Sunday 4 September 2022

Go forth in the power of My Word. Word Received 20.8.2022

 Go forth in the power of My Word and manifest My goodness to those on the Earth. Be completely focused and do not take your eyes off Me for a second. Do not turn your face away from Me if you get something wrong but draw even closer to Me and feed on My grace. Do not be discouraged or disheartened for I have accomplished all things and you can do all things in the power of My Name. Do not remain silent but shout out the truth to all who would hear and ring the bells of change on the Earth. Ring them very loudly for the enemy has tried to put everyone to sleep. Shout and make such a noise to wake up those who sleep and show them what the time is. Be very quick in responding to My Word and be very diligent to obey all that I show you to do. These are the days to do great exploits as I show you what to do.


Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

The enemy has tried to put everyone to sleep but we need to shout out the truth.

Peter theobald said...

That word Sarah is so relevant for us all in these last days. Thank you so much for this reminder.