Rejoice My people. Rejoice in Me. Rejoice in My presence for praise is right and good for your souls. You were made for worship and I desire you to be safe in your worship of Me. Whatever else you worship will cause you pain and distress in some measure. You will find abundant life in My presence and all who call on Me will be saved. My salvation will be manifest on the Earth and all flesh will see My glory.
There will be a time of abundant harvest and ingathering. Be part of this work for I am in it and I'm looking for those who will labor with Me in the harvest fields. Labor in prayer for the lost and labor in reaching out in love to those around you. You do not have to travel far to find those who do not know Me. They are on your doorstep and in your streets. They are waiting for the revelation of My love. Partner with Me in prayer and see the blindness fall from people's eyes. They cannot see without the breakthrough of My Holy Spirit and I am coming by My Holy Spirit to every place and people that call upon My Name.
This is a season of intense joy and laughter will be heard from lives that have been consumed by sorrow. There will be an establishment of My Kingdom and My rule and reign in every place where My Spirit is welcomed. Be aware of all I am doing in these days and keep your eyes fixed upon Me and My purposes on the Earth.
1 comment:
These words are a wonderful promise concerning what is on God's heart for people everywhere.
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