Saturday 28 October 2023

Do not fear man but fear Me says the Lord. Word Received 28.10.2023

 Do not fear man but fear Me says the Lord who is to be feared. Fear Me and honor Me above all else so My deliverance can come into your situation and My grace and healing can be manifest in your lives. Do not fear the enemy for his time is short and he knows it. He will wreck destruction where he may but he cannot overthrow My plans and purposes and his destruction is coming. He will suffer as My righteous judgement commands and all those who suffer at his hands for My sake will be recompensed. He will not have the ultimate victory for it is already secured through the cross. Do not underestimate the power of the cross and the power of My blood as you withstand the onslaught of the demonic in these days. Stand firm and stand fast holding onto My Word at all times. Nothing can separate you from My love so keep looking to Me and listening to My voice. Lies will increase. Turbulence will increase. Disasters will increase. These are the birth pangs. Do not give up hope but know that your redemption is near. There will be a mighty outpouring of My Spirit and many will be swept into My Kingdom. Do not mourn but rejoice in Me knowing My great and abiding love for all people everywhere.

I can't see You

 I can't see You,

but I know

You are with me.

I can't touch You,

 but I feel 

Your presence with me.

It is a mystery

of faith and grace,

that we can be so sure

of Someone

you cannot prove,

but nobody can

make you deny.

By the blood of the Lamb

and the word of our testimony.

We know God,

and no one can make us

unknow Him.

They can take away

everything else we have in life,

but they cannot take away

God's Spirit from us.

Many will die for their faith

in Jesus, 

many will suffer loss.

But this world is so fleeting,

what's the point

of worrying.

Eternal consequences

are far more weighty,

than human allegiance

to systems that will

all eventually be destroyed.

I know Jesus,

and no one 

can remove His Holy Spirit from my life.

Thank you Lord,

Nothing can separate us from Your love. 

Saturday 21 October 2023

Calm your heart and steel your nerves. Word Received 19.10.2023

 Calm your heart and steel your nerves. You are going into a time of extreme turbulence and trauma around the world. See I have told you things so you can have peace for no one will find peace outside of My presence. Search for Me and seek Me not for what I can do but for who I am then you will see the manifestation of My power in your lives. There is no more time for lukewarmness, no more time for double mindedness concerning Me or My Kingdom. Decide and hold fast to your decision and you will indeed soar on wings like eagles. My people will see My glory displayed and they will rejoice in Me.

Be Bold

 Be bold.

Be strong.

Don't crumple,

or fold,

or faint for fear.


I give you,

not as the world gives,

because it is completely bankrupt,

and cannot find two tiny coins

of manmade peace

to rub together.

To war,

or not to war,

has replaced the "to be" question.

Jesus is King,

and His Kingdom

will smash this present darkness.

Right now,

make the choice,

to stand for righteousness.

The King is coming.

Be bold.

Be strong.


Saturday 14 October 2023

Tell My people to wake up. Word Received 15.10.2023

 Tell My people to wake up for I am coming soon. There is a spirit of confusion upon the peoples of the Earth for they are choosing not to align with My purposes and plans. As there are seasons in the natural so in the spirit. Diligently keep the seasons of My Spirit and be ready to respond to My leadings. New growth can spring out of seemingly dead wood and new life can spring out of the darkest environments. Do not discount any person or situation for My Holy Spirit can breathe life into dry bones and new hearts where they are hardened by pain. Do not cease to cry out for the salvation of those you know and love. My earnest desire is that all would turn to Me and be saved. I am coming soon says the Lord.

Buy More Time

 We can't buy more time

with all the latest gadgets,

and handy household tools.

We can't buy more time,

however hard we try to




the things that surround us.

Time just keeps going,


but now somehow faster.

Sometimes there isn't enough time in the day

to pray,

to read the Bible,

to sit with God and be still.

Our parcels of twenty four hours

keep slipping away,

one after the other,

and we are left,

wondering what eternal value

was accomplished

in ours 

or others' lives.

We can't buy more time,

to preserve in jars on shelves,

stored for future use.

The pendulum clock in the kitchen ticks on,

and on,

and on,

and on,






Saturday 7 October 2023

The world is entering a time of great darkness. Word Received 8.10.2023

 The world is entering a time of great darkness where you will need the light of the gospel to be able to see. There will be such confusion and panic, such distress and disorder that only those who are standing on the rock of My Word will be able to continue to stand. The world has never seen anything like this and it would have never welcomed the darkness in if it had understood its end. Be the light to those around you and speak My truth into situations that are full of lies. My truth will dispel the lie as light dispels the darkness. Do not think your situation is insufficient to warrant My concern. I care deeply for My people in every corner of the Earth and for those who are yet to hear the good news of My salvation. Tell them and let your light shine for time is running out.

Go into all the world

 Go into all the world

and let them know

that I am coming soon.

My Word cannot lie,

so don't believe the lie,

that it could not be so.

All things will change.

Every knee will bow,

and those who thought they knew best,

for everyone else,

will be sadly mistaken.

Don't lose hope,

when the night becomes

so dark

you can hardly see.

Know that the dawn is coming,

and the Son of righteousness

will rise

to a very new and different day.

Keep standing.

Keep believing.

Keep going,

My beloved.

I am coming soon.