Sunday 30 April 2023

As the rain that falls so My Spirit is falling on those who are thirsting for My presence. Word Received 29.4.2023

 As the rain that falls so My Spirit is falling on those who are thirsting for My presence and for righteousness to be restored in their communities and their nations. My rain will fall on areas of barren land and it will spring forth into life. The dryness and lack in peoples hearts will be filled up and they will begin to overflow with My goodness into others lives. The rain will wash away the debris that has collected on the Earth and cleanse hearts and minds of pollution that has built up over years. People will be glad and they will dance and sing in the rain of My Spirit being poured out on the Earth. Gladness will return to lives that have known great sorrow and many will walk into healing in My Name. These are the days of encounter with My Holy Spirit and with those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Lift up your heads and see as My rain begins to fall in greater measure than you have seen before.

Saturday 22 April 2023

Walk in My covenant with you. Word Received 23.4.2023

 Walk in My covenant with you and remember to follow its precepts and what I have called you to. This covenant is everlasting and its promise is life eternal. You cannot break the covenant without doing harm to yourself or others. It is a covenant of grace that you can be forgiven and a covenant of righteousness that you can walk safely. Evil is consuming the world and I do not want My people to be consumed by it. You are called to share My light for a reason so others can see the truth. Do not allow your actions to diminish your light and cause it to be ineffective in helping others. Do not let the darkness enter your life. Remember My covenant and walk in it and you will know the blessing of being a people called by My Name. You will see miracles of grace in your own life and the lives of others. You will understand the beauty and purpose of My commandments. They are for your good and to do you good so do not forget them or lay them aside in this time. 

Sunday 16 April 2023

Never lose sight of My love for you for My faithfulness is everlasting. Word Received 16.4.2023

 Never lose sight of My love for you for My faithfulness is everlasting. Time does not diminish My love and circumstance does not alter it. My love for you is pure and unblemished, it is clean and it is holy. The enemy would try to destroy your understanding of love so you cannot receive My love correctly. My love will sustain the longings and the cry of your heart and fulfil you to the very depths of your being. You cannot truly thrive without My love for everything else is mere shadows. Receive My love deeply in your life so that you can accomplish and walk in all that I have for you.

Saturday 8 April 2023

You are going into unchartered waters and you need My Word to guide you. Word Received 9.4.2023

 You are going into unchartered waters and you need My Word to guide you. You are going into unfamiliar territory where there are unexpected hazards and you need My Word to guide you through them. You are going through unfamiliar terrain and My Word will be your compass and orientation mark so you can navigate safely. My Word will be your guide, your reference point and your safety net to stop you from falling. The way is becoming more treacherous and you need Me to guide your feet so you do not slip. My eyes will guide you and My voice will lead you. If you keep My Word as your focal point you will not lose your way and your feet will stay on firm ground. Nothing else can save you and no one else can save you for I am truly the only way to the Father and the only true One to be called Lord. Walk with Me and I will lead and guide you to safety in these coming days. 

Saturday 1 April 2023

Do not hold back from speaking My truth for time is running out. Word Received 31.3.2023

 Do not hold back from speaking My truth for time is running out for you to have freedom to speak or to go to the places that I am calling you to. Do not let the mundane sap your strength but be continually filled by My Spirit so you have My power flowing through you at all times. These are the days of cataclysmic change so keep looking forward into My purposes and not back to what has been before. That is gone forever for I am doing a new thing among My people for those who have eyes to see and hearts to receive My blessing. Do not hinder the work of My Holy Spirit by disobedience or neglect of My Word for I long to speak to you daily if you will hear Me. Put on the clothes of righteousness for they will protect you and cause you to walk in the light. Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness for its end is death. Love Me and love others with the love I will place in your heart that will sustain you in the days to come. Never let go of My promises for I cannot lie and all things will be fulfilled as I have said to you. Believe Me and obey My Word says the Lord of hosts.