Sunday 19 May 2024

I will comfort those who mourn in Zion. Word Received 19.5.2024

 I will comfort those who mourn in Zion. I will lift up their heads and wipe the tears from their eyes. I will heal the afflicted and raise up the downtrodden. I am your Redeemer and I will not turn you away when you come to Me. People may fail you but I will never let you down or forsake you. You are the redeemed, bought with a price and I long for you to know the fulness of My Spirit's outpouring in your lives. Everything can be different through the power and authority of My Name if you would honor and cherish who I am in your lives. I long for a people to be covenanted to Me with their whole hearts not just in measure. I have so much for you but you must put your trust in Me to enable My will to take hold of your life. Worship Me and put Me first and you will see all things come into order in My kingdom purposes for you and your loved ones. Trust Me and allow My healing to flow in your life. Then you can fully worship Me as your Savior and your Lord.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

I see the Lord's great love and compassion for people in these words.