Saturday 27 July 2024

There will be rolling mandates that will stop the life flow of communities. Word Received 23.7.2024

 There will be rolling mandates that will stop the life flow of communities. They will be harsh and unfair and people will kick against them. Seek the way of peace and not rebellion for that is of the enemy's kingdom. Live at peace with all people and others will notice you and listen to what you are saying. Do not be rebellious but resist evil and cause it to turn back before your face. Seek My kingdom precepts and you will lead others towards My righteousness. Lawlessness will abound and become so commonplace that many will think it is the norm. It is time to be salt and light and to walk in a different spirit to the one that is manifesting around the world. Chaos and fury cannot stand in My presence and many will come seeking the peace they see in your lives. Do not be led into temptation against what you know to be right in My Word. My Word stands fast at this time and it will be an anchor to all who take it seriously. Mockers will try to dissuade you from following the path I have set out before you but do not turn from it for there you will find everlasting life. My favor will be upon and around My people to do great exploits in My Name. Do not fear for I am with you, says the Lord Almighty.

Monday 22 July 2024

Never let go of My promise to you. Word received 20.6.2024

 Never let go of My promise to you for My promise can never fail. I will hold you as you go through these trials for My Name sake. When you are hated it is not you they are hating but My Spirit within you. Do not return hate for hate but love and accept all that I bring to you. Love is the key to My life flowing through you. Do not let your hearts become hard. Worship Me in Spirit and in truth and I will protect your hearts. Do not be weary in doing good for there is so much that can be done in My Name if My people are willing in the day of My power being made manifest. Do not rejoice when others fail but weep with those that weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. You cannot know all things but I know all things and I will tell you what you need to know in these coming days.

Saturday 20 July 2024

There is a plague coming unlike anything that has been seen before. Word Received 13.7.2024

 There is a plague coming unlike anything that has been seen before. Genetic manipulation has created structures that the human body has not been exposed to. There will be terrible effects when it is released on the Earth and even those who have created it will be sorry they have done so. It will cause countless people to suffer and the fragile curtain of society will be torn and it will not withstand it. People will do anything to secure a cure but no amount of money and medicine will save them. I will be the only answer in these days of pain and anguish and many will indeed turn to Me and be saved. Do not doubt My desire to redeem this situation for those I love I will overshadow with My protection. Look to Me and be healed, trust in Me and you will be saved. Your life is in My hands and My hands are trustworthy to hold you in this time. Do not recoil in horror but step forward in faith. Do not fear this plague but fear and honor Me in these days, says the Lord of hosts, whose Name is holy and who is to be praised.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Do not give up hope when you see others fall. Word Received 19.6.2024

 Do not give up hope when you see others fall. Know that I am holding you with My righteous right hand. You will not slip or stumble for I will hold you and take care of you. Do not cast Me away but cling to Me and seek Me. Many things will vie for your attention and you will feel that you do not have time to sit in My presence. Guard this above all else for in My presence you will find light and life. Do not think that the things of man are more important than the things of God. My Kingdom is the everlasting Kingdom which will have no end. Order your life around seeking Me and you will have time for everything you need to attain.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Many will call on My Name in these coming days as fear grips the nations. Word Received 19.6.2024

 Many will call on My Name in these coming days as fear grips the nations. The help of man will be useless and people will realize they are living in the last times. Answer those who ask you what is happening and do not be shy to tell them the absolute truth about their condition and about the remedy. Those who are lost can find Me in these days but they need My people to help them understand what is happening. I will pour out My Spirit of revelation upon My people so they will know wisdom and gain discernment. Never leave My Word unread or unheeded. Do as My Word says and you will have life abundantly. Never give up hope, never remain silent. Answer those who ask and let them see My glory manifest in your lives.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

At the beginning of war draw your family close to Me. Word Received 19.6.2024

 At the beginning of war draw your family close to Me and let Your light shine in the darkness. The darkness will be afraid of the light within My loved ones for they will do great exploits to confound those who do not believe. Do not be slow to respond to My voice when I speak to you. Do not say to yourself that there is yet more time. Time has run its course and the end of things is now at hand. It will happen suddenly as when labor begins and the signs will be more obvious as they manifest around the Earth. Do not be drawn into temptation but fix your eyes on My Word so that you will not walk into sin. Do not be complacent but strive for righteousness. The battle is fierce but I have won the victory. Do not be slow to respond to Me but be diligent to walk on the path that I have shown you.