Saturday 7 October 2023

The world is entering a time of great darkness. Word Received 8.10.2023

 The world is entering a time of great darkness where you will need the light of the gospel to be able to see. There will be such confusion and panic, such distress and disorder that only those who are standing on the rock of My Word will be able to continue to stand. The world has never seen anything like this and it would have never welcomed the darkness in if it had understood its end. Be the light to those around you and speak My truth into situations that are full of lies. My truth will dispel the lie as light dispels the darkness. Do not think your situation is insufficient to warrant My concern. I care deeply for My people in every corner of the Earth and for those who are yet to hear the good news of My salvation. Tell them and let your light shine for time is running out.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth Angus said...

Let us keep our light shining brightly and not allow anything to quench it.