Wednesday 22 January 2014

New Year's Resolution

 I resolve to be firm in my determination.
 I have made my New Year's resolution and it will happen.
 I resolve to be resolute in my resolution.

 What had I resolved to do?

 The turn of the New Year seems so far away.
 Already February looms
 with the rest of the months chasing its tail,
 and I am left wondering about my resolute resolutions.
 They reflect and hold hopes, plans and dreams,
 yet they have a frustrating habit of getting lost in the headlong rush of life.
 What do you hope for this year?
 What lives in your heart that you would like to make more substantial?
 Will you rest in the fading memory of your own resolutions,
 or will you step out in creative faith?
 This year what will you do?
 What will I?