Saturday 28 November 2015


Grace like rain.
It falls on the land
in ever increasing showers.
Dry dust becomes fruitful soil
as the Spirit softens hearts
made stone by years of pain.

Grace like rain.
It is falling all around you,
mingling with the tears
of those who weep for this nation
and others like it.

Grace like rain.
It torrents down
washing away evil
and all the filth attached to it,
causing faces to shine
with hope restored.

Grace like rain.
It comes to me softly
calling me onward
into His purposes,
falling in love
with Him again.

Grace like rain.
It's coming.
Don't miss it.
Stand with arms outstretched
to receive it all.

Grace like rain.
Ever near
and everlasting

Grace without end

Friday 13 November 2015

Word Received 14.11.2015

Jesus says Welcome into My presence.
Know that you are co-heirs with Me
and all that I have accomplished through the cross
is available to you by faith.
Come up and be seated in the heavenly places
where you can rule and reign
and bring My Kingdom into the earth.
Be confident in who you are as sons and daughters of the most high God,
heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.
Do not limit Me by the level of your faith
but allow Me to raise your faith
and continue raising it
until all My purposes are accomplished in the earth.
Lift your eyes to Me and see
what I have for you today and every day.
My love and favor is upon you
My beloved ones, says the Lord.