Friday 23 August 2024

Be glad that I am coming to sift the people who live on the Earth. Word Received 15.8.2024

 Be glad that I am coming to sift the people who live on the Earth and be glad I am going to separate the wheat from the chaff. There cannot be mixture in My Kingdom and My people have lived with mixture for so long they cannot discern that which is not from Me with that which is of My kingdom. The mixture has caused confusion and I am coming to straighten out that which has been twisted and untangle that which has been knotted up in people's lives. Be glad that My refiner's fire can burn away the dross or else you would not be able to stand before Me. I am calling My people to holiness, to separation from the systems of the world and to rededicate their lives to Me at this time. Many will choose not to but for those who do there is eternal reward that you cannot comprehend. Be glad when the sifting occurs and know that your redemption is near. My eyes are upon those who fear Me and seek My face to do them good and not harm all their days even to the time of great trial that is coming upon the Earth shortly.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Because you do not run after other things. Word Received 15.8.2024

 Because you do not run after other things but you wait on Me I will bless you. I will lead you and guide you and be a hedge around you. I will comfort and sustain you and cause you to be blessed on the Earth. I will redeem the time for you so you can accomplish much and I will limit the attacks of the enemy so you can withstand them. I will do all these things because you put Me first in your life and because you do not go after the gods of this age who will soon be passing away. Stand on My Word and speak My Word to those who would hear it. Do not be discouraged when many reject you because you carry My name. Many more will hear My Word gladly and respond to it eagerly and with great abandon of what they have clung to before. You will see lives changed in an instant as My life enters into hearts that are open to Me. Rejoice that your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and rejoice that many more names will be written there in coming days.

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Do not despair for I am with you. Word Received 8.8.2024

 Do not despair for I am with you. Do not be downcast but know that I am there. I will not let the darkness overwhelm you or extinguish the fire that I have put inside you. Gather together with others whose flames are shining brightly and you will be made stronger. Iron does indeed sharpen iron and My people need to be among those who truly love and know Me and who walk in My purposes for their lives. Do not be ungrateful for the blessings you receive even if they appear commonplace to you. My sustaining power is over My people in this time of great darkness so that they are not overwhelmed. Be diligent to read My Word and do not let the enemy steal, kill and destroy in that area of your life. My Word is life to you and nourishment to your soul. You cannot remain strong without it so do not let other things crowd out your time with Me. Give Me the first fruits and everything else will be added to you that is needed for this journey. My faithfulness shall prevail in this day even when many depart from following Me. Many will be saved and delivered from the powers of darkness and those who love Me will rejoice to see it.

Thursday 8 August 2024

The winds of change are coming. Word received 28.7.2024

 The winds of change are coming to blow a new world order in. The governments of nations will bow to the antichrist system and martial law will become the norm in many places. Riots, looting, and damage to people and things will become a regular occurrence as all former respect for governing authorities is abandoned. Children will no longer be seen playing in the streets. Families will hide in fear as those who cause destruction roam outside. There will be a complete breakdown of law and order even in countries where that has not been seen before. Chaos is coming on a scale unseen and it will appear unbelievable that humans can behave in these ways. It is indeed demonic and those who are oppressed will truly not understand what they are doing. Sense will not make sense to them even if it is explained clearly. Their minds are lost to the darkness and their actions are controlled by the demonic realm. You will see the collapse of infrastructure and a reining in of public freedom that has not yet been experienced. This is the hour of the enemy's purposes on the Earth to kill, steal and destroy but he will not succeed for I will redeem all things and multitudes will be saved because these things will happen. Be ready to speak and pray, be ready to give account of your sure hope. I am calling you to be My witnesses as all these things unfold and as the enemy's intentions are made clear. Now is not the time for slumber but for fervent prayer for those in your midst who do not yet know Me. These days of change are coming soon.  

Friday 2 August 2024

Do not believe men when they say to you. Word Received 25.7.2024

 Do not believe men when they say to you they have found a cure to this plague. This will not be a cure and will ensnare people who take it. It will seem like the sensible thing to do but there will be an evil outcome for those who journey in that direction. The enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy and this is his hour of fury on the Earth. There will be extraordinary sights and sounds and people will be amazed and dismayed at the same time. There is a leaven rising that will affect the whole Earth at once and sin will become so rampant a stench will arise from the land. Do not fear this evil day and do not walk in shame or terror. I will equip My people with supernatural power to defeat the works of the enemy and there will be a clear invitation for people to step over the line into My Kingdom. There will be no more half measures only those truly for Me or completely against Me. See the signs in the sky and know I am coming soon for My Bride, says the Lord of hosts.