Sunday 24 March 2024

The enemy is coming to steal from My people. Word Received 4.3.2024

 The enemy is coming to steal from My people because they have left the door open and allowed him access to their inner rooms. They have not been diligent to keep their hearts pure from the corruption of this world and so the enemy has been granted legal access into the depths of people's souls to twist and to tear what I intended for them. There is a great loss and a great mourning for what has been given over to the enemy and My heart yearns for My people to understand what is happening to them before it is too late. Change your mind, change your heart and return to Me. I will wash you with the water of My Word and cleanse you by the power of My Holy Spirit. I will shut the doors of your heart so the enemy cannot walk in and out to steal and to destroy. I will put My hedge around you and you will walk in safety even through the chaos and destruction that is coming on the Earth in unprecedented ways. Take courage for I am with you. Open your heart to Me and I will show you My great power and love to redeem and to restore. Now is the time to listen to My voice and respond to Me. 

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

Let us allow God to fill our lives with His presence so the enemy cannot come near us.