Awake to righteousness and put on the full armour for the battle is intensifying and you must not be taken off guard. The enemy prowls around seeking whom he may devour. It is not the time for complacency and apathy. It is the time to push forward in the righteous acts of the Kingdom and to seek the salvation of the lost.
Multitudes are in the valley of decision and they need to hear the truth about eternal destiny and eternal consequences of their choices. It is not time to remain silent in complacency but to reach out in My love and proclaim My good news to any who will listen.
You do not know what is in the hearts of those around you but I do and I can lead you by My Holy Spirit into divine encounters that I have orchestrated. Do not be slow to respond to the prompting of My Spirit but step out in faith and you will delight in My goodness and My love for all people. These are the days of great harvest so be alert and watchful and respond to what My Spirit is showing you to do in these days, says the Lord.