Wednesday 6 November 2019

Word Received 7.11.2019

Do not fear for I am the Lord your God.
Do not be afraid of what is coming
upon the earth in these days
for I am with you.
Do not be dismayed or confused
for My Word has said
these things will happen.
Seek Me and find Me
in these days
and reach out to others
in My Name says the Lord.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Unborn Child

I’m in your womb,
I can’t yet say words for you to hear.
I sense your feelings, happy or sad,
so strongly we are linked.
I look forward to seeing you
in the moment I am born.
It is a precious bond between us
that I want to last a lifetime.
If that cannot happen I’m sure
there is an open heart house
somewhere else for me.
Please can my life be
 for more than a few months.
I have heart dreams,
ready to express with learnt language.
You need to trust my life
 is as real as your own.
Please let me see sunrise and sunsets,
and run beneath the big blue sky.
Please let me explore the world,
you already have the privilege of knowing.
I have so much potential,
 a unique character with purposeful plans to fulfill.
Please don’t end my life
when it has only just begun.
Your mother chose to let you live,
please do the same for me.

Sunday 4 August 2019

Word Received 31.7.2019

I am going to take you
to new heights in My Spirit
and new depths in My Word.
My inspiration will bring strategies
and solutions to your communities
and to the world.
I desire My people to stand up
in their appointed roles,
and not to be shy concerning
what I have called you to do.
You will be my ambassadors
in these days, says the Lord,
to bring change to your nation
and cause hearts to turn to Me.

Saturday 1 June 2019

Safe Now And Forever

Behold I make a way before you
of steady hope and perfect peace.
Lost then found,
broken then restored.
Life regained,
some things given up
that do not last,
to receive eternal prize
and personal reward.

To follow closely in footsteps already marked,
neither turning to left or right,
ever onwards.
Sometimes climbing,
sometimes running,
always with abundant life
pressing through and flowing out.

Breaking bread of blessing,
to creatively share with multitudes.
Never striving for success,
but receiving favour as beloved.
Resting in the everlasting arms,
safe now and forever.

Sunday 26 May 2019

Word Received 25.5.2019

I am looking for greater unity among My people,
so I can give them greater responsibility.
To be trusted with power
you must show yourself faithful
to My commandments and to My Word.
These things are not only for your benefit,
but for the benefit and blessing
of all those around you.
Do not hoard My blessing,
but let it flow through your lives continually.
I have called you to be salt and light
in this age of decay and darkness.
Do not presume you can do it in your own strength.
You need My Holy Spirit transforming your lives first,
so that those around you will see clearly that which I am offering them.
Obedience has a high price,
but without it you will not achieve My works in your lives.
Be obedient and you will see
the outpouring you so desire in this time.

Friday 29 March 2019

How Are You?

How are you?

(I'm feeling sad today. The world is not as I would like it.
Death and destruction abound. I fear for people's souls.)

How are you?

(I'm in love with God, with life.
My feet aren't touching the ground.)

How are you?

(I'm lonely. I feel isolated.
I need to feel the touch of another in affirmation.)

How are you?

(I'm bored. I need excitement. I want to dance, sparkle, laugh,
but it's three o'clock in the afternoon.)

How are you?

(I don't feel like talking.
I'm in one of my solitary moods.)

How are you?
Do you really want to know?

Thursday 14 February 2019

Word received 13.2.2019

Wait on the Lord
and receive His strength,
for you will need more than
your own strength in the days to come.
You cannot afford to grow weary
and faint for I have so much
for My people to lay hold of
for My kingdom.
Wait on Me
and renew your strength
in these days, says the Lord.

Friday 25 January 2019

Hello Future

Hello future,
I'm not afraid of you.
I'm stepping into you right now
with choices I have made,
and vision in my mind.

I want God's plan for me,
glory to glory,
and eternity firmly in my heart.

I want my past
to stay that way,
so I choose not to keep
looking back,
at things I have no power
to change.
Mistakes made,
time wasted,
mountains re-circled,
adventures missed.

I have today,
and if I do not walk into it,
it will soon become
a yesterday of regret.

Time is not waiting for me.
It will roll on regardless
of my response.

Today holds promises.
Jesus stands
and smiles at me,
beckoning me to journey with Him.
His promise sure
that He is with me,
as I step into my future.

Saturday 12 January 2019

Word Received 5.1.2019

I want you to walk
a tightrope of grace,
held by truth and law
and by My Holy Spirit.
Walk with the tension
of seeking perfection
and right standing in all things,
knowing that My mercy and grace
hold you when you stumble and fall.
Carry the balancing pole
of absolute truth and total justice,
knowing that you are free
in the boundaries of My
Holy Spirit's guidance.
There is great liberty
but also great responsibility,
for with increased knowledge
comes increased accountability.
Walk and keep looking into My face,
and as you do so your footing will be sure
and your balance will be true.
Do not give temptation time,
for in doing so you will court disaster
for your own life and others lives.
Keep your eyes fixed on Me,
and the world will not trip you up.
My favor is towards you
for you to succeed.