Sunday 31 March 2024

Because you will not listen to my voice. Word Received 4.3.2024

 Because you will not listen to My voice, because you choose to go your own way, because you will not seek My face you will be in the wilderness. Just as the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years so My people wander for lack of contact with Me. They hear stories about Me but they do not know Me in their hearts. They know who I am but they do not honor Me or create space in their lives to be truly present with Me. They are not concerned for My purposes but for things that can bring benefit to themselves rather than to others. They are slow to seek Me and do not want to press into My purposes because their own agendas seem more appealing and interesting. They have lost their fear of Me and do not respect Me as they should. I have all of this against them and yet My great love is still towards them and My unfinished purposes still wait for those who are willing to respond to Me in this late hour. The reward for faithfulness is in and of itself. There is no greater reward than to walk closely with Me and be led by My Spirit. There is no greater joy than to have fellowship with My Holy Spirit and to be fully in My presence. Seek Me and you will find Me in this day. Lay aside everything else that hinders you from being truly alive in My purposes and walk forward with Me as My beloved as I cry out to you.

Sunday 24 March 2024

The enemy is coming to steal from My people. Word Received 4.3.2024

 The enemy is coming to steal from My people because they have left the door open and allowed him access to their inner rooms. They have not been diligent to keep their hearts pure from the corruption of this world and so the enemy has been granted legal access into the depths of people's souls to twist and to tear what I intended for them. There is a great loss and a great mourning for what has been given over to the enemy and My heart yearns for My people to understand what is happening to them before it is too late. Change your mind, change your heart and return to Me. I will wash you with the water of My Word and cleanse you by the power of My Holy Spirit. I will shut the doors of your heart so the enemy cannot walk in and out to steal and to destroy. I will put My hedge around you and you will walk in safety even through the chaos and destruction that is coming on the Earth in unprecedented ways. Take courage for I am with you. Open your heart to Me and I will show you My great power and love to redeem and to restore. Now is the time to listen to My voice and respond to Me. 

Don't listen to his voice

 Don't listen to his voice,

the one who hates you and would see 

the destruction of your soul.

He is the father of lies, 

and no truth can come from him.

His very nature twists and turns.

He is serpentine in every way.

Don't listen to his voice when he puts you down,

or tells you that you'll fail,

you will never amount to anything,

you will not succeed, you have no hope, no future.

Don't listen to him or believe him.

Listen to My voice

for I will show you your true worth,

your ability in Me to change the world around you.

Listen to My voice and I will speak words of life,

and hope, 

and Oh there is so much more to My Kingdom.

Listen to Me

and I will show you how much I treasure you.

Be careful who you listen to,

your life depends on it.

Sunday 17 March 2024

In the quiet place I will speak to you. Word Received 4.3.2024

 In the quiet place I will speak to you and show you what you must do. You cannot hear me when there is noise and distraction so if you chose not to enter the quiet place you are choosing not to listen to My voice. I will not shout to you over the noise of your life and I will not raise My voice over the clamor of other voices vying for your attention. There must be purpose in your seeking of Me and not an apathy to being in My presence. Are the distractions of the world so interesting to you that you do not have time for Me? Are the things that are fleeting more precious than those that are eternal? Re-value what is important to you and then seek Me so I can instruct you. I have called you for particular purpose and blessing that no one else can do. Do not leave undone what I have said already and listen to My voice as I lead and guide you through the days to come.

Speak to me Lord

 Speak to me Lord

and I will listen.

Maybe not today,

because I am particularly busy.

Tomorrow looks good.

I can get up early before work,

unless I'm too tired,

and I sleep through my alarm,

and then have to rush into the day.

You know how it is.

Speak to me Lord

and I will listen.

I will turn off my computer,

and mute my notifications.

I can't put my phone on silent completely,

because someone might need

to contact me urgently.

You know how it is.

Speak to me Lord

and I will listen.

I will have to find a time

when my other half

isn't trying to tell me something,

and the children are asleep.

Maybe late at night would work

really well when our home is quiet.

But I may fall asleep quickly.

You know how it is.

Speak to me Lord

and I will listen.

I think I will have to set aside a whole day,

but I don't believe that is going to happen

for the next couple of months.

My job is intense at the moment.

I can hardly take the weekends off.

You know how it is.

Speak to me Lord

and I will listen.

Definitely on a Sunday morning,

when we go to church,

but sometimes we don't make it.

You know how it is. 

Sunday 10 March 2024

There is a violent wind of opposition coming against My people. Word Received 4.3.2024

 There is a violent wind of opposition coming against My people that will set the world on edge. There will be terror and confusion and persecution that flows down from the highest levels of society. There is a battering ram of evil that is seeking to breakthrough into the very center of My people to displace them forever from My purposes. But I will show Myself powerful on their behalf and flip the battering ram so it turns back against the enemy itself. What is intended for harm against My people will become harm for those who hate them. I will do extraordinary things in their midst to show them I am real and I am who I say I am. Watch and see My hand move on behalf of My people. The world will be astonished because they do not understand Me or My purposes on the Earth. Be ready and be willing to participate in all I have for you in this coming time. 

Sunday 3 March 2024

Devastation is coming to this nation. Word Received 4.3.2023

 Devastation is coming to this nation because they have turned aside from My ways to follow a path that leads to the destruction of many lives that are precious to Me. This land is steeped in blood from the past and from the present. The land is groaning under the weight of it and will soon split open to show its pain. Choices have been made that have produced trauma and pain and a misunderstanding and confusion in people's lives that only My Spirit can bring healing to. You will see the earth shake and people be displaced from their homes. You will see My people respond and raise their voices to heaven on behalf of this land. I will turn over what the enemy has been allowed to do as My people cry out to Me. These will be the days of change, of destruction of the enemies' purposes and the construction of something new that I am birthing in this nation through these labor pains. Do not think I have abandoned this nation as you see these things happening. I have not abandoned it. I am holding it strongly and securely out of the enemies grasp.

I am with you

 I am with you,

till the end of the age,

not just till tomorrow

or when I feel like it.

I am constant

as the stars,

as the quiet moon

that reflects glory.

I am a quiet witness

to this worlds raging,

and I will judge all things

in due course,

and at the right time.

There is nothing that escapes My gaze,

no hidden thing against Me.

No slipping away,

I am here to catch your hand,

to stop you falling.

I am here to give you strength,

when you have lost

all of your own.

I am with you,

as you struggle on in your own strength,

willing for you to

give Me your heavy burden

to carry for a while,

until you can truly let it go.

I am with you,

as we approach the dark night,

and My hand will be holding

yours tightly,

so even if you can't see Me

you know I am there.

Tell Me your anxious thoughts,

and I will tell you

the truth about yourself,

and the times that surround you now.