Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Awake to righteousness and put on the full armour. Word Received 26.2.2025

 Awake to righteousness and put on the full armour for the battle is intensifying and you must not be taken off guard. The enemy prowls around seeking whom he may devour. It is not the time for complacency and apathy. It is the time to push forward in the righteous acts of the Kingdom and to seek the salvation of the lost. 

Multitudes are in the valley of decision and they need to hear the truth about eternal destiny and eternal consequences of their choices. It is not time to remain silent in complacency but to reach out in My love and proclaim My good news to any who will listen. 

You do not know what is in the hearts of those around you but I do and I can lead you by My Holy Spirit into divine encounters that I have orchestrated. Do not be slow to respond to the prompting of My Spirit but step out in faith and you will delight in My goodness and My love for all people. These are the days of great harvest so be alert and watchful and respond to what My Spirit is showing you to do in these days, says the Lord.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Look to what My Spirit is doing in these days and follow the pattern. Word Received 22.2.2025

 Look to what My Spirit is doing in these days and follow the pattern of it, for I will show you what to do and I will lead by example. Do not be stuck to your own plans for they can only produce a fraction of the fruit compared to following My Spirit and My purposes. I have strategies to share with My people if only they would listen to My voice instead of being distracted by what the world is saying.

 You cannot serve two masters, you will hate the one and love the other. You cannot seek for material gain and seek after the leading of My Spirit at the same time. The love of money will draw you away from the things that are on My heart. Watch and see as I pour out provision where it is needed and provide supernatural finance for those stepping out in faith. 

My economy will not fail in troubled times and My reward is sure for those who place their trust in Me. Open your hand to others and you will see My provision poured into your life for all that you need. Test Me in this and don't let fear rob you of the blessing I desire to pour out. I am faithful to My Word and My Word does not change.

Monday, 17 February 2025

Blow the trumpet in Zion. Word Received 15.2.2025

Blow the trumpet in Zion and shout aloud praises to your King. The Lord is coming to bring judgment on those who afflict His people without cause. 

I am coming to sift the nations and the peoples on the Earth. Those who condemn others will themselves be condemned. Those who bless others will themselves be blessed. Do not stand in judgment against My beloved people. They will do what is necessary to turn the tide of evil away from their land. 

They will be strengthened by the power of My Holy Spirit to accomplish extraordinary things in these coming days which people could not imagine if they were told. You will see My deliverance of My people with your own eyes and you will rejoice that My purposes are being established on the Earth. 

I will turn their weeping into dancing and I will wipe away every tear for I keep My covenant to all generations. Watch and see what I will do for My people in the days to come. 

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Wait in My presence and I will show you what to do. Word Received 15.2.2025

Wait in My presence and I will show you what to do. Wait on Me and do not rush ahead with your own plans. Walk circumspectly and do not take My protection for granted if you have not sought Me concerning your days. These are the days of terror coming on the nations but I want My people to walk in My peace. The only way you can do this is to spend time in My presence, to wait on Me and to hear My heart concerning My purposes.

 This is not the time to be foolhardy in the things of My Spirit but to walk in reverence and awe of Me. Then you will have a proper perspective of My purposes and plans for I am coming to redeem that which the enemy intends for harm. You will see My salvation outworked across the world and you will count it a great privilege to be alive at this time. 

You will see signs and wonders and acknowledge Me in the midst of the situation. You need to walk in the Father's will and heed My Word at all times. There is a recompense coming to those who have walked faithfully with Me and they will seek Me and find Me in these days, says the Lord. 

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Do not miss what I am going to do. Word Received 11.2.2025

Do not miss what I am going to do because it does not look like what you have seen before. Do not judge it according to your standards but judge it according to My Word. I have told you what will happen in the last days, that My Spirit will be poured out on all flesh.

 Some will encounter Me for the first time when My Spirit is poured out. They will need you to put understanding from My Word about what is taking place in their lives. My power will be manifest in the most unusual situations and some will say these things are not from Me. Let Me decide when and how My Spirit will come, and do not resist Me. If you resist Me it will be to your detriment. 

If you labor with Me in the harvest fields it will be to your great fulfilment that you were counted worthy to be part of My work on the Earth. Do not criticize that which you do not understand. Trust Me and look to what My Spirit is doing in your midst in these coming days.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Go into all the world and tell them that I love them. Word Received 19.1.2025

 Go into all the world and tell them that I love them. Go into every place and proclaim My goodness to those who will hear. Do not hold back but proclaim the fullness of My truth. Do not water it down to appease people but respect Me and give Me the glory. The gospel has been watered down to appease and honor man and the fulness of its power has been diminished in the part sharing of it.

 If people do not know the whole truth they cannot be fully free and they will not be fully alive to My purposes and presence in their lives. Speak the whole truth and leave nothing unsaid and you will see the manifestation of My power in peoples' lives. They will be set free and delivered from bondages that trap them in patterns of behavior that lead to death. I come to bring life in all its fullness and people need to understand what that life looks like. Do not water down My Word to your liking nor receive only a measure of its instruction. 

All Scripture is breathed by My Holy Spirit and all is necessary to understand My heart for all people throughout time. I do not change and My Word does not change so do not presume in your pride that you can change its meaning. I do not change and My Word stands secure. If you do not build on the Rock you will see the outcome of that choice in the coming days. Everything will be washed away but those whose trust is in Me will stand secure and will see the fulfillment of My promises in their lives. You have a choice and the outcome of that choice will be made clear.