Rejoice My people. Rejoice in Me for praise and worship of Me is your safe place in the days to come. Fear will grip the nations as never before and people will be in turmoil and despair. Your hope in Me and My purposes will cause your light to shine with a brilliance that many will see. My people will seem strange to others that they are not overwhelmed by the circumstances around them.
Tell others of the hope you have and do not remain silent while you still have opportunity to make a difference for someone else. People have not finished making a decision about Me, and one word that you speak can make a difference in their eternal future. Do not think that all hope is lost. While you live there is hope in whatever situation you find yourself in. Share your hope in Me with those around you even if they don't seem to be listening. They are listening and they will respond to Me in the coming days.
Take the opportunities I give you, and rejoice with Me in My goodness and My love towards everyone that I have made in My image. Do not look at the brokenness of that image now, but trust I am powerful to redeem and renew all things, and to restore everyone to who they were created to be. My love for the lost in your heart will drive you forward into all that I have for you. Trust Me and you will see My glory on the Earth.