Sunday 3 March 2024

I am with you

 I am with you,

till the end of the age,

not just till tomorrow

or when I feel like it.

I am constant

as the stars,

as the quiet moon

that reflects glory.

I am a quiet witness

to this worlds raging,

and I will judge all things

in due course,

and at the right time.

There is nothing that escapes My gaze,

no hidden thing against Me.

No slipping away,

I am here to catch your hand,

to stop you falling.

I am here to give you strength,

when you have lost

all of your own.

I am with you,

as you struggle on in your own strength,

willing for you to

give Me your heavy burden

to carry for a while,

until you can truly let it go.

I am with you,

as we approach the dark night,

and My hand will be holding

yours tightly,

so even if you can't see Me

you know I am there.

Tell Me your anxious thoughts,

and I will tell you

the truth about yourself,

and the times that surround you now.


Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

It is such a wonderful promise when the Lord says in His Word "I am with you".

Joann said...

I have had a tough week and this morning the Lord reminded me to look at the good that will come of this time instead of focusing on how bad it is. Your poem was an awesome reminder that even in the tough times, He is there. What I am going through is minor compared to what is coming.
I can look at my trials as a time of strengthening for what is to come or I can whine and complain. (I must admit to whining and complaining the first 3 days). Today I took His hand and asked "What do I need to know? What do I need to do? What do you want me to learn?"
Peace at last in the middle of the storm.