Wednesday 20 May 2015

God the Father

Our Father says
He does not want His children begging for bread
when He has all the riches of heaven
and His Kingdom
to pour out to them.
He doesn't want His children
to live in poverty of spirit,
to be paupers.
He wants them to recognize their place in His family
as sons and daughters of the King.
He wants them to recognize the gifts and treasures
He has stored up for them,
and He wants us to just accept them
and thank Him for them.
We do not need to beg for them
from an owner of an orphanage,
wondering if he will
be in a good mood to give us a little.
God the Father delights
to pour out His blessings on us,
to lavish them upon us
because of His great goodness,
not because we have done
or need to do anything
to deserve it.
His love is extravagant
and extreme.
His love is strong, passionate,
fiercely protective,
delighting, rejoicing over us.
We have been fed a lie
that we need to earn His favour.
It is impossible to earn it
because we already have it.
We have His favour
Live in it,
live like you believe it.
Rejoice in it for His favour will never fail,
never diminish,
never change,
constant for eternity,
constantly with Him for eternity.

Friday 8 May 2015


Mothers are marvelous beings    they can see from in front and behind
They know what their child is doing    almost all of the time.
They are caring, compassionate,    cuddly and fun
Only grumpy and grouchy    when having to run.
Their smiles are so warm    meaning a million words
Of love and affection    and you are so heard.

They believe and have hope   in most difficult times
Hearing the night clock     through all its shortest chimes.
They rejoice and celebrate      in victories won
And they’re there for the bad times     and working through sums.
They are constantly busy     and never sit down
Except when they’re visiting friends     or at the Dentist’s in town.

They glory in triumph      and weep for defeat
And make sure your clothes     are tidy and neat.
They are marvelous cooks     and even when not
Food is flavored with love      as it comes from the pot.
They are happy and kind     in the midst of a storm
And can see in your soul     if you’re feeling forlorn.

Mothers are wonderful      as you can see

God made them that way       for you and for me.

Word Received 2.5.2015

A time of increased devastation is coming
on the earth and has already come.
Disaster upon disaster shall come 
but do not let your hearts grow cold
towards those who are in despair.
Pray for My will and My kingdom
to come on the earth
with a fervency you have not known yet.
Cry out to me with true intercession,
standing in the gap for those who do not
yet know how to call on me as Father.
I will be blamed for the catastrophes
but I am not the one causing them.
The earth is groaning and laboring, 
all creation waits for the sons and daughters
of God to be manifest
and to wield their rightful authority on the earth.
Your prayers can bring change on a level
that is as yet not imagined by you.
You do not yet believe the authority
I have given you to bring
My kingdom onto the earth.
Rise up in that authority and declare My purposes 
so that the people who do not yet
know of My love shall come to Me.
Creation is groaning to see My life in you brought forth.

Allow it to come and do not resist
the move of My Spirit in these days,” says the Lord.