Saturday 12 October 2024

You will do great exploits in My Name. Word Received 10.10.2024

 You will do great exploits in My Name as you are led by the power of My Holy Spirit. People will be astonished at signs and wonders done in My Name and I will be glorified throughout the world at this time. Unbelievers will cry out to Me and those who have taken My Name in vain will repent and will honor Me. I am doing a new thing that has not been seen in the Earth before this time. I will pour out My Spirit in a fresh way and some will doubt that My hand is in it. I will confirm My Word because I cannot contradict who I am. People will gather to seek Me and rejoice to see what I am doing through My people in these coming days. Do not resist My Holy Spirit or think that you have already seen everything there is to see. I am doing a new thing in this day, says the Lord.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

Show your power Lord, and be glorified in the Earth.