Saturday 5 October 2024

Humble yourselves before Me and I will protect you. Word Received 6.10.2024

 Humble yourselves before Me and I will protect you from the fiery darts of the enemy that are set to take you out of My purposes for your lives. These are the days of intense attack for the enemy knows how powerful My people will become as they allow My Holy Spirit to flow through them freely. He will do everything in his power to dissuade you, disrupt you, and discourage you from seeking My will for your lives. Do not give up. Do not give in to his schemes for they are not enough to destroy you. Choose this day whom you will serve and do not waver from that choice. The darkness will become so thick you will feel it can choke you, but it cannot for My Spirit within you will give you strength and breathe My life into your innermost being. It is impossible for you to do the next part of the journey without Me. Some will try in their own strength and they will fail, making others afraid of their own ability to stand in this day. Do not be afraid but put your trust solely in Me and I will lead and guide you by My Holy Spirit and protect you in all your ways. Understand the hour you are living in and seek My wisdom in how to respond to it. My Word is your guide for I have already seen all that shall come to pass. Do not let go and do not give up. I am with you, says the Lord.


Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

God has given us His Word to guide us.

Jo David said...

Thank you Lord. It is only through you that we can stand strong and with joy from You to encourage our brothers and sisters too.