Saturday 27 July 2024

There will be rolling mandates that will stop the life flow of communities. Word Received 23.7.2024

 There will be rolling mandates that will stop the life flow of communities. They will be harsh and unfair and people will kick against them. Seek the way of peace and not rebellion for that is of the enemy's kingdom. Live at peace with all people and others will notice you and listen to what you are saying. Do not be rebellious but resist evil and cause it to turn back before your face. Seek My kingdom precepts and you will lead others towards My righteousness. Lawlessness will abound and become so commonplace that many will think it is the norm. It is time to be salt and light and to walk in a different spirit to the one that is manifesting around the world. Chaos and fury cannot stand in My presence and many will come seeking the peace they see in your lives. Do not be led into temptation against what you know to be right in My Word. My Word stands fast at this time and it will be an anchor to all who take it seriously. Mockers will try to dissuade you from following the path I have set out before you but do not turn from it for there you will find everlasting life. My favor will be upon and around My people to do great exploits in My Name. Do not fear for I am with you, says the Lord Almighty.


Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

It is time to be salt and light.

Jo David said...

Times are certainly becoming rough in the world of man so amen and amen