Wednesday 29 February 2012

Word recieved November 2011

The day is coming and is now near at hand
When the Lord shall arise like a mighty man
The sword of judgment shall be in His mouth
 for He comes to judge the world of its unrighteousness and contempt for His name.
 He is coming to judge that which can be judged,
 and to shake that which can be shaken.
 He will filter the thoughts and hearts of His people
 and bring a cleansing fire to burn away the dross that has established itself in people's lives.
 He will bring a call for unity,
 that love will be the benchmark of those who are known by His name.
 And He will bring a call for purity,
 that there would be an abandoning of the ways of the world's system
 and a fresh adherence to the content of His word.
 There will be a struggle between those who are half-hearted,
 and those who want to commit fully to the kingdom
 and there will be a departure from old ways that were ordained by man.
 There will be bringing up and letting go of all that is seen as dross in people's lives,
  for I desire a holy people separated to me in this day of evil, says the Lord.

Saturday 25 February 2012

To dodge bullets

 We are not taught in school how to dodge bullets.
 It does not come somewhere in the timetable between history and maths.
 We are not shown the trajectory or the target
 the mechanism or the firepower.
 Can you shoot someone and not kill them?
 Can you merely main them so they walk through the rest of their life with a limp?
 Can you choose the calibre of a bullet
 so as to damage but not destroy completely?

 When the time comes you will not have to dodge bullets.
 With a wave of his hand they fell to the ground.

 I wonder if it works with other people's words.

Word recieved 7.2.2011

 A time of shaking is coming when the safest place to be is on the floor.
 Those who are standing in pride will be knocked down.
 Those who are sitting in complacency will stumble from their seats.
 Those who are walking according to their own understanding
 will find themselves confused and disorientated.
 Those who are kneeling before me will desire to go lower.
 Those who are face down in worship and prayer for the lost will feel the shaking too.
 But they will know it is my Spirit drawing close to them to answer the cry of their hearts.
 I am coming to shake the earth says the Lord.

Thursday 23 February 2012


Freefalling in the Spirit.
That's what it's like when you let go
 and let God.
 Letting go of the need to control
 the need to know what's going to happen next
 at what time
 and in what place.
 Allowing God to steer the ship you are in
 so you feel the rise and fall of the waves
 without having to cling to the tiller for dear life.
 Free falling in the Spirit.
 It's letting go of all the anguish, pain and disappointment
 you've been carrying around in big black bags.
 Being led by the Spirit
 and blown by the wind
 not careless and haphazard
 but trusting another to guide you to the right point.
 It's being at the top of a water slide and letting go of the edge
 knowing once you start you cannot go back
 even if you tried
 twisting and turning and falling
 but always safe
 always secure that you will end up
 where you are meant to be.
 It's dying to your own desires
 that are so often wrong and muddled
 in the first place
 and letting one wiser and stronger
 than you be in charge
 of the final decisions.
 Freefalling in the Spirit.
 It's like nothing I've ever felt before.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Word recieved October 2011

 Do not compare me to other gods
 for I am not like the gods
 you make in your own image.
 I am not like the ones made
 of tin or brass, bronze or stone.
 I am not like the ones people
 carry around on their arms or their necks,
 trusting in shapes or symbols.
 I am not just the God of history
 who you read about
 or the God of the future
 that you hope for.
 I am the God of the present day
 the God of now.
 You can seek me now.
 You can find me now.
 You can know me know.
 Don't just know about me
 know me
 know my voice
 know my leading
 for I desire to be known by each one of you.


 It's a hideous thing this curse of dissatisfaction
 a horror that seeps into
 your soul
 and saturates it.
 It brings its own clouds and rain
 to an otherwise sunny day
 and threatens to spoil the most
 perfect of moments.
 It has not received its fair share
 of bad press
 for it lurks with the minor sins
 looking askance at the more
 unmentionable ones
 satisfied in the knowledge that
 humanity cannot see it
 for what it is.
 It climbs onto the victor's podium
 of many a life
 spoiling and souring the success
 that could have been.
 So I hate you and I name you
 and cast you out into
 the darkness where you belong
 and from whence you slithered
 in the first place.

Word recieved 22.1.2012

Do not seek me for the manifestation of my presence alone
 for I desire more than that for your lives.
 Allow my Holy Spirit to come and minister to you in a new way
 to take over your lives completely.
 My presence is not so you can feel good and satisfied in yourselves.
 My presence comes for the needs of the world
 and those who are perishing in it.
 Allow my Spirit to weep through you for the nations
to intercede through you for those who you love who do not know me yet.
 Allow me to fight through you to push back the powers of darkness that would try to destroy this land.
Weep at the altar for those that I give you and see my presence fill this land.

Welcome to my world

It's a rainy day in New Zealand.
But as good a day as any to start.
Welcome to my world.