Saturday 12 August 2023

Do not be troubled

 Do not be troubled

by what you see

and hear

for these things shall come to pass

before the end of all that we hold dear.

We cling to our treasures

yet find it hard to see value in others.

We long for comfort and security

so are shaken

by the next shock wave of news

proclaiming war and ill will to all men.

Human. Kind.

And yet we are not

to each other

in the days of smash and grab

and not just by ram raiders.

We long for the quiet life

but others need our help,

and it is better to give than receive,

and I have seen this to be true.

We wait for your return Lord with longing,

desperate for this planet pain to end,

darkness circling coil around the globe

tightening its grip with every passing day.

So come Lord,

but we choose to keep oil in our lamps as we wait

and be about our Master's business

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

Human. Kind. It's good to think about.