Sunday 25 September 2022

Wake up, wake up the people through prayer Word Received 21.9.2022

 Wake up, wake up the people through prayer for they slumber and do not know what to do. Wake them up through the power of prayer and usher them into their callings. Many are missing their calling at this time through distraction or discouragement. Strengthen the weak arms and give courage to weak hearts. People are failing to thrive in My Spirit because they are choosing the wide way that leads to destruction of their time and purpose on this Earth. Cry out for your brothers and sisters in Christ who are trapped in the enemy's snares. Break the snares and see them set free. Understand the times but do not be overwhelmed by them for all things shall pass according to My Word. Be awake to the voice of My Spirit and I will lead you through the days to come.

Sunday 18 September 2022

Write My Word on your heart. Word Received 20.8.2022

 Write My Word on your heart and let My Word be your guide. Confusion will reign on the Earth in unprecedented ways and only My righteous ones will be able to think clearly. A stupor is coming that will numb many to a dream like state where reality cannot touch them and where terrible decisions will be made. I desire My people to be awake and alert and to resist the heaviness that will descend over all the peoples. Pray in the spirit and battle through the heaviness until it lifts from over your life. Help others to push it off. If you live with it your spirit will be crushed and you will lose hope. Be attentive to the leading of My Spirit and be wise in your choices. It is time to arise and shine My light in the Earth. It is time for My people to arise.

Saturday 10 September 2022

Be aware of what is behind you. Word Received 20.8.22022

 Be aware of what is behind you for the enemy will creep up on you from an angle you do not expect. Be aware of your surroundings and be aware of those around you. Not everyone who uses My Name is for Me and the enemy has sown tares among the wheat in many places that are not yet observed. When you see the fruit turning bad in someone's life you will know I have not planted them among you. You must deal with the situation and not turn away for the enemy is watching what you will do. Do not let fear silence you but be bold to proclaim the truth and to shine the light into the darkness. You will save many from the plans of the wicked if you speak what is right and do not follow the enemy's plans. Many will succumb to deception and become powerless. Those who love Me will love My Word and will obey it at all times. You will indeed tell a tree by its fruit in these days. 

Sunday 4 September 2022

Go forth in the power of My Word. Word Received 20.8.2022

 Go forth in the power of My Word and manifest My goodness to those on the Earth. Be completely focused and do not take your eyes off Me for a second. Do not turn your face away from Me if you get something wrong but draw even closer to Me and feed on My grace. Do not be discouraged or disheartened for I have accomplished all things and you can do all things in the power of My Name. Do not remain silent but shout out the truth to all who would hear and ring the bells of change on the Earth. Ring them very loudly for the enemy has tried to put everyone to sleep. Shout and make such a noise to wake up those who sleep and show them what the time is. Be very quick in responding to My Word and be very diligent to obey all that I show you to do. These are the days to do great exploits as I show you what to do.