Friday, 14 March 2025

Rejoice in Me for praise and worship of Me is your safe place. Word Received 7.3.2025

 Rejoice My people. Rejoice in Me for praise and worship of Me is your safe place in the days to come. Fear will grip the nations as never before and people will be in turmoil and despair. Your hope in Me and My purposes will cause your light to shine with a brilliance that many will see. My people will seem strange to others that they are not overwhelmed by the circumstances around them. 

Tell others of the hope you have and do not remain silent while you still have opportunity to make a difference for someone else. People have not finished making a decision about Me, and one word that you speak can make a difference in their eternal future. Do not think that all hope is lost. While you live there is hope in whatever situation you find yourself in. Share your hope in Me with those around you even if they don't seem to be listening. They are listening and they will respond to Me in the coming days. 

Take the opportunities I give you, and rejoice with Me in My goodness and My love towards everyone that I have made in My image. Do not look at the brokenness of that image now, but trust I am powerful to redeem and renew all things, and to restore everyone to who they were created to be. My love for the lost in your heart will drive you forward into all that I have for you. Trust Me and you will see My glory on the Earth.

Monday, 10 March 2025

With the time that you have left be resolute in My purposes. Word Received 7.3.2025

With the time that you have left be resolute in My purposes. You can still make a difference in so many people's lives. Don't think there is nothing else to accomplish. This is just the beginning of My mighty works in these coming days. You will see signs and wonders that will make you fall to your knees in worship and awe of My goodness and My love as I reach others through you. 

Rejoice that you are alive to see these days. Rejoice and do not fear, for fear is of the enemy's kingdom and it will abort that which I intend for you. Watch and listen closely to the leading of My Spirit. Follow the precepts of My Word, and you will find yourself flourishing in the midst of famine and dancing in the face of destruction. My joy will be your strength, and it will seem incomprehensible to those around you that you can retain your joy in the midst of the things that will unfold. Your joy will be your testimony to share, for the currency of prosperity will disappear, and those who know Me will walk in the true wealth of My Kingdom.

Peace, joy, and righteousness will be your portion, and no one can take these things away from you. You will be hated by all, but you will be loved by Me in a way that will make everything else pale in comparison. Rejoice to see these days. Rejoice and do not fear for all things will come to pass as I have said in My Word. Rejoice in Me and do not fear.

Friday, 7 March 2025

Come and see what My Spirit is doing on the Earth. Word Received 22.2.2025

Come and see what My Spirit is doing on the Earth for I love all people and I desire them to come to know Me and be saved. My people will go out through the lands calling many to repentance and explaining the way of salvation. Their methods may not be orthodox but their hearts have pure devotion towards Me. Do not judge them but provide for their needs as you are able and you will share in their reward. This is the time of the great commission to be completed and the gospel to go out to the ends of the Earth in all nations.

 See as My power brings healing to many and hear the good news proclaimed in places around the world. These are the days of the gospel being preached to every creature and in every place. Be bold to witness to Me and you will see My power displayed. Do not be ashamed and you will see My goodness manifest in every place. These are the days of great joy and great harvest and many will be added to the Kingdom. Look to the left and to the right and see My salvation in these days.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

I will show you of My goodness and My favor at this time. Word received 27.2.2025

 I will show you of My goodness and My favor at this time. I will show you concerning My mercy for those who are lost. I will show you about My great love for the world that I have made. I am not a God who looks on from afar, unable to act on behalf of His people. I will show Myself intimately involved in the affairs of My people with the exact workings of their lives.

 Look at what I will do and learn about My heart, for My heart breaks to see the suffering of My people at the hands of the enemy. I will rebuke the enemy and cause the intense suffering to cease. I will rebuke the enemy away from My people wherever they are in the world. 

I will make a difference between those who know Me and those who do not so the latter will turn and seek Me with all their hearts. People will see My mighty acts and they will know that I AM in their midst. They will turn to Me and find Me in these days. Rejoice for the time of great favor towards My people has begun and you will see My salvation manifest in your midst.