Saturday 26 August 2017


wait patiently to join
creative coherence.

Each word strung together
with so many syllables,
soft or strong,
produce life change in the hearer.

Some words only come out
on special occasions.
Others feel overdone,
But even they will have their day,
and change a life
for better or for worse,
and not just at a wedding.

A thoughtless word shared
still becomes a thought
in another,
intended or not.
Some words lodge deep inside the soul,
revolving and resolving
to escape or be at peace,
unable to find another home.

Some words heavily laced with hope,
are themselves amazed at how much difference
they make to so many.
They stop and stare at themselves
imprinted on page,
or embedded in bronze,
for posterity.

They smile inwardly,
imagining more discerning yet difficult words,
page stuck in an
un-thumbed thesaurus.

A set of words
cannot be deleted,
however many attempts
to push that particular button.

They remain forever
in the world,
busy about their task,
producing life or death
in the lives of you and I.

Saturday 19 August 2017

Meditation on 2 Corinthians 13 v 11

"Finally brethren, farewell. Become complete.
Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace,
and the God of love and peace will be with you."

Become complete.

It is a high calling,
and far reaching,
and totally impossible
by myself.
It is a striking challenge,
a shout across
rooftops of lives
lived in half measures
and almost there's.

Become complete.

I want to
and need to
and part of me
agrees totally.
The other parts
are still counting
the costs
and doing the maths.
(Something I have
always found
an insurmountable task.)

Become complete.
I get it
and I don't get it.
It's simple profundity
causes me confusion,
as with all matters
of life and faith
that appear startlingly
until you begin
to attempt them.

Live in love and peace.
What does it mean,
to be willing to lay down your life?
Meanwhile my self preservation
makes bookings for a bunker.

Become complete.
Give up
and give in
and give out
and receive in
and flow out
and I'm not quite sure
if I'm up for that today.
(Yesterday was a challenge.)

Become complete.

It wouldn't have been said
if it wasn't possible.
How do I become complete?

Saturday 12 August 2017

Meditation on Isaiah 42 verse 6

"I the Lord,
have called You in righteousness,
And will hold Your hand."

The Lord will hold my hand.

How would it be for the Lord
to hold my hand?

Strong, secure,
caring, loving,
all knowing,
never taken by surprise.

Aware of the final outcome
of any and every event.
Not flustered, unfazed,
deliberate, peaceful.

Gracious, grace filled,
grace giving and receiving.
Not condemning or judging,
allowing love and light to overcome.

Wise and understanding,
measured thoughtfulness and response.

Thinking and wanting
the best for others,
seeing them through Heaven's eyes.

Unhurried, unstressed,
in total balance,
replete and ready
to share every good gift.

Righteousness and right living,
and forgiving,
and welcoming again
any who have turned aside.

Beauty and truth,
worship and wonder.

How would it be
for the Lord to hold my hand
each day?

Saturday 5 August 2017

Try Hard

I have been
such a try hard
for God.
Trying hard
to get it all right,
say the right things,
behave the right way
in every situation.
But God loves me anyway.

I have been
so broken.
Broken in my thoughts,
what I say
and what I do.
But God loves me anyway.

I have been
so judgmental.
Judging others
for what they
say and do,
and whether they are
getting it right or not.
But God loves me anyway.

I have been
so selfish.
Thinking how to make
my life better,
more comfortable,
more successful.
But God loves me anyway.

I have been
so weak
in my faith,
not understanding
everything there is to understand.
But God loves me anyway.

I don't do
enough for others,
give enough of
what is mine.
But God loves me anyway.

I am weak
and foolish
and double minded
and imperfect
in so many ways.
I'm so glad
God loves me