Thursday 29 March 2012

I wonder what he will look like

 I wonder what he will look like
 the Antichrist.
Obviously no horns,
 that would be way too unsubtle.
 Tall or short,
 dark haired or fair,
 stocky or slim.
 Will he be gently spoken or a stirring orator.
 Will he be ever so handsome,
  or merely striking enough to command the attention of the masses.
 Will he be able to sing and dance.
 Will he have the common touch, being able to kiss
  a baby on the head in the street without seeming cheesy.
  Will he laugh and love and have a family who truly cares for him.
  Will he be a peacemaker on the earth,
  one who can bring seeming solutions to mankind's problems.
  Will he be respected by world leadership
  a man for our times.
  One who can make a positive difference to the global financial crisis.
  Will we fall for his deception.
  Will we know him when he appears.

Welcome to the end of the world

I hope you're sitting comfortably.
The 5:30 news is about to begin.
You can snuggle up with your cup of tea and biscuit on the sofa.
There's been a tornado,
 a famine,
 earthquakes in various places,
 wars and their rumours,
 poverty and greed in a sickening dance,
 and corruption making sure nothing is fair.
 and unspeakable crimes
 against children and adults,
 nuclear meltdown and global pollution,
 civil unrest and city riots.
 You can blaspheme the name of Jesus as much as you like,
 but you cannot under any circumstances
 even slightly offend the members of any other religious group.
 Chip implants in your hand or forehead to stop identity fraud.
 It's coming soon to a town near you.
 Political correctness gone mad
 and truth shot down in flames.
 I hope you're sitting comfortably.
 Not long to go now until the news is over.
 Welcome to the end of the world.

Monday 19 March 2012


           You can't see the building by just looking
                 at the foundations being dug
                but you can visualise something
                   of its height and size
                           by the depth
                                 of those
                                You only
                                the necessity
                                 and value
                                   of them
                                  in future
                                 when the
                                 of life come.
          Allow God to dig a solid foundation in your life.
           Even if at first there seems nothing to show for it.
 Foundation building time is never wasted in the purposes of God.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Beside the stream

 I sat down beside the stream
 and cried
 for a long time.
 I cried for myself
 for others
 for the world.
 I cried for the past
 and the future
 but more for the present.
 And I will continue to cry
 until all my tears are shed
 and I can return to you
 knowing that my tears have been counted
 and preserved
 as a treasure and an offering.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Peace Without Measure

 Peace without measure
 do I give you
 My peace I leave with you
 not as the world gives
 do I give
 for they give and take it back
 scorning the one for being afraid
 yet fearing themselves.
 Perfect love casts out fear.

 My love I give to you
 not as the world gives
 for that has become corrupt,
 and is no longer recognizable as love.

 My hope I leave with you,
 not as the world gives
 on the night the lottery is drawn.
 You could be a millionaire tomorrow,
 with all that means
 or doesn't mean.

 My grace I leave with you
 and the world does not even understand
 so you must learn about it through my Word.
 My peace, my love, my hope, my grace
 I leave with you
 because in this world
 you will need it.

Word received November 2011

Do not be dismayed when you see the signs of my Kingdom coming,
 but rejoice for you know that your redemption is near.
 Darkness will increase but it will not triumph
 for My Spirit will rule in this day to hold back the forces of evil
 that would try to destroy my people through the world.
 Be bold and do not be afraid of persecution,
 for it will come.
 But my grace and favour will be stronger,
 and I will uphold you in this time.
 Kings and princes will tremble but my people will rest secure.
 When you see the signs know that the time of this being fulfilled is near.
 Do not wait, do not put off till tomorrow what you can accomplish today,
 for tomorrow will never come according to your hearts desires.
 There is a season now for fruitfulness in the kingdom
 so do not be slack in your heart or your hand.
 But labour in the harvest fields for they are white, says the Lord.

Thursday 1 March 2012

You have no idea what you are capable of

You have no idea what you are capable of
 what talents you possess
 what gifts and strengths.
 You have never truly flexed your spiritual muscles
 or let out your loudest shout.
 Fear of what others might think keep you tamed and contracted
 wanting to unwind to your full measure
 but shy of the consequences.
 So let yourself go
 let the shout out
 let the fire fall
 let God set you free.