Saturday 27 February 2016

Never mind

Hurt people
hurt people.

World hurting.
Hurting world.

Glass smashed.
Plate broken.
Marriage ended.
Children damaged.

Car crashed.
Lives shattered.
Young man crippled.
Family grieved.

Old lady robbed.
Money taken.
Arm wrenched.
Cheek bruised.

Job lost.
Family bankrupt.
All despaired.
House repossessed.

Biopsy positive.
Cancer returned.
Prognosis worsened.
Life shortened.

Crime committed.
Children removed.
Inmate beaten.
Hope lost.

It doesn't touch my life.


Never mind

Saturday 20 February 2016


come so easily to my mind
of what I will say to you.

Then I am with you
and they are gone
deleted in an instant,

I practice
and tell myself
I will be clear
and precise
and reasonable.
But my precision fades,
my clarity muddles,
and I am quiet,
except for the voice
shouting in my head
that I should have said something.

Perhaps I should write to you,
record my thoughts while still coherent.
Then I won't be swayed by
emotional response,
trying to read your mind,
or fear of rejection.

It is easy to remain silent
on the most important of topics,
filling instead verbal space with trivia.

I want to tell you
that "it is appointed for men to die once,
but after this the judgment."
I don't want you to be under judgment.

You need an advocate.

You need the Savior.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Ode to tabloid love (and 1 Corinthians 13)

Love is a very splendid thing,
except when it is difficult
and painful
and confusing.

Love suffers long and is kind;
love does not envy;love does not parade itself,is not puffed up;

It is so over verbalized in glossy magazines,
dissected photogenically,
until the reader is sick at the stench of it's decay
in following editions.

Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own,
is not provoked,thinks no evil:

Love is an elusive treasure boasted about by the honey tongued
when it is seemingly found,
only to turn into ash
in the mouths of those betrayed.

Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;

Current ideas of love morph and twist
as they are pulled to and fro
by philosophizing fools,
spitting out inconclusive survey results
to prove their insanity.

Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.

She has found true love the front cover screams,
but if my memory serves me correctly
it is indeed the eighth time this has happened.
Where is the truth in the love in that?

Love never fails.

Not everyone can do what feels right without hurting anyone else.
It is as impossible now as it ever was and ever will be.

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

When will we realize we have been given the truth about love?
When will we take it to heart?

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Word Received 6.2.2016

Take counsel with Me and see My strategy
for defeating the enemies schemes.
Do not be passive and allow his attack
to overwhelm you, but rise up
in the power of My Spirit
and lay claim to what I have for
you in these days.
These are days of decision
for many people so do not become
consumed by your own battles,
but seek My path of victory
and look outward.
Many distractions will try to cause you
to miss what I have for you as My people
and for others who do not yet know Me.
Walk in step with My Spirit
and you will know victory,
says the Lord.

Saturday 6 February 2016


I saw your face
in my dream last night,
a half forgotten memory
with enough back story
to ignite fresh emotion.

I had left the past
in the sea of forgetfulness,
yet somehow fragments
bumped against the shoreline,
unwanted flotsam and jetsam
of my former life.

The currents are fickle
in their timing
to resurface unwanted thoughts.
They have floated unseen
for so long.

I had thought them
absorbed by the ocean.

Yet they still retain their form
clearly enough for me to recognize them,
and immediately wish I hadn't.

A fresh path of memory track
laid unwittingly,
another choice to lay aside.

It is not so much
a haunting of the past,
as a flash of a familiar face in the crowd
that causes you to double take.

It is not them
and never will be.
They have long gone,
but their memory remains.