Received 10th September 2021        Sarah Angus

A massive earthquake is coming that will shake New Zealand to its core. It will

displace people and entire communities will have to move. It will cause

businesses to fail and supply lines to be broken.

It will throw the country into turmoil and the government into chaos.

I will shake the Church out of its apathy and cause it to step forward in this day.

To be salt and light and to proclaim My message to all people.

I will have their attention as they look for answers and My people will have

opportunity to reach out to those around them.

Holy fear will fall on the churches and My people will repent of long standing sins

that have hindered their walk with Me.

I am not bringing this earthquake but I will use it for My glory to be displayed in

this land and as an opportunity for many to turn to Me.

Prepare yourselves so your preparation can bless others in these days.

Seek My face and know My peace in these coming days says the Lord.

My Spirit is coming to burn up the dross and to cause things to fall off lives that

have been a hindrance for so long.

Redeem this time for the days of opportunity are few and each one is precious.

Do not labor for that which does not satisfy but labor for My Kingdom and press

into My presence in a greater way than you have ever done.

There is a separation coming between those who truly know Me and those who

rely on someone else’s faith.

Draw close to Me in these days and I will show you marvelous things in My Word

that will strengthen your heart and prepare you for the days ahead.

You will redeem your time by prayer and the longer you pray the more time you

will have to accomplish all that I have for you.

My favor is around you and upon you as you draw close to Me and you will truly

help many others in these coming days.

Thursday 5 September 2024

Do not let people push you off course. Word Received 4.9.2024

 Do not let people push you off course thinking that their agendas are more important than the calling I have given you. No one else may see what I have called you to do but it is precious in My sight and I do not want you to be robbed of it. Stay true to what you know of My heart and My will for your life and you will achieve much in My Name. I indeed use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise so no one can boast except in My Name and My great power that I long to pour out into people's lives. Do not hold back when I give you an assignment even if it is not clear how you are going to accomplish it in the natural. If I have called you then I will enable you. Don't shrink back because of fear but step forward boldly into My promises and purposes for your lives and for others. This is the day of reckoning when some will make their stand for Me and some will not. Each will respond to the events and each will respond out of faith or out of fear. Trust Me and trust My Word for it tells you everything you need to navigate these times and these days.

Sunday 1 September 2024

Within a month war will break out. Word Received 9.6.2024

 Within a month war will break out across the world and it will not cease until the end of days. Peace will not last and treaties will be broken as soon as they are ratified. Nations will indeed rise up against nations and kingdoms will be divided against each other. Lawlessness will abound and the love of many will grow cold because of what they see and hear. My chosen people will be attacked again and again and only by My mighty power and right hand will they be delivered. The help of man will be of no effect in the days to come. You must walk according to the leading of My Holy Spirit and not depart from it in any way. There is a curse coming upon the nations that will manifest in physical sores and the remedy will be harsher than the initial outcome. Do not submit to the medical authorities for they will be like the blind leading the blind. I will show supernatural wonders of healing that will defy the science that resists Me. I will be your healer and people will come to those who believe in My Name to be healed. There will be many opportunities for My glory to be seen on the Earth so do not hold back but step into everything that I have for you in these days.