Wednesday 4 September 2019

Unborn Child

I’m in your womb,
I can’t yet say words for you to hear.
I sense your feelings, happy or sad,
so strongly we are linked.
I look forward to seeing you
in the moment I am born.
It is a precious bond between us
that I want to last a lifetime.
If that cannot happen I’m sure
there is an open heart house
somewhere else for me.
Please can my life be
 for more than a few months.
I have heart dreams,
ready to express with learnt language.
You need to trust my life
 is as real as your own.
Please let me see sunrise and sunsets,
and run beneath the big blue sky.
Please let me explore the world,
you already have the privilege of knowing.
I have so much potential,
 a unique character with purposeful plans to fulfill.
Please don’t end my life
when it has only just begun.
Your mother chose to let you live,
please do the same for me.

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