Look among the nations and see which ones honor Me and follow the precepts of My Word. Watch and see for I will bless them and My hand of protection will turn away disaster at their door. I will show Myself strong on their behalf and I will make a difference on the Earth so everyone can see clearly. The nations that abhor Me and mock Me will be left open to the attack of the enemy who is coming with great raging to steal, kill, and destroy. People will be shocked and will blame Me but these things are not from My hand.
I long for the nations to repent and to seek My face so My hedge of protection can be put securely around them. Leaders will give account of their actions whether they are seeking good or ill for their people. Pride will be humbled in the coming days and My mercy will extend to even the hardest hearts if they will hear Me and turn to Me.
Judgment is coming upon the manifestation of evil so people can see the fruit of it is death. These are the days of divine order being seen in the midst of chaos, and blessing in the midst of great trials. My people will rise up and declare the way of salvation to those around them and many will be turned away from the path of death and receive everlasting life. Do not be silent, do not give up hope. Do not become weary in doing good for there will indeed be a reward for those who are faithful in this time.