Saturday 26 August 2023

I am calling My people to repent on behalf of their lands. Word Received 26.8.2023

 I am calling My people to repent on behalf of their lands where iniquity and injustice has thought to overthrow My purposes. Cry out to Me for your nations and I will roar over you and My voice will be like many waters speaking life and freedom to all who hear. Cry out for your nations and see My answers come to all that afflicts and weakens the people. Be aware of how the enemy is trying to destroy it and resist him in My name. You are not helpless. That is a lie from the enemy. You are a people of power because you know your God. Do mighty exploits and do not hold back for fear of what others might think. Step out and cause a chain reaction in the spirit of others being emboldened in their faith. There is very little time to sit and consider so respond in faith and see My hand move on your behalf.

May your peace settle upon me

 May your peace settle upon me,

in this time of trial,

and turbulence,

when no one can tell me

what is actually happening,

because nobody knows.

Except you.

You have seen it all already,

being outside time and space

has a clear advantage.

You are never taken by surprise,

having to change tack mid course.

You have created all,

and your timing is upon this world.

You will usher in the next

at the right time,

in your time,

and no one and nothing can change that.

This brings me great comfort,

knowing that the One ultimately in charge

sees my anxious heart,

and speaks peace to Me,

and to all who would listen.

Saturday 19 August 2023

Do not be troubled by what you see and hear. Word Received 19.8.2023

 Do not be troubled by what you see and hear for I am with you to sustain you in the time to come. I will be your supernatural provision when other doors are shut to you and I will give you wisdom how to behave when things begin to be actively against you. You will be hated among the nations and condemned for following Me. Do not fear or be dismayed for I am your very great reward. Look to Me and your faces will be radiant and the enemies plans will not succeed against you. Do not be troubled but trust Me and believe My words that are life to you and to all those who you reach out to in love.

Living Letter

 He looks at me with eyes of love.

I cannot raise my gaze,

too much has happened to me

to start a conversation.

He keeps looking,

hoping I will be brave enough

to catch a glimpse of His face,

radiant with love,

longing for a lost child

wanting to come home.

I put my hand in His

and whisper heartfelt thanks.

I didn't think I would see

it through another day,

but here I am

with a smile for those around,

who have never really seen me

before now.

Something has changed.

My life has begun again,

as if my book of days

has been renewed, stamped, and released

into the library of life

to be read by others.

A living epistle,

or letter in simpler language,

waiting to be shared

outward and onward,

and have I told you about Jesus

and how He saved my life.

Saturday 12 August 2023

I will raise up an army by My Spirit. Word Received 11.8.2023

 I will raise up an army by My Spirit who will look to Me and who will call out to Me to move in their nation. I am looking for ones whose hearts are dedicated to Me and to My purposes, to see salvation and healing come in their lands. I seek those hidden ones whom the world does not notice but whose angels see My face. I see them and I love these ones who stand for righteousness and refuse to compromise My Word and the speaking of My truth. My banner over them will be love and they will keep in step with My heart beat. I long for those who would turn aside from busyness and truly seek Me for who I am and not what I can give. Then I can open the floodgates of blessing and pour out My answers to all that they need. Do not fear these coming days for many voices will command fear but I will speak peace to all who look to Me.

Do not be troubled

 Do not be troubled

by what you see

and hear

for these things shall come to pass

before the end of all that we hold dear.

We cling to our treasures

yet find it hard to see value in others.

We long for comfort and security

so are shaken

by the next shock wave of news

proclaiming war and ill will to all men.

Human. Kind.

And yet we are not

to each other

in the days of smash and grab

and not just by ram raiders.

We long for the quiet life

but others need our help,

and it is better to give than receive,

and I have seen this to be true.

We wait for your return Lord with longing,

desperate for this planet pain to end,

darkness circling coil around the globe

tightening its grip with every passing day.

So come Lord,

but we choose to keep oil in our lamps as we wait

and be about our Master's business

Sunday 6 August 2023

Rise up My people. Word Received 3.8.2023

 Rise up My people and take the places I have appointed for you. Each of you has a special purpose and a special calling. Do not look to another's calling with envy but understand that each part of the body is vital for its wellbeing. Do not imagine that I think in the same way as you for as high as the heavens are above the Earth so are My thoughts above yours. I call you to be obedient to Me even if you do not understand everything I am calling you to do. Trust Me and I will prove Myself faithful and I will equip you in every manner for the calling I have given you. Do not let fear hinder you or slow your progress in My purposes. Do not grow weary for you will receive your reward. My favor is around each one of you to see My glory manifest on the Earth and for all to acknowledge that I am the Lord. 

Saturday 5 August 2023

This Little Life

 This little life

so tightly wound

dreaming of something

beyond our reach.

Hoping but helpless

to move forward

in our sphere of senses without You.

Muddled thought

wishing to express itself

more clearly

than tangent ideas

forming as distant clouds

over a speckled sunset.

Your truth cuts through

and stands coherent

amid the sea of drifting lies.

I can cling to it

as it anchors me

and gives me purpose

in this fragmented world.

I will not forget

Your Word as I press forward

to complete My calling

in some small token way.