Sunday 26 May 2019

Word Received 25.5.2019

I am looking for greater unity among My people,
so I can give them greater responsibility.
To be trusted with power
you must show yourself faithful
to My commandments and to My Word.
These things are not only for your benefit,
but for the benefit and blessing
of all those around you.
Do not hoard My blessing,
but let it flow through your lives continually.
I have called you to be salt and light
in this age of decay and darkness.
Do not presume you can do it in your own strength.
You need My Holy Spirit transforming your lives first,
so that those around you will see clearly that which I am offering them.
Obedience has a high price,
but without it you will not achieve My works in your lives.
Be obedient and you will see
the outpouring you so desire in this time.